FS2004 > Page 807
1.16Mb (348 downloads)
Hughes 500C Wairarapa Helicopters, New Zealand Textures only.
This is my first repaint of for the Hughes OH-6A Highskid Civilian
version for FS9. Model by Richard 'fr8ycat" Frady (required
,."Wairarapa Helicopters" today is called "Amalgamated
Helicopters" and does no longer fly the 500C-Model. It
has already been replaced by the D-Model and now the E-Model.
Jörg Sparbrodt. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
4.59Mb (886 downloads)
/ FS2004 Westland Wessex G-BCLO Textures Only.
British Airways colours, the real G-BCLO is actually a Sikorsky
S-58ET. This repaint requires the Simshed RAF Wessex here.
Repaint by Andy Nott of AGN Textures. 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
2.08Mb (1203 downloads)
Bell 407 D-HACC Actionconcept Textures only. .
Requires the Bell 407 from Alan Devins and Rory Kelly here:
Gregor Sahm. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
1.33Mb (664 downloads)
UH-1H Bluegrass Textures only.
Repaint of Jordan Moore’s UH-1h including cfg file for
both bluegrass and the 1st helicopter squadron model. You need
here . Painted with Jordan’s kind Permission by Luke
Friese. Bluegrass is a Virtual airline on the westcoastatc server.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
2.70Mb (1645 downloads)
Piasecki H-21C U.S. Navy textures only.
For use only with the model released by Mick Posch for FS9.
These textures represent the last version of the Piasecki Model
HRP-2 aircraft, which was the predessor to the model H-21 and
its later versions. Download contains only the new textures.
Original model is required and is available at the SimViation
site. Get file named H21C_MSFS2004_MickPosch_v1.zip. (here)
Thanks to Mick for a great flying and good looking model, as
well as the excellent paint kit for us new comers to the hobby
to get started in repainting. Repaint by Bob Anstine. 2.7 MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
9.40Mb (5783 downloads)
UKMIL Merlin HC3 update pack.
This pack will update the FS9 and FSX versions of the Merlin
HC3 RAF toinclude the new Danish leased Merlins after install,
you will get one additional MErlin, Listed as MErlin HC3a, 78
SQN to install simply copy the required files for whichever
FS you are using You MUST have installed the UKMIL Merlin HC3
RAF (here)
PRIOR to this for it to work, as it uses some files for the
sounds and panels from that install. By UKMil. 9.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
0.46Mb (1666 downloads)
Aerospatiale/Eurocopter AS365N3 Dauphin Presidential F.A.D Domincian
Repubic Textures only.
. Note: This file is missing the aircraft.cfg edits so these
will need to be done by anyone installing these textures! By
Robert Serrata. Requires Antti Pankkone's original model (dauph2k2.zip)
here. 472K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
1.15Mb (1635 downloads)
Polish Navy SH-2G Seasprite No.28 Squadron - 163544 Textures
Texture of a Polish Naval Aviation SH-2G Seasprite of No.28
Squadron circa 2007 based at Gdynia-Babie Doly NAS, Poland for
the excellent freeware SH-2G from Nigel Booth (above). Repaint
textures by Jason Sparkes of UKMIL/USMIL . 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
35.34Mb (3060 downloads)
Bell 412 Japan Coast Guard Complete Package.
In this file, there are all Bell 412 that the Japan Coast Guard
has now. It is composed of 3 models and 8 repaints. Based on
the Hovercontrol original. Repaints by Nobup Poi. 36.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
1.19Mb (1511 downloads)
RNZAF/NAVY SH-2G(NZ) Seasprite No.6 Squadron Textures Only
Texture of a Royal New Zealand Air Force/Naval Division SH-2G(NZ)
Seasprite of No.6 Squadron circa 2007 based at Whenuapai AB,
New Zealand for the excellent freeware SH-2G from Nigel Booth
(above). Repaint textures by Jason Sparkes of UKMIL/USMIL. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive