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FS2004 > Page 836
                  Kittyhawk Boeing 737-200 House Colours.
4.31Mb (3205 downloads)
FS2004 Kittyhawk Boeing 737-200 House Colours. All textures are high quality 32bit and include shading, shadows and dirt - no mips. Model included in this packes as well as Mike Baumann's updated FDE. I have also tweaked the contact points to improve ground and landing gear interaction. Effects for lighting and smoke also included. Please see zip file for more screenshots. Repainted by Philip Foglar. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Boeing 737-800 Corendon Airlines
4.77Mb (2573 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 737-800 Corendon Airlines. Aircraft model, FDE, master textures by: FlightFX Repaint/Airline Textures by: Wiebe van der Wal. 4.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
FS2004                  HS 121 Trident 1E-140 Channel Airways Textures only
1.31Mb (1013 downloads)
FS2004 HS 121 Trident 1E-140 Channel Airways Textures only. Channel Airways took the bold and ill advised step of ordering a fleet of brand new HS Tridents and BAC 1-11's. It was soon realised that the airline would be unable to sustain their purchase so the orders were trimmed. The Trident order was for five high capacity series 1E-140 with seven abreast seating in some parts of the fuselage. Only two were delivered, one was sold to Air Ceylon and the remaining two to BKS. The airline was not even to operate two aircraft for long as one, G-AVYE was later grounded due to an engine being held by Rolls Royce against debt. It donated a few parts to the remaing machine. After Channel's collapse both the aircraft were sold to BEA. Requires the HS121 Trident 2 model by David Maltby here. Repaint Garry Russell. 1.3MB
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Gulftream V HB-IVL"Gulfstream Aviation" Textures only
0.20Mb (1535 downloads)
FS2004 Gulftream V HB-IVL"Gulfstream Aviation" Textures only. Real swiss livery. Serial number 513. Produced by Gulfstream Aerospace, the Gulstream V is yet another in a long line of highly succesful mid-size corporate jets. Sleak, and modern the Gulftream is comfortable, reliable and efficient. Textures only, requires original aircraft by Mike Stone here. Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 201K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
FS2004                  Lear 35 REGA Swiss Air Ambulance Textures only
0.18Mb (1392 downloads)
FS2004 Lear 35 REGA Swiss Air Ambulance Textures only. Real livery with HB-VFB registration, now operated to the Swiss Air Force. The 3x series of Lear business jets are enlarged versions of the earlier 2x series. They are the first equipped with fanjetengines, giving improved performance and fuel effiency.Textures only, requires original aircraft by Mike Stone here. Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 189K
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
FS2004                  Lear 35B HB-VGU Textures only
0.20Mb (1129 downloads)
FS2004 Lear 35B HB-VGU Textures only. Real livery for this 35 used in Switzerland in the 80's. Serial number 331. The 3x series of Lear business jets are enlarged versions of the earlier 2x series. They are the first equipped with fanjetengines, giving improved performance and fuel effiency.Textures only, requires original aircraft by Mike Stone here .Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 202K
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  A330-200 Virgin Atlantic
2.95Mb (12881 downloads)
Airbus A330-200 Virgin Atlantic. Project Open Sky’s Airbus A330-200 equiped with Rolls Royce engines. Painted to the Virgin Atlantic’s colours. I know; Virgin Atlantic doesn’t own any A330’s! I’m proud to present you the fictive A330 called Lady Hannah “Sweet love”. My second anniversary scheme. Completely painted from scratch, 98% of the entire textures templates including the alphas and night effect are absolutely new. Typical night lighting. Fabulous interior and cargo bay textures. Aircraft by Project Opensky, Remastered textures, alphas, night effects and Malaysia "Hibiscus" scheme by Samy Fay. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Airbus A330-200 Air Tahiti RR Engines.
2.97Mb (4595 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A330-200 Air Tahiti RR Engines. Project Open Sky’s Airbus A330-200 equipped with Rolls Royce engines. Painted to the Air Tahiti Nui’s colors. I know; Air Tahiti doesn’t own any A 330’s! I’m proud to present you the fictive A330 called Makemo (name of an island near Tahiti). Completely painted from scratch, 98% of the entire textures templates including the alphas and night effect are absolutely new. Typical night lighting. Fabulous interior and cargo bay textures.Aircraft by Project Opensky, Remastered textures, alphas, night effects and Malaysia "Hibiscus" scheme by Samy Fay. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  A330-200 P&W Malaysian
2.91Mb (2877 downloads)
FS2004 A330-200 P&W Malaysian. Project Open Sky’s Airbus A330-200 equipped with Pratt & Whitney engines. I’m proud to present you the fictive Malaysian A330 surnamed Hibiscus. In fact, the Hibiscus theme was painted on a 747 but I like very much the scheme and the A330. So why not try a mix? Textures have been entirely re-mastered from scratch, the day and night textures and alpha effects are absolutely new. Typical night lighting and fabulous static reflections on engines that make wings views a delight. Aircraft by Project Opensky, Remastered textures, alphas, night effects and Malaysia "Hibiscus" scheme by Samy Fay. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  A330-200 RR Malaysian.
2.92Mb (3804 downloads)
FS2004 A330-200 RR Malaysian. Project Open Sky’s Airbus A330-200 equipped with Rolls Royce engines. I’m proud to present you the fictive Malaysian A330 surnamed Hibiscus. In fact, the Hibiscus theme was painted on a 747. But I like very much the scheme and the A330. So why not try a mix? Textures have been entirely re-mastered from scratch, the day and night textures and alpha effects are absolutely new. Typical night lighting and fabulous static reflections on engines that make wings views a delight. Aircraft by Project Opensky, Remastered textures, alphas, night effects and Malaysia "Hibiscus" scheme by Samy Fay. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive