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FS2004 > Page 893
                  SGA DC10 Series 30 British Airways (Fictional) Textures Only
5.29Mb (1843 downloads)
FS2002/2004 SGA DC10 Series 30 British Airways (Fictional) Textures Only. Requires previous installation of Series 30 base pack or aircraft (here). This is part of the "What if...?" collection had the airlines kept operating the DC10 today. Edit your aircraft's config as required. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 5.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  SGA DC10 Series 30 British Airways (Fictional) Textures Only.
5.65Mb (1098 downloads)
FS2002/2004 SGA DC10 Series 30 British Airways (Fictional) Textures Only. Requires previous installation of Series 30 base pack or aircraft (here). This is part of the "What if...?" collection had the airlines kept operating the DC10 today. Edit your aircraft's config as required. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  SGA DC10 Series 30 British Airways (Fictional) Textures Only
5.25Mb (1529 downloads)
FS2002/2004 SGA DC10 Series 30 British Airways (Fictional) Textures Only. Requires previous installation of Series 30 base pack or aircraft (here). This is part of the "What if...?" collection had the airlines kept operating the DC10 today. Edit your aircraft's config as required. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 5.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  SGA DC10 Series 30 Continental Airlines "Red Meatball" Textures
5.11Mb (1318 downloads)
FS2002/2004 SGA DC10 Series 30 Continental Airlines "Red Meatball" Textures Only. This aircraft was originally with Eastern Airlines. . Requires previous installation of Series 30 base pack or aircraft (here) . Edit your aircraft's config as required. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 5.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  SGA DC10 Series 30 Delta Airlines (Fictional)
5.47Mb (2161 downloads)
FS2002/2004 SGA DC10 Series 30 Delta Airlines (Fictional) Textures Only. Requires previous installation of Series 30 base pack or aircraft (here) . This is part of the "What if...?" collection had the airlines kept operating the DC10 today. Edit your aircraft's config as required. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 5.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  SGA DC10 Series 30 Malev Airlines (Fictional) Textures Only
4.46Mb (1477 downloads)
FS2002/2004 SGA DC10 Series 30 Malev Airlines (Fictional) Textures Only. Requires previous installation of Series 30 base pack or aircraft (here) . This is part of the "What if...?" collection had the airline operated the DC10 today. For all my Hungarian Friends here and abroad. Edit your aircraft's config as required. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  SGA DC10 Series 10 United Airlines
4.70Mb (2776 downloads)
FS2002/2004 SGA DC10 Series 10 United Airlines Tail number N1819U in late 80's scheme. This is dedicated to the passengers and crew of Flight 232 which crashed while attempting an emergency landing at Siuox City, Iowa July 19, 1989 after a catostrophic failure of the number 2 engine. Textures Only. Requires previous installation of Series 10 base pack or aircraft (here) . Edit your aircraft's config as required. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 4.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  SGA MD8x Spirit Airlines Textures Only.
1.09Mb (1314 downloads)
FS2002/2004 SGA MD8x Spirit Airlines Textures Only. Requires previous installation of MD83/88 base pack or aircraft (here) . Edit your aircraft's config as required. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  DC-10 Panels Upgrade.
5.65Mb (7489 downloads)
FS2004/2002 DC-10 Panels Upgrade. The original classic DC-10 Steffan Ahlberg panel updated. Aimed specifically at the SGA DC-10 Series. Upgraded by MIKE BAUMANN FOR SGA (2003) Originally created by by STAFFAN AHLBERG. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
1.21Mb (1955 downloads)
FS2004/2002 SGA DC10 Flight Dynamics Upgrades Flight Dynamics upgrades for all the Series (10, 15, 30, 30ER, 40, 40D, 40I) DC10's released by FFX/SGA (here) . Package also includes Wing upgrades in both the bare metal and full painted variations. All of the flaws, glitches, anything that was wrong with the original release have now been addressed. These aircraft now fly as close to the real DC10 as FS will permit. ALL FILES BY MIKE BAUMANN/SGA. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive