FS2004 > Gliders and Ultralites > Page 4

29.81Mb (11327 downloads)
SZD-30 Pirat is a single seat multi purpose sailplane (today aerobatics are not allowed) designed in 1964 by Jerzy Smielkiewicz. First prototype flew in 1966,
production started a year later. A total 813 had been built, including 46 SZD-30C version.
Posted Aug 30, 2009 05:41 by Michal Puto
1.11Mb (653 downloads)
The Ka 8 was probably with 1180 copies the most frequently
built glider between 1958 and 1976. On it at that time many
flight beginners gained its first experiences in the solo
flight. Model by Wolfgang Piper. 1.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
1.16Mb (418 downloads)
The Ka 6 E was the successor of Ka 6 CR with a slimmer fuselage,
improved wing profile and pendulum elevator. First flight
was 1965. 394 pieces were built. The original of this aircraft
flies in Weissenburg. All picture documents of Ka 6 E are
from Thomas Häcker. Thanks for the one ! Model by Wolfgang
Piper. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
1.50Mb (1206 downloads)
Scheibe 25C-Falke.
The first Scheibe Falke was built in 1963. It started with
the A-Falke (25 hp) and the B-Falke (45 hp) up to today's
C-Falke (80 hp). The FS models are fitted out with animated
canopy, sticks, gear, wheels and a simple virtual cockpit,
this version is a tail dragger. Full credit goes to Wolfgang
Piper for this lovely plane. 1.5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
2.08Mb (206 downloads)
Texture fixes for the default Schweizr paintwork,
including virtual cockpit, which can appear blurred as they
come in the box, for users without the very latest vid/graphics
cards. These texture fixes clears up the paintwork to what
they should be. The texture fixes are self-installing. Fixed
by Tony Gould. 2.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

12.50Mb (2743 downloads)
FS2004 Swift S1 HA v2
An aerobatic sailplane by Edward Marganski.
FS model designed by Naoki Uehara.
Included a real video too.
Mods FD, sounds, panel and repaint by George Csillag.
(full fixed final pack)
Posted Aug 21, 2009 04:40 by GCs

12.21Mb (1917 downloads)
FS2004 Swift S1 Aerobatic Glider
An aerobatic sailplane by Edward Marganski.
FS98 model designed by Naoki Uehara.
Included a real video too.
Adds FD, sounds, panel by George Csillag.
Posted Aug 16, 2009 06:16 by GCs

4.14Mb (6822 downloads)
The Fox is the first double seated sailplane for aerobatics, and its unique until the present day.
This is the Fox 1 was flown three times at the Tag der Offenen tür of the LSV Schneverdingen in Germany.
the gauges are programmed by G.Csillag and Max Roodtveldt
The Installer is in german
Christian Drawz
Posted Oct 27, 2008 19:43 by Christian Drawz

8.51Mb (18945 downloads)
Maverick Trike for FS9 and FS2002
This package is meant to simulate a
Part 103 legal ultralight trike.
It cruises at 40 mph (35 kts)
best enjoyed @ 500-1000 ft. AGL.
I have tried to apply my real world
trike flying experience to the flight
dynamics of this trike.
By John Cillis
Sounds - Dean Scott
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:47 by archive
0.10Mb (192 downloads)
Spain Pack2 Soaring Scenery
These files adds thermals to default Microsoft Montflorite,Spain,
scenery Region : 1.Montflorite City-Montflorite Gliderport(LEMF
- ICAO ficcional)-home of Club Nimbus de Vuelo a Vela. - RWY
13/31 Asphalt 1800x33 ft - Coordinates: N 42* 4´51.47" - W
04* 194´24.47" - elevation: 1653 ft; - Radio AIDS: - TWR -
122.6 MHz. - Facilities: 3 Hangars; 2.Fuentemilanos City -Fuentemilanos
Airp.(LEFM) - home Club Aeronautico de Segóvia; 3.Ocaña City
- Ocaña Airp.(LEOC) - home of Club Clavileno 4. La Cerdanya
City - La Cerdanya Airp.(LEMB) - home of Club de Vol a Vela
La Cerdanya; By Francisco Vargas. 107K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive