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FS2004 > Misc > Page 38
                  Enterprise 1701 Shuttle Updated.
0.31Mb (2951 downloads)
FS2004 Enterprise 1701 Shuttle Updated. This is an update of the Enterprise 1701 Shuttle by Chris Herring. I have updated the flight dynamics, corrected the contact points and added float points so it can land on water, and given the panel a new look, adding toggles, a GPS, and replacing most of the gauges. Bob Chicilo. 321K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:20 by archive
6.21Mb (1321 downloads)
Steve Hinson's Views on the Forthcoming new Flight Simulator from Microsoft - 'FSX' (A Personal Viewpoint) A short (About 30 minutes).mp3 sound byte I created to inform pilots of (a personal view of) the reality of what is to come with this fantastic new FSX sim! A must HearMe! The media is mine and does not reflect the web site opinion at all. Concerns a subject THAT HAS NOT BEEN DISCUSSED and should be! Email me with RELATIVE NON-FLAMED comments, NO HATE MAIL. There is enough of that already. Isn't there? This is meant to HELP YOU MAKE A SOUND BUY DECISION when time to get the FSX simulator. Steve Hinson. 6.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:20 by archive
27.81Mb (676 downloads)
FS2002/2004 'Continental Airlines' Menu Screens: Menu screens for 2002/2004 in a Continental Airline scheme. These screens come with very easy installation. By Chris Hatcher. 28.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:20 by archive
1.30Mb (10988 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Eagle. This is a Fully animated Eagle.. Its my first "Aircraft" that worked as it should do. Its nice to Soar it in the wind and to look it from the Tower sight. Model and textures by Christopher HardtPanel for DG-100 Glider Paneldesign by Wolfgang Piper Instruments programmed by Max Roodveldt. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:20 by archive
                  Japanese Import Package
18.24Mb (15198 downloads)
FS2004 Japanese Import Package Introducing the 1999 Nissan Skyline R34. In the real world, the Skyline would have been prohibited to drive in American streets due to its ulrta-high engine specifications unless you choose to downgrade it. But the Skyline doesn't need to follow such rules in the virtual world of FS. The most notable feature however is the interior. The interior is applied with textures that are entirely made out of photos gathered from all over the internet. Full-model DVC is included as usual for those who like extreme angles for screenshots and videos. Full animations as well as active DVC gauges, clickable switches and photo panel are also included. You can also drive with the blue vc light instead of the usual red if you prefer a more modern feel instead. The sounds are also found on the internet. In other words, this addon is a perfect example on how much resources are out there for those who like to learn more about addon development. A new custom made environment map is included to give the Nissan Skyline a more realistic reflection of the ground. Visual model, dynamics, animations are made by Jessy Corrales. 18.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:20 by archive