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              Defense of Koror" CFS2
0.09Mb (2174 downloads)
"A Defense of Koror" CFS2 mission for fun. Koror is under very heavy Japanese attack. Try to defend the field and fleet nearby. waves of bettys, vals, and kates are coming. 25 to 30 minutes of action. mission by Peter O'Brien. 88K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.01Mb (2078 downloads)
Jolly Rogers 1, 2, and 3 for CFS2 are recreations of the action of VF-17 flying F4U Corsairs during the invasion of Bougainville. For JollyRogers1, you must sink 2 merchant ships and the barges. For JollyRogers2, not only must you flame the Zekes, but you must also save a RAAF P-40 being pursued by a pair of Zeroes (this mission requires the "In Defense of Australia" free add-on (for the RAAF P-40). The enemy skill level is set to "Rookie", but there's still plenty of danger to keep you on your toes. For JollyRogers3, you must destroy a Nell on final approach and shoot 3 Betty bombers on the ground while dodging ground fire. There's also a rookie Zeke pilot out for a training flight that you can shoot down, but its not part of the mission requirements. 9K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.02Mb (1039 downloads)
This Group of (fictional CFS2) mission's are about the US trying to take over the world. You play as one pilot from the RAF fast attack squadron. David Hayes. 24K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
0.01Mb (2086 downloads)
CFS2 Mission. Sinkfleet. In this mission, you have to destroy a large number of Japanese Ships attacking Midway. It is totally fictional. The mission is cool, it's about a large Japanese force attacking Midway, with amphibious landers and all, when a large Allied force is there. By Fighterace117. 9K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            the Fleet A Mission for Combat Flight Simulator 2.
0.18Mb (2996 downloads)
Destroy the Fleet A Mission for Combat Flight Simulator 2. This challenging adventure is full of action, and, unless you don't like using the 'warp to' function, you will never find a boring moment. Destroying a fleet of four ships may sound simple enough, but watch out: You may be hit by a few surprises. by Nathan J. MacInnes. 181K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Force Campaign for CFS2
0.23Mb (2534 downloads)
Nagumo Force Campaign for CFS2: A campaign of 20 missions representing the activities of the Japanese Nagumo carrier force after its return from Pearl Harbor, and before its splitting up to participate in the Battles in the Coral Sea and at Midway. Requires the separate installation of 3 additional aircraft (Catalina, Hurricane and Swordfish). By C Burgess. 234K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            and missions collection for CFS2
0.52Mb (3091 downloads)
Scenery and missions collection for CFS2. This PACCFS2.exe file will install some add on scenery and missions for Combat Flight Simulator 2. Not that the program really needs more scenery or missions, however, I just wanted to have some fun with the new version of Combat Simulator. You may find this scenery interesting, as it was created for the user's enjoyment as well as mine. My missions designing skills are not very keen as the missions are not very complex, but the new mission builder was much easier to use than the old spreadsheet days. Dan Buckheit. 529K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Mission "FVB2_Historical_Series_1"
0.04Mb (1721 downloads)
CFS2 Mission "FVB2_Historical_Series_1" Historical mission flown by 2nd Lt. Don McGee USAAF on May 1, 1942. Uses quite a few triggers. Best when played at 95-100% settings with labels, cone, and tac turned off. Should be playable on most all systems. Freeware by Michael Brookshire a.k.a Franz_von_Baron. 39K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Fictional Devastator Torpedo-bombing mission
            Fictional Devastator Torpedo-bombing mission
0.09Mb (3193 downloads)
CFS2 Fictional Devastator Torpedo-bombing mission against the Carrier Soryu By Jon Wold. 96K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
              CFS2 RAAF Expansion Pack:
5.86Mb (3049 downloads)
REVISED CFS2 RAAF Expansion Pack: The ominous clouds of impending war had just exploded into a raging monsoon - as the forces of the Empire of the Rising Sun had stunned the world only three short months earlier in what President Roosevelt had called "The Day of Infamy." Fly with John Jackson and his brother Les as the brave 75 Squadron fights off hordes of Japanese bombers. Jorge Alsina and Joe Amodea take great pleasure in sharing with you the fruits of many months of work to bring you highly detailed aircraft featuring full animations, stunning texture art and a functioning virtual cockpit, with balanced and authentic flight dynamics and damage profiles. 5.8MB see Drop Tank update below!
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
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