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FS2004 > Props > Page 172
                  Bluestream Airlines (va) - Beechcraft 1900D
2.89Mb (2449 downloads)
FS2004 Bluestream Airlines (va) - Beechcraft 1900D These are the BSA Beech 1900D aircraft, registration numbers N970BS and N971BS. These are based at KHAO - Hamilton, Ohio, USA and fly charter, air taxi, cargo, and regular commuter flights to various local airports. Includes excellent original model by Mike Stone. Updated working panel by Matt Laurita Bluestream Airlines paint by John Elliott Young. 2.9MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Bluestream Airlines (va) - DeHavilland Caribou - C-7A
                  Bluestream Airlines (va) - DeHavilland Caribou - C-7A
2.54Mb (6012 downloads)
FS2004 Bluestream Airlines (va) - DeHavilland Caribou - C-7A These are the BSA DeHavilland Caribous registration numbers N949BS and N950BS. These are based at KHAO - Hamilton, Ohio, USA and fly charter, air taxi, cargo, and scheduled passenger flights to various local airports. N949BS also flies in various airshows and for special events as our show and demonstration aircraft. This aircraft is built for FS2004. The panel used for the Bluestream Caribou is adapted from John Rushby-Smith's DeHavilland DHC-5 Buffalo panel, panel development was assisted by Major Eric Mitchell of 442 Sqn(SAR), Canadian Armed Forces and Bernie Spanier. Model by Mike Stone Bluestream Airlines paint by John Elliott Young. 2.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Bluestream Airlines (va) - Twin Otter - DHC6-300
14.83Mb (1783 downloads)
FS2004 Bluestream Airlines (va) - Twin Otter - DHC6-300 These are the BSA Twin Otters registration numbers N972BS and N973BS. These are based at KHAO - Hamilton, Ohio, USA and fly charter, air taxi, and scheduled passenger flights to various local airports. Includes panel and views by Premier Aircraft Design. Model made completely in Gmax with wing views, dynamic shine, full suspension, etc. Model by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell, Samy Fay and Bob May. Bluestream Airlines paint by John Elliott Young. 15.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Bluestream Airlines (va) - Beechcraft Super "G" 18
                  Bluestream Airlines (va) - Beechcraft Super "G" 18
5.50Mb (3518 downloads)
FS2004 Bluestream Airlines (va) - Beechcraft Super "G" 18 These are the BSA Beech Super G 18's. Registration numbers N951BS and N952BS. These are based at KHAO - Hamilton, Ohio, USA and fly charter, air taxi, scheduled passenger flights, and cargo to various local airports. This is an all-new original flight simulation model. It was created from scratch using AutoCAD and gMAX. All textures are original and were created in PhotoShop. Some of the gauges are stock FS2002 pro gauges while many others were custom made using Blue Sky's Easy Gauge. The cowl flaps, gear suspension, wheels and passenger door are animated as well as the usual gear, flaps, and control surfaces. The 3D "Virtual" cockpit features many moving controls and "live" instruments. The Model has been tested with FS2002 Pro. Model, animation, panel, and several gauges by Greg Pepper. Bluestream Airlines paint by John Elliott Young. 5.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                    Diamond HK36 TTC115 Xtreme Motor Glider
8.75Mb (2318 downloads)
FS2004 Diamond HK36 TTC115 Xtreme Motor Glider. A two seat, 115 Hp, general aviation light plane. Diamond Aircraft Canada Factory Demonstrator Reg_ID: N550SD. A complete plane, panel, and sound package. With 2D panel, Dynamic Virtual Cockpit, Sound, HTML Check & Ref Lists. Designed in FSDS 2.24 with complete animation. Features in-flight engine start and stop with propeller feathering and more. Design by Pavel Toman, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design. 8.9MB HK36 Xtreme N550SD Radio Tuning Update for hk36n550.zip. 8K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Fairchild PT-19A Cornell.
1.34Mb (2201 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Fairchild PT-19A Cornell. This is a repaint of the nice Fairchild PT-19A Cornell (Fairchild_PT19.zip) by J.E.Narcizo with a new panel that I based on a picture I found of the only flying Cornell in Europe today. Original by J.E.Narcizo, repaint by Eliezer Rice. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Compilots.com repaint for AeroCommander500 Cargo Textures
2.76Mb (1453 downloads)
FS2004 Compilots.com repaint for AeroCommander500 Cargo Textures only for this magnificent plane found here(above). Origional plane by Milton Shupe, André Folkers and Scott Thomas. Repaint on request of ComPilot.com by Anthony Totton. 2.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  NEIVA P-56 Paulistinha Package
3.74Mb (1946 downloads)
FS2004 NEIVA P-56 Paulistinha Package - Adding four new Paints from "Aeroclube de Bragança Paulista" and photorealistc panel schemes. The greatest flight schools primary trainer in the 60 decade in Brazil. All planes has moving parts and fuselage with realistic shape of fabric covertures. Original Model and FDE By “J.E.Narcizo”. Personalized by William Carlos de Oliveira. 3.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                    DHC6-300 Super Twin Otter "Vistaliner" Package. Grand Caynon
16.38Mb (1635 downloads)
FS2004 DHC6-300 Super Twin Otter "Vistaliner" Package. Grand Caynon Airlines, N173GC based (KGCN), Scenic Airlines, N146SA based (KVGT). Both fly tourist flights through the Grand Caynon. This Full Package Includes panel, views and sound package by Premier Aircraft Design. VIEW THE README_FIRST for full Information. Model made in Gmax with dynamic shine, 4 bladed props, Exit Doors, full suspension and much more. By Udo Lemmob,Barry Blaisdell,& Bob May. 16.8MB "Vistaliner" Update Radio Tuning Update. . 5K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Howard 500 Package with VC
                  Howard 500 Package with VC
14.39Mb (11602 downloads)
FS2004 Howard 500 Package with VC. Supoer detailed Pkg incl gMax fully animated, radial propelled, taildragger AC with "hand-flyer" flight dynamics, features a custom panel patterned after the RW N500HP, an easy-to-read fully functional virtual cockpit with day lighting and VC gauge backlighting for night, a special N500HP paint scheme by Joáo Paz and nice matching leather interior, sounds mixed to resemble the rw AC, specular highlites in the VC and Html checklists. This package will not work in FS2002. By Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, and Joáo Paz. 14.7MB. Filename: hw5vc4.zip
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive