0.65Mb (997 downloads)
Aerocondor Columbia Lockheed Electra L188 II Textures only.
by : Julio Muñoz Ramirez, based on model by Mike Stone (required
here). 650K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.18Mb (789 downloads)
/ FS2002 Grob 115E (Tutor) Oxford UAS. Textures Only
(Includes DXT3 textures for AI use). This University Air Squadron
is based at RAF Benson. Requires Grob Tutor by D G Designs (here).
Repaint by Andy Nott of Anglo-Virtual Aviation UK. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.18Mb (832 downloads)
/ FS2002 Grob 115E (Tutor) Bristol UAS. Textures Only
(Includes DXT3 textures for AI use). This University Air Squadron
is based at Colerne. Requires Grob Tutor by D G Designs (here).
Repaint by Andy Nott of Anglo-Virtual Aviation UK. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.18Mb (757 downloads)
/ FS2002 Grob 115E (Tutor) Birmingham UAS. Textures Only
(Includes DXT3 textures for AI use). This University Air Squadron
is based at RAF Cosford.. Requires Grob Tutor by D G Designs
Repaint by Andy Nott of Anglo-Virtual Aviation UK. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.18Mb (989 downloads)
/ FS2002 Grob 115E (Tutor) Northumbrian UAS. Textures Only
(Includes DXT3 textures for AI use). This University Air Squadron
is based at RAF Leeming. Requires Grob Tutor by D G Designs
Repaint by Andy Nott of Anglo-Virtual Aviation UK. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.54Mb (703 downloads)
Viscount 806 London European Airways Textures only.
London European used this BAF Viscount on lease in the mid 1980's
on services from Stansted. The airline was taken over by RyanAir
in 1986. The aircraft was returned to BAF and re entered service
as G-LOND taking before up its previous identity of G-AOYI.
For some perculiar reason it later reverted to G-LOND. Requires
the FSDS Viscount 800 model by Rick Piper here.
Repaint Garry Russell. 552K
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

1.35Mb (1728 downloads)
PA-28 Piper Arrow Go Bulldogs Textures. This
is a repaint of the of Warren Baier's very well built very detailed
Piper Arrow original read me file is included.. painted For
Sarah in Red And Black Georgia's Biggest fan " Go Bulldogs "
It Looks like a factory paint scheme Included is actual picture
of a Red and Black Piper Arrow Textures only Created by Mark
Rooks "Fire Ball" Requires Warrens great PA-28 here.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

3.32Mb (3071 downloads)
Cessna 140 on floats in Private and Camden Air Schemes A
repaint of Brian Gladdens excellent Cessna 140 Floatplane in
two schemes; a Polished and Blue Private Aircraft and Camden
Air. By Don Brynelsen. 3.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.38Mb (1014 downloads)
Polished metal and Deep Violet Cessna 140 textures
A set of textures for use with Brian Gladden's excellent Cessna
140 in a polished metal and Violet scheme based on a calender
picture of an actual 140. These are the textures only and require
Mr. Gladden's original aircraft (here),
or my repaint package (DBC140.zip) for use. Textures are reflective
and look beautiful in the air. Repaint textures by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

0.45Mb (873 downloads)
Viscount 804 LOT-Polish Airlines Textures only.
One of three British United V.804s sold to LOT this one was
the only one to survive. After its sojourn in Poland it was
sold to New Zealand National Airways Corporation, finding its
way back to the UK eventually via Pearl Air where it was registered
in Grenada. Repatriated as G-CSZB with Southern International
it was to be scrapped after that airlines demise but was rescued
by BAF becomming one of the last trio of UK passenger Viscounts.
The nose is preserved in The Midlands Aero Park. Requires the
FSDS Viscount 800 model by Rick Piper here.
Repaint Garry Russell. 465K
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive