6.47Mb (7279 downloads)
Air Tractor AT-401 B Package.
A highly specialized plane in tasks of dust croppping or fire
extinguishing, capable with 2.400 lbs. useful load. Model, paint
and panel by Xavier Gassó. Sound package by Aaron R.
Swindle Skysong Soundworks. The aircraft includes: - 2D panel,
with new XML gauges - 3D night illuminated panel - Full animated
model - Fx effect - sound package - 2 x PDF archive (Spanish/english).
Gauges/VC: All seem OK. Glass: - not visible. All else seems
OK. FSX Compatible & tested. Thumbnails added. By Danny
Garnier. 6.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
2.54Mb (1126 downloads)
Extra 300S The Blades G-ZXCL (2006) Textures only. If airplanes
were horses, the Extra 300S would be a champion thoroughbred.
It is, in fact, designed to be a champion in Unlimited class
aerobatic competitions. The 300S combines light weight, a 300-horsepower
engine, and exquisite control harmony in an aircraft that has
won several World Aerobatic Championships. Uses Default Model
in FSX. Thumbnail Included. Repaint by Ben Hartmann of UKMIL.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
2.53Mb (908 downloads)
Extra 300S The Blades G-ZXEL (2007) Textures only. If airplanes
were horses, the Extra 300S would be a champion thoroughbred.
It is, in fact, designed to be a champion in Unlimited class
aerobatic competitions. The 300S combines light weight, a 300-horsepower
engine, and exquisite control harmony in an aircraft that has
won several World Aerobatic Championships. Uses Default Model
in FSX. Thumbnail Included. Repaint by Ben Hartmann of UKMIL.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
2.53Mb (1159 downloads)
Extra 300S The Blades G-OFFO (2007) Textures only. Uses
Default Model in FSX. If airplanes were horses, the Extra 300S
would be a champion thoroughbred. It is, in fact, designed to
be a champion in Unlimited class aerobatic competitions. The
300S combines light weight, a 300-horsepower engine, and exquisite
control harmony in an aircraft that has won several World Aerobatic
Championships Thumbnail Included. Repaint by Ben Hartmann of
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
40.67Mb (8673 downloads)
Super King Air 300 Package.
Includes Virtual Cockpit with full night lighting, smooth gauges
and clickable switches. Parked aircraft has streamers and wheel
chocks. This is a complete aircraft containing sounds and effects.
Manual included. Authors: Allied FS Group. FSX Compatible &
tested. No modifications made . Thumbnails added to help FSX
users. Thumbnail for FSX by Danny Garnier. 41.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
1.99Mb (4183 downloads)
Default AI Piper PA28-180 Cherokee Made Flyable.
Includes splashscreens. Created by Victor Vu. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive

7.60Mb (14753 downloads)
Robin 135 CDI
Repaint of a Robin 135 CDI with TAE-Centurion 1.7 motor. Original
model is the DR400 by Yannick Lavigne . Repaint by Christian Winkel. Gauges/VC: All seem OK.
Glass: - visible
All else seems OK.
This aircraft is not modified in any way. Full credit to the great talents of the original authors Yannick Lavigne & Christian Winkel
Downloading FS9 aircraft only to find they don't work in FSX is a PIA. I simply tell people the ones I find that work - all with VC's and I simply add thumbs. I claim no credit & make no modifications.
FSX Compatible & tested,thumbnails added by Danny Garnier
Posted Jun 23, 2008 07:17 by archive

17.63Mb (28460 downloads)
FSX Beechcraft B1900D Regional Airliner
19 seat regional airliner of Continental Connection
New model with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures.
Includes a 2D Panel and VC with a complete passenger cabin,
opening passenger door with airstair, cargo doors and custom sound.
Compatible with Acceleration/SP2.
By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May,
Danny Crance and Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jun 12, 2008 11:56 by archive
5.99Mb (1875 downloads)
This is my first livery to repaint the C172. It is from the tribute for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. This is my first repaint for the C172 so please like it and enjoy!
Posted Jun 11, 2008 20:57 by archive

3.44Mb (1490 downloads)
This is my first livery to repaint the B350. It is from the tribute for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. This is my first repaint for the B350 so please like it and enjoy!
Posted Jun 11, 2008 20:55 by archive