FS Design > Scenery Design > Page 5

0.09Mb (496 downloads)
Aircraft: Quasi aircraft for use in scenery design.
Just load it up, switch to slew mode and top down view.
Hit the back space key and start noting measurements,
longitude, latitude, heading and altitude info. If you
use Airport for Windows v165 or later, you can use the
FSIPCP interface. English measurement version. Includes
FSDS2.20 source file by Lou Volland. 97K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

1.78Mb (1061 downloads)
-- FS2002 Scenery Design
LWMDraw4 is developed to be an easy to use and helpful
time saving tool for placing free design shapes or photoreal
default type water areas such as lakes "with effects"
onto the FS2002 terrain surface generating a "ready to
assemble" LWMSource.asm file. Features include the addition
of default type FS2002 roads/lines/shorelines, Polygons,
and LandClass with the generation of a separate VTPSource.asm
file as well. Includes many additional features, a new
tabbed interface, and more options explained within the
detailed Help menu along with Quick Start Guide menu for
fast placement. Freeware by Ken Nelson. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.14Mb (3556 downloads)
OGL Plug in for Architect 2002
FS2000 and FS2002. This plug in available for NOVA users
will generate an OGL macro file that will allow you to
preview your 3D objects created by Nova while working
in your scenery designs in Architect 2002. OGL files are
created every time you save your macro files. This update
fixes previous scaling problems. By Rafael Garcia Sanchez.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
7.10Mb (4769 downloads)
V1.6 Help files.
This files contains the entire help files of NOVA. By
Rafael Garcia Sanchez 7.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
5.71Mb (10245 downloads)
NOVA v1.6 is an utility program to design 3D objects
for scenery design for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000,
2002 and Combat Flight Simulator 2. Build your custom
hangars, control towers, buildings, bridges, terminals,
gates, houses, file libraries, lamps and more in an easy
way. This version includes two add-on program files to
make special and powerful macros with dynamic effects,
as dynamic windsocks, flags, sliding hangar doors controlled
by distance or frequencies, buildings with helipads, clocks
showing the real time in FS2K, special controllers and
effects files, and much more. A grand total of 42 different
tools to make a large variaty of shapes and special dynamics
effects. Shareware by Rafael Garcia Sanchez. 5.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.14Mb (1281 downloads)
Source2Bgl Source2Mdl is a program that compiles
a Scasm source code to and mdl (model) file. It bypasses
all hexediting on bgl/mdl files. Very usefull when adding
night light effects to aircraft. This program was made
by Marco Rensen. 142K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.11Mb (1503 downloads)
BGL2MDL 1.0 A program that converts BGL files
into FS98 MDL files. Originally designed for SCASM programmers
who want to add moving parts to aircraft but it will work
with any BGL file. By Paul Surgeon. 118K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.70Mb (77169 downloads)
AFCAD 2.21 for FS2004
This is a CAD-style editor for airport
visible scenery and invisible facility data.
This includes runways, taxiways, aprons,
parking, communications and navaids.
Lee Swordy
Posted Jun 23, 2008 01:55 by Lee Swordy

1.24Mb (14022 downloads)
GOLD TEXTURES Release 1 for FS2000 and CFS2. This
file contains a selection of 24 photorealistic textures with
night effects of some common objects used in scenery design,
as hangars, finger gates and terminals. By Rafael Garcia Sanchez.
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.41Mb (2241 downloads)
v1.93 (v2.0 BETA) Scenery Design Tool. Elevated
mesh terrain scenery designer for MS Flight Simulator
98, CFS and FS2K. By Misho Katulic. Version 1.93, Version
2.0 BETA. 434K
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive