0.63Mb (454 downloads)
Version 1.0 By Richard Charlebois AKA:- "GZR_Frenchy/Frenchy
335th" GZR_Manston,Kent is a CFS2 scenery that was not included in
CFS1. Second of the series of Manston bases and not to be confused
with Manston,Dorset (which has already been released). This airfield
features night lighting with revolving spot light that will silloutte
the trees. Many new trees -- so many I have lost count,again, refueling
and a choice of "starting points upon entering Free Flight. Manston,Kent
was used primarily as an airfield at which to land crippled bombers.
The runway was paved in concrete and extended for 2.5 miles providing
the greatest chance to safely land the crippled aircraft. 648K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.43Mb (412 downloads)
ISLAND FOR CFS II. The Island has a 500m concrete square target.
It is marked with a grid with 25 m intervals. It has a center mast
for alignment. Near to GZR 2001 and GZR Remote. You can enable or
disable in scenery menu. By Ric Charlebois-GZR Frenchy. 442K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

2.24Mb (637 downloads)
Version 1.0 By Richard Charlebois AKA:- "GZR_Frenchy/Frenchy
335th" GZR_Manston is a CFS2 scenery in the same exact location Manston
was in CFS1. First of a two part set and not to be confused with Manston-Kent
(which will be forthcoming). This airfield sits perched atop rolling
hills. Features night lighting, hangers with opening/closing doors
with "aircraft inside," refueling and over 500 hundred trees spread
over the hillsides. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

1.28Mb (711 downloads)
is a CFS2 airfield. Set in the same exact location as in CFS.
It has night lighting and three Ceilometers. A large factory area
and fuel farm are near. Try to find this one in a night thunderstorm.
Refueling is available in two places. It is between each of the three
hangers. By Ric Charlebois-GZR_Frenchy -Frenchy_335th. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

1.24Mb (638 downloads)
Version 1.0 By Richard Charlebois AKA:- "GZR_Frenchy/Frenchy
335th" GZR_Guernsey is a CFS2 scenery, Number 8 in the series, placed
in the same exact location Guernsey was in CFS1. It features night
lighting, and hundreds of trees. Depicted in the later part of the
war just before it housed over 13,000 German troups. Hitler was convinced
that Churchel would do everything to recapture it. A large waste of
concrete and steel. It never became a target. The build up is beginning,
but the runway is still in need of a badly needed upgrade. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
5.31Mb (2433 downloads)
release 1. For CFSII ONLY,55 fields.All fields with CFS1 NDB's.
Adds most of CFS1 fields to Germany-France-Belguim-Netherlands-Austra-Switzerland.
Also adds 7th NJG fields.Also adds roads, highways, rail lines to
all of France- Spain-Portugal-Germany-Austria-Switzerland-Denmark-Italy.
Roads etc. all track to elevations. By Steve McClelland (Mushy Peas
Design Group). 5.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.86Mb (621 downloads)
GZR_Cherbourg Version 1.0 By Richard Charlebois AKA:- "GZR_Frenchy/Frenchy
335th" GZR_Cherbourg is a CFS2 scenery in the same exact location
Cherbourg was in CFS1. It features night lighting, and hundreds of
trees. Fuel is available at the hangar area. Depicted in the later
part of war as the Lufwafte began a massive buildup. The hangers are
set back from the airstrip as the buildup begins. 880K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
0.93Mb (560 downloads)
Version 1.0 GZR_Rochford
is a CFS2 scenery in the same exact location as Rochford was in CFS1.
It features night lighting, Revolving Search Light (visable only at
night) and over hundreds trees. (Actually lost count.) Refueling is
available protected by a artillary crew and gun. By Richard Charlebois
AKA:- "GZR_Frenchy/Frenchy 335th". 952K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.29Mb (805 downloads)
is another CFS 2 Euro base. It shares many of the same features
as other bases in this series. It is also home to an armored unit.
Set in the farmland of Southern England it has a wide grass runway.
There is a Flak battery and crew. The remainder is very country like.
There is no refueling at Warmwell. Just a quiet pastoral base. The
road runs from Warmwell to the sea. By Ric Charlebois-GZR Frenchy-335th
Frenchy. 304K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
0.16Mb (738 downloads)
Version 1.0 GZR_Calais Version 1.0 is a CFS2 scenery in the
same exact location as it was in CFS1. Featuring night lighting and
a flood lit refueling area. There are many trees and factories. Several
CFS2 objects are used. It is only 70 miles to the coast of England.
By Richard Charlebois AKA:- "GZR_Frenchy/Frenchy 335th" 167K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive