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CFS2 > Aircraft > Page 32
Short S30 Empire Flying Boats
Short S30 Empire Flying Boats
5.86Mb (910 downloads)
This is a conversion of Jens Kristensen's FS2004 VER 2 aircraft to CFS2. The panels have been converted as well....including the DVC. The textures are the originals and there are two of them: Cabot & Clare. The CFG file is set to Cabot (bare metal) now, but the spare set, Clare (Camo), is included in the folder.
Posted Feb 22, 2011 04:09 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
CFS2 Milton Shupe C-45 Expeditor
43.22Mb (608 downloads)
Modified to work in CFS2. By the late 1930s, Beechcraft management speculated that a demand would exist for a new design dubbed the Model 18 which would have a military application, and increased the main production facilities. The design was mainly conventional for the time, including twin radial engines, all-metal semi-monocoque construction with fabric covered control surfaces and "taildragger" undercarriage, while less common were the twin tail fins. Work began in earnest on a variant specifically for training military pilots, bombardiers and navigators. The effort resulted in the Army AT-7 and Navy SNB. Further development led to the AT-11 and SNB-2 navigation trainers and the C-45 military transport.
Posted Feb 12, 2011 15:51 by Pepe Rezende
CFS2 Milton Shupe AT-11 KANSAN
37.16Mb (715 downloads)
By the late 1930s, Beechcraft management speculated that a demand would exist for a new design dubbed the Model 18 which would have a military application, and increased the main production facilities. The design was mainly conventional for the time, including twin radial engines, all-metal semi-monocoque construction with fabric covered control surfaces and "taildragger" undercarriage, while less common were the twin tail fins. Work began in earnest on a variant specifically for training military pilots, bombardiers and navigators. The effort resulted in the Army AT-7 and Navy SNB. Further development led to the AT-11 and SNB-2 navigation trainers and the C-45 military transport.
Posted Feb 12, 2011 05:08 by Pepe Rezende
9.37Mb (135 downloads)
AI Alpha Xian H-6 version for use in missions
Posted Jan 27, 2011 17:16 by Pepe Rezende
TR_F-86H Droptanks
TR_F-86H Droptanks
0.08Mb (423 downloads)
This is an original dedicated set of droptanks for my TR_F-86H model. The download contains the BGL, BMP and DP for the tanks and a revised DP/CDP for the F-86H to place them properly.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 23, 2011 20:36 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Updated AIR file Meteor F3
Updated AIR file Meteor F3
0.02Mb (288 downloads)
This is an updated AIR file for the TRA_Meteor_F3 that eliminates a conflict in Aux Tank locations in the upgraded weapons pack/DP, which can cause CFS2 to CTD. Simply replace the original AIR file with this one.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 14, 2011 16:22 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Blackburn Buccaneer
Blackburn Buccaneer
4.00Mb (1146 downloads)
This is a straightforward conversion of Giovanni Clemente's FS2000 Buccaneer for CFS2. It includes the original RN skin and an alternate Gulf War texture by Ed Snoad. The DP is mine. She has several payloads including MK84 bombs, rocket pods, the TR MK XIII torpedo and the US Harpoon anti-ship missile.
Posted Jan 14, 2011 02:17 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Wellesly MkI
3.05Mb (493 downloads)
This is Jed's Padbury Aircraft version of the Wellesly MkI. With the demise of the Padbury site, the file is uploaded here for preservation.
Posted Dec 29, 2010 12:31 by Tom Sanford
Wellesly MkI (LRF)
2.85Mb (311 downloads)
This is Jed's Padbury Aircraft version of the Wellesly MkI (LRF). With the demise of the Padbury site, the file is uploaded here for preservation.
Posted Dec 29, 2010 12:26 by Tom Sanford
Fairey Battle
5.83Mb (926 downloads)
This is Jed's Padbury Aircraft version of the Fairey Battle. With the demise of the Padbury site, the file is uploaded here for preservation.
Posted Dec 29, 2010 12:20 by Tom Sanford