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CFS2 > Aircraft > Page 43
B-26 Tall Tail
B-26 Tall Tail
2.70Mb (2254 downloads)
This is an late-war B-55 model B-26 with the addition of the 3' longer wings and 2' taller tail. She is factory- equipped with fuselage gun packs and the powered tail her a total of 12 .50s. She is multi-LOD, comes complete with crew figures, panel, gauges and weapons. AIR file by 1%. Weapons are by Dbolt; crew by Martin Wright. The 26 is a tempermental aircraft and it takes some experience to master her flight characteristics. IMPORTANT: The use of elevator trim and flaps are critical in flying the B-26 successfully. There is a complete set of mousable trim controls on the fuel panel. Get to know your panel screens. The EXITs command will deploy/store the bombardier and waist guns. This aircraft wears the colors of "Heavenly Body" 558th BS, 387th BG, Stony Cross, UK, 1943 painted by James Peach (Sopwith Chameleon). The B is based on Bismarck13's (William Dickens) original A model source file. Special thanks to Bis for it's use. Special thanks are also due Sopwith for, rather that is inspiring me to do this project. ;) Aircraft model, DP and CFG by myself, skin by Sopwith Chameleon (James Peach),panel by Bismarck13 (William Dickens). Additonal skins are available at Sopwith's CFS2 Paintshop: Installation: Unzip the package and place all files in the corresponding folders of your CFS2 main directory. This is freeware but must not be uploaded to other sites, modified in anyway without permission, or used in any way for monetary gain. Enjoy!
Posted Dec 18, 2009 16:37 by Tom Sanford
B-26B Strafer Model
B-26B Strafer Model
2.49Mb (1999 downloads)
This is an early-block B model B-26 prior to the addition of the longer wings and taller tail. She is equipped with field modifications in the form of fuselage gun her a total of 12 .50s. She is multi-LOD, comes complete with crew figures, panel, gauges and weapons. AIR file by 1%. Weapons are by Dbolt; crew by Martin Wright. The 26 is a tempermental aircraft and it takes some experience to master her flight characteristics. IMPORTANT: The use of elevator trim and flaps are critical in flying the B-26 successfully. There is a complete set of mousable trim controls on the fuel panel. Get to know your panel screens This aircraft bears the colors of "Mister Period/Tondelayo" 452nd BS, 322nd BG, Bury-St-Edmunds, UK, 1943 painted by James Peach (Sopwith Chameleon). The B is based on Bismarck13's (William Dickens) original A model source file. Special thanks to Bis for it's use. Special thanks are also due Sopwith for, rather that is inspiring me to do this project. ;) Aircraft model, DP and CFG by myself, skin by Sopwith Chameleon (James Peach),panel by Bismarck13 (William Dickens). Additonal skins are available at Sopwith's CFS2 Paintshop: Installation: Unzip the package and place all files in the corresponding folders of your CFS2 main directory. This is freeware but must not be uploaded to other sites, modified in anyway without permission, or used in any way for monetary gain. Enjoy!
Posted Dec 13, 2009 21:38 by Tom Sanford
B-26B-9 Marauder
B-26B-9 Marauder
2.47Mb (1869 downloads)
This is an early-block B model B-26 prior to the addition of the longer wings and taller tail. She is multi-LOD, comes complete with crew figures, panel, gauges and weapons. AIR file by 1%. Weapons are by Dbolt; crew by Martin Wright. The 26 is a tempermental aircraft and it takes some experience to master her flight characteristics. IMPORTANT: The use of elevator trim and flaps are critical in flying the B-26 successfully. There is a complete set of mousable trim controls on the fuel panel. Get to know your panel screens This aircraft bears the colors of "Cindy" 444thBS, 320th BG, N Africa, 1942, Pilot Lt Art Johnson painted by James Peach (Sopwith Chameleon). The B was developed from Bismarck13's (William Dickens) original A model source file. Special thanks to Bis for it's use. Special thanks are also due Sopwith for, rather that is inspiring me to do this project. ;) Aircraft model, DP and CFG by myself, skin by Sopwith Chameleon (James Peach),panel by Bismarck13 (William Dickens). Additional skins are available at Sopwith's CFS2 Paintshop: Installation: Unzip the package and place all files in the corresponding folders of your CFS2 main directory. This is freeware but must not be uploaded to other sites, modified in anyway without permission, or used in any way for monetary gain. Enjoy!
Posted Dec 13, 2009 21:35 by Tom Sanford
Fokker-D17 Package
5.01Mb (957 downloads)
CFS2 Fokker D.XVII A Fokker build fighter for the Dutch L.VA, (Aviation section of the Dutch Army) as a replacement for the D.VII's. First flight 1932, Only 11 were build and they became obsolete short before the outbrake of war. Although a few were used to attack the invading German Forces. Textures by Wim Regeer using templates by Huub Vink. Aircraft design and flight dynamics Wim Regeer. CFS2 conversion by Pedro Paulo Rezende
Posted Nov 1, 2009 12:51 by wim regeer
P-39 Skins
P-39 Skins
1.43Mb (635 downloads)
Two US Skins for the Stock CFS2 P-39. The zip contains two US textures, one without (Texture) the 8/11 Corbra insignia and one wtih (Texture2. Whether you fly the stocker or just use it as an AI in missions, she can use some new threads.
Posted Nov 1, 2009 02:17 by Tom Sanford
B-25C Cherokee Queen
B-25C Cherokee Queen
1.32Mb (1408 downloads)
This is yet another skin for TR's B-25C/D....available here on page 5. It's a simple drop-in texture folder to replace the original in your TR_B25cv aircraft folder.
Posted Oct 30, 2009 04:04 by Tom Sanford
AN-2 Colt
AN-2 Colt
4.32Mb (1021 downloads)
This is a straight forward development of my Fox Four AI 'Annie' to a much-improved player version. 'Annie' is a real treat to fly with exceptional low-speed and short-field capabilities. The AN-2 went into service in 1946, and remains in service to this day. She is the largest single-engine aircraft ever put into production. Textures by the Bob McGee (Bub). Panel by Matthias Lieberecht.
Posted Sep 26, 2009 22:57 by Tom Sanford
A4E Skyhawk
A4E Skyhawk
5.07Mb (6324 downloads)
This is the stock Alpha A4E Skyhawk modified for correct Wingman/AI performance and Afterburner Takeoff from the Catapult start position on aircraft carriers. There are no other downloads required. The aircraft uses the Alphasim Modern Weapons pack, included. The Panel is by Mike Eustace, IndioBlack, and contains the VN_GPS100A Gauge which can be called up using SHIFT+5(window 5) on your panel. This gauge is programmed for Korean and Vietnam airfields. Channels 1-40 for Korea, 45-60 for Vietnam
Posted Sep 26, 2009 22:25 by Tom Sanford
5.81Mb (734 downloads)
The design that took Emile Dewoitine's parasol fighter formula to the apex of its development was the D 27, which was evolved to meet the requirements of the STAe 1926 C1 leger programme for lightweight fighters. Adhering closely to the structural concept of preceding fighters, but embodying much aerodynamic refinement and a split-axle (with independently articulated wheels) rather than cross-axle undercarriage, the D 27 was powered by the 500hp Hispano-Suiza 12Mb (HS 57) 12-cylinder Vee engine and had an armament of two synchronised 7.7mm guns. The liquidation of the Construction Aeronautique E Dewoitine in January 1927 resulted in the transfer of development of the D 27 to the EKW in Switzerland, where a prototype flew on 3 June 1928. Swiss Fliegertruppe used them until 1940.
Posted Sep 14, 2009 22:22 by Pedro Paulo Rezende, AKA Peper
            Corsair repaint.
Athena Corsair repaint. This Aircraft is Dedicated to "Athena" of the 341st Sqn, known in the CFS2 Games for her honesty and dedication to the game as well as her positive attitude in both Vitories & Losses she just loves the game. Her favorite plane is the Nik2-J "George" although she is much more deadly in an A6M2, I decided to do this Re-paint in her honor. A Big ~S~ To You Athena Robert (Falcon) Heun. 1.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive