Prepar3d > Civil Jets > Page 55

85.21Mb (459 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 GlobalX Airlines package. GlobalX (Global Crossing Airlines) is a charter and cargo airline based in Miami and currently has 6 Airbus A320-200 with another 3 on order. Global X flies to destinations within the USA, Caribbean and South America.
Model by Project Airbus. 2020 updated VC by Speedbird77 with built in FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 operation manual and checklist. Airbus sounds included. Textured, assembled for P3D v5.3 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Jul 7, 2022 10:49 by chris evans

87.38Mb (523 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737 Max 8 Corendon Airlines with Max VC. Turkish leisure airline Corendon, is based at Antalya Airport and currently has 4 Boeing 737-8 Max with another 6 on order. Corendon fly to destinations around Europe, North Africa and Israel.
The high spec Boeing 737-Max 8 and paintkit from TDS. Credits go to TDS fantastic native FSX Boeing Max8 model and paintkit. The VC is the Microsoft/Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND base modified by Speedbird77 to resemble a Max cockpit, including gauges by G. Munro.
There are custom CFM eco sounds included for that extra realism. Use - Instrument panel - Util for ground vehicles, doors stairs, fuel truck, buses. New Utility allows Bus, fuel, doors and more. (Go to Views - Instrument panel - Utility). VC added and edited to allow correct VC views, correct jetways and wheel levels. I added PDF B737 checklist.
Textured, packaged and prepared for FSX & P3D up to v5 by Chris Evans.
Posted Jul 6, 2022 12:06 by chris evans

38.50Mb (1260 downloads)
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ 135 Legacy 600 Netjets package. Netjets is a private jet charter company with a range of private jets for corporta e or private hire. ERJ-135 Legacy 600.
Project Opensky Embraer ERJ-135 FSX native model and VC.
Models: Exteriors by Project Opensky.
VC Models by Jacob Kubique and Corey Ford of Project Opensky.
XML Coded Animations by Hiroshi Igami of Project Opensky.
FSX and Prepar3D conversions by Speedbird77.
Textured by Chris Evans
Posted Jul 5, 2022 11:13 by chris evans

88.04Mb (312 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737 Max 8 Shanghai Airlines with Max VC. Based at Shanghai–Hongqiao and Shanghai–Pudong, Shanghai Airlines currently has 11 Boeing 737 Max 8 with 4 more on order.
The high spec Boeing 737-Max 8 and paintkit from TDS. Credits go to TDS fantastic native FSX Boeing Max8 model and paintkit. The VC is the Microsoft/Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND base modified by Speedbird77 to resemble a Max cockpit, including gauges by G. Munro.
There are custom CFM eco sounds included for that extra realism. Use - Instrument panel - Util for ground vehicles, doors stairs, fuel truck, buses. New Utility allows Bus, fuel, doors and more. (Go to Views - Instrument panel - Utility). VC added and edited to allow correct VC views, correct jetways and wheel levels. I added PDF B737 checklist.
Textured, packaged and prepared for FSX & P3D up to v5 by Chris Evans.
Posted Jul 3, 2022 12:33 by chris evans

103.82Mb (457 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-100 Nice Air (North Iceland) package. NiceAir was launched in June, 2022, with 1 Airbus A319-100 and based at Akureyri Airport, Iceland.
The A319 is a shorter version of the A320 family. Custom Airbus sounds. 2020 revised model. Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3Dv5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Jul 1, 2022 11:54 by chris evans

85.75Mb (342 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 Qanot Sharq package. Qanot Sharq is an Uzbekistan airline based at Tashkent International Airport and currently has 2 A320-200 in it's fleet.
Model by Project Airbus. 2020 updated VC by Speedbird77 with built in FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 operation manual and checklist. Airbus sounds included. Textured, assembled for P3D v5.3 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and other P3D
Posted Jun 29, 2022 09:42 by chris evans

77.05Mb (1067 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 Lufthansa D-ABPE package. Lufthansa has taken delivery of its first Boeing 787-9. This repaint depicts D-ABPE which is a new aircraft due to be delivered soon.
The high quality Boeing 787-9 from TDS. The VC is the Erik Bender great adaption of the X-plane Mariano Gonzalez (MagKnight)'s 787 VC. Cockpit textured lighter grey.
TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 787-9 model. See Document to get the best out of the VC.
Textured, assembled and tested in P3D v5.3 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D & FSX.
Posted Jun 28, 2022 05:52 by chris evans

78.65Mb (429 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 Gulf Air Package v2. Bahrain's flag carrier airline was founded in 1950 and is based at Bahrain International Airport. Currently Gulf Air has 7 Boeing 787-9 on operation and a further 3 on order flying to destination around the Middle east, Europe, North Africa and Asia.
The high quality Boeing 787-9 from TDS. The VC is the Erik Bender great adaption of the X-plane Mariano Gonzalez (MagKnight)'s 787 VC. Cockpit textured lighter grey.
TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 787-9 model. See Document to get the best out of the VC.
Textured, assembled and tested in P3D v5.3 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D & FSX.
Posted Jun 25, 2022 12:34 by chris evans

6.63Mb (121 downloads)
Back in the late 80s there was a short-lived Scottish airline by the name of Highland Express Airways. I created textures for this airline and as inspiration the paintings of Gerry McLaughlin were used.
These are textures only for the native FSX converted Project Open Sky (POSKY) Boeing 747-100 .
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 24, 2022 08:58 by Flanker256

64.43Mb (663 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 767-300ER Privilege Style package v2. Privilege Style is a Spanish charter airline based at Palma de Mallorca. It operates flights for other airlines as well as being available. for VIP charter.
Revised night textures, flight dynamics and vc textures. I tried to get the VC textures to be more like the real 767. If you don't like, just swap the '' with those from another aircraft.
Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. Added HUD. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. Jetways also edited (Ctrl j). Exits, wheel levels and views corrected for FSX/P3d. Boeing 767 checklist included.
Added 767 sounds for more realism. Fixed viewpoints and jetways. Added wing views.
See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC.
Textures by Alejandro Magadan, assembled and tested in P3D v5.3 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and earlier P3D versions.
Posted Jun 22, 2022 11:14 by chris evans