105.54Mb (213 downloads)
DC-9-30 (v2) Grey Cockpit FOR PREPAR V4
Retextured VC(v2), grey colors for the classical MD 9-30.
A repaint in grey and dark colors for the MD-9-30
This is the complete aircraft, with Altitude CallOuts, VRs speeds callouts, throttle, auto altimeter.
For Prepard 3D V4. Not tested on FSX.
Just copy the Douglas DC-9-30_PRDV4 into Prepar3D v4/SimObjects/Airplanes.
Credits to:
FSX McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30 pack 1. Liveries: PAWA Dominicana, US Air, US Airways 1997. Models: Exterior by EriK Cantu/SGA converted by Eagle Rotor craft Simulations. VC Model by FSND. Panels: Original FSND edited by speedbird77. DC-9 guages: by Philippe Wallaert. Sounds: Adam Murphy. Liveries: Corey Ford.
Thanks Simviation fan
Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny_2024
Posted Mar 30, 2024 13:56 by Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny

0.01Mb (103 downloads)
Hello Again Fellow Simmers,
This Update corrects the orange lights/lines/ appearing on the Efis Control, also adds a tooltip stating the Efis Control is Inoperative.
Installation is simple. Just drop the contents of the UPDATE_1 into:
Simobjects/Airplanes/VL_737_Base/panel.old and replace...That´s it!!!
Thanks again Simmers...
Juan carlos Brizuela_Johnny-2024
Posted Mar 2, 2024 09:46 by Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny

8.16Mb (111 downloads)
Missing Gauges
Sorry Simmers of Simviation...
I forgot to add this carpet to the recently uploaded 737_300 Retextured Cockpit .
Installation is simple.
Just place the contents of folder Gauges into: Lockheed Martin/Prepard3d v4/gauges (general use, even for other aircrafts).
Or, place them into: Lockheed Martin/Prepard3d v4/SimObjects/Airplanes/VL_737_Base/panel.old (Specific Use)
Note. (If you already have installed some or these gauges, well disregard this action, or just replace them)
(Credits for all the people who worked on these marvelous gauges...)
That is it!
Enjoy Flying As I do....
Thanks a lot for the patience...Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny
Posted Feb 29, 2024 20:36 by Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny

294.82Mb (292 downloads)
For those of us who enjoy flying these planes, I have retextured the front panel, and cockpit as well, to give it a more old style look. (Added the radar altitude, FMC off page status, disabled EFIS, working Cockpit Sounds, Jelair speeds, Altitude callouts, Boeing Radios).
Fully tested on Prepard 3d V4.
This is the complete aircraft, Boeing 737-300 no winglet. Just drop it into your sim. Simobjects/airplanes and fly it.
You can use the files and place them in the 400 or the 500 series, is up to you (oldpanel).
("Copito" My little doggy will accompany you on those long hauls...)
Hope you enjoy it!
Juan Carlos Brizuela--Johnny---
Erick Cantu (Model, Textures)
Default Microsoft 737-400 FDE with modifications
You are required to read the enclosed EULA agreement before you upload our aircraft, and you MUST INCLUDE the EULA in all of your uploads with Vista Liners files enclosed within them.
Posted Feb 29, 2024 17:22 by Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny

17.01Mb (402 downloads)
This is the default Beech Baron converted to the Beech 58 TC flight dynamics and specs.
This turbocharged Baron is capable of 280 MPH in level flight. Unfortunately the model provided by Mark Rooks of his mod was in non-native FSX format. So I took the default FSX models but used the FDE provided by Mark Rooks which consisted out of an aircraft.cfg file plus an .air file. In that aircraft.cfg I did make changes to the [Lights] section, added extra Taxi and Landing lights. Then I replaced the annoying strobe light causing flashing in VC by a smaller strobe light. Also I added VC cameras in it. Then I added a FSX stock livery and a livery by Zane Gard, Jr. (N453TB)
In the Panel.cfg I changed the background texture of the Airspeed Indicator so that the speed needle point to higher values in the 'green arc'. ALso some small other changes, compared to the default panel.cfg
Sound is aliased to a Beech King Air, as Mark Rooks did. In this package the models are NOT provided so you must take them from your FSX or
Prepar3D install disks. If you have already installed a beech_baron_58 then you're okay.
For a different sound you can edit the sound.cfg file in the beech_baron_58TC sound folder. If you like the new light configuration you can of course, bring it over to the default baron 58. All tested okay in Prepar3D v4.
Posted Jan 10, 2023 21:00 by Flanker256

19.73Mb (431 downloads)
This is an upgrade package for the 'FSX/P3D Cessna 152-F G-BLAX' Just Flight Cessna 152 freeware package. This is NOT the whole aircraft, it is an update package.
The original package as posted by 'uploader' in July 2020 did make my P3Dv4.5 crash, even after disabling the 32-bit radio gauge. It turned out that if I did swap the .air file my P3Dv4.5 did not crash anymore. For that I did use the .air file by SpiderSim and I also deliver here the sound from that package which will sound much better. I did replace the 32-bit gau gauge by a 64-bit gauge in VC.
Furthermore I did include two extra liveries with the painters credited in the description
section of the aircraft.cfg file. From all replaced files there have been made a backup.
No changes in models or model textures, but a slight change of the aircraft.cfg was made:
Added is an extra VC Camera Definition.
Installation guide is at the bottom of included text file.
Happy flights.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 29, 2022 09:24 by Flanker256

24.11Mb (1105 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 727 2D panel and VC V2. This is a panel package, based on the Thomas Ruth 727 VC interior model, contains a brand new wide 2D panel (1280px). The main features include: new day and night 2D panel background bitmaps (Main panel, Overhead, Throttles, Engineer, Autopilot and Radio), re-mastered day and night VC textures, updated set of xml gauges, fully integrated FMC, new popup windows and cockpit sounds. 6 VC camera views: First officer, Autopilot (centered), Center console, Overhead, Flight engineer and jumpseat. Fully working Auto-brake. Credits to Hiroshi Higami for the original Auto-brake gauge and Daniel Gauthier for the original Cockpit Sounds. The new panels are using the following extra gauges: FMC by Garrett Smith, TCAS V2 by Dietmar Loleit, and VSpeed, Altitude Callout, Icons32, Brake sound and new Cockpit sounds by me. Most of these gauges are using the FSX XML Sound gauge by Doug Dawson. Tested in FSX Acceleration (DX10) and FSX Steam Edition (DX9), on the Thomas Ruth 727. Not tested in P3D but should work correctly up to V3. Sound effects may not work in V4.
Posted Feb 13, 2022 10:28 by Philippe Marion
1.74Mb (298 downloads)
2D Six Engine Throttle Panel by Barivision for the Antonov-AN225 by Thomas Ruth & Alexander Kvitta
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 9, 2021 11:56 by Barivision

267.94Mb (781 downloads)
Full McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II aircraft pack.
Native FSX conversion of freeware AlphaSim models (interior and exterior) by:
Y.T. (aka anon ?)
Aircraft package is updated and extended for P3Dv4. Now with XML gauges, working HUD, dedicated Cockpit sounds, TCAS,
correct Afterburners, Engine heat, Anti-Skid, Ground Radar, full AutoPilot in VC,
aircraft speeds according to documentation, Sonic Boom effect, tested AI Carrier configuration, extended Phantom documentation, and 21 liveries.
For a full modifications list see Flanker256.txt in the 'Docs' folder.
Thank you Danny Garnier for pointing to this nice aircraft.
Posted Oct 18, 2021 08:46 by Flanker256

19.41Mb (1578 downloads)
This is a new panel for the Embraer E190. The gauges are pretty much identical to the real aircraft with all switches and dials working. It includes a FMC with flight plans, VNAV function, radio tuners, and maps. There is also a HUD which follows the Embraer specification. A detailed manual is included. Please at least read the installation instructions.
Posted Apr 18, 2021 02:27 by G. Munro