0.02Mb (84 downloads)
Here are the changes in this version... 1. Gives the user the ability to open a 2D Starter Panel (not the full main panel) with keys Shift + 6. 2. Edited the colors of the 2D cockpit lighting and gauges to match the green VC lighting.
Posted Apr 13, 2021 01:15 by TruNorthSim

27.61Mb (1365 downloads)
This panel is identical to the original release on 7 April except the manual in the original release was corrupted. This release includes the full manual.
This is a new panel displaying the complete width of the main panel for the Boeing 747-8F. At first sight it seems identical to the Boeing 747-400 however there are some small differences. Although this panel is for the Boeing 747-8F it could also be used on the passenger version and also on a Boeing 747-400. The main differences are in the air conditioning panel and the doors. It is meant for 1920X1080 screens and will not look good on smaller screens. Drawback of this panel is that the gauges are pretty small but still readable. It includes 2 FMCs and a VC with limited functionality which which is entirely 747-400. Manuals are included - please at least read the installation instructions
Posted Apr 11, 2021 03:21 by G. Munro

18.21Mb (439 downloads)
A user has pointed out to me that the HSI points in completely the wrong direction. Shameful to miss such a glaring error. This update contains only the CNC.CAB file to replace the existing one. The only change is to update the HSI.
Posted Mar 22, 2021 02:07 by G. Munro

72.27Mb (732 downloads)
This is a new panel for Concorde. An aircraft is included so that you can see it working straight away. It can be fitted to any Concorde model but the VC may not work on other models. It includes full working 2D and VC panels including Flight Engineer Panel (not in VC). Almost all switches and knobs work and functionally try to follow the technical data in heritageconcorde.com. The manual is daunting but please at least read the first part.
NOTE: Only suited to 1920X1080 screens or larger. SEE UPDATE
Posted Mar 12, 2021 01:14 by G. Munro

1.89Mb (1786 downloads)
It has been a few years since this gauge has been updated. There are not many changes. There is a workaround for a bug in P3D which prevents discovery of the correct frequency for an ILS approach. So now this gauge is fully P3D compatible. There is also a new feature to display the destination distance on the map and also display of radio frequencies on the VOR and NDB screens. Apart from that there are some cosmetic changes which are hardly noticeable. :: V8 Fixes the problem of the release and the ICAO Search did not work because of two characters missing.
This fixes the problem in the original release yesterday. Previous version has 6000 downloads
Posted Feb 21, 2021 02:36 by G. Munro

21.48Mb (628 downloads)
Some enhancements, additions and adjustments for the stock Sikorsky CH-53E in P3Dv4. Added NAV1 ident gauge on radio panel. Created VC camera views. Created Check and Ref files. Added automatic Smoke effect. Added extra liveries. See WhatIsThis.txt for full info and credits.
Also see the archive for screenshots and installation.
Posted Jan 29, 2021 02:45 by Flanker256

13.36Mb (1216 downloads)
If you love to fly the classic analog jetliner, this DC 9 is a must to have. This is the best freeware with the texturing quality of a payware. I have completely re-textured the VC with great detail (After many cups of coffee...) to enjoy this classic bird. Overhead panel switches fully chromed Overhead panel worn out texturing look The reflections have been eliminated. Textures are DDS fully compatible with DX10. Not tested on Steam. This DC 9 30 is fully credited to: FSX McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30 pack 1. Liveries: PAWA Dominicana, US Air, US Airways 1997. Models: Exterior by EriK Cantu/SGA converted by Eagle Rotor craft Simulations. VC Model by FSND. Panels: Original FSND edited by speedbird77. DC-9 guages: by Philippe Wallaert. Sounds: Adam Murphy. Liveries: Corey Ford. Juan C. Brizuela, ¨Johnny¨ 2021
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Posted Jan 23, 2021 23:56 by Juan C. Brizuela Johnny

5.31Mb (551 downloads)
This is a minor esthetic, texture correction for the INS System of the 727- 200 VC, which was originally partially covered by a black texture layer.
I have corrected the issue and now it is visible, eventhough originally is a dummy system, it looks better.
Just follow the simple instrucctions and ready to fly.....
(This is an update to my previously uploaded work)
This VC texture correction is for the magnificient work of:
Boeing 727-200 native FSX model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with Thomas Ruth's great Boeing 727 VC added.
Credit to them for the magnificient modeling.
Posted Jan 19, 2021 14:54 by Juan C. Brizuela AKA Johnny

HD Very Detailed and Improved VC Textures for the Classic 727-200/727-200F with Thomas Ruth 727 VC's
18.66Mb (1021 downloads)
These Vc Textures will make flying this classic airplane a joy.
The blurries and reflections on the windows have been eliminated so you have now clear windows to fly at ease. (This is up to you).
Intended for the Thomas Ruth VC series, often matched with TDS 727 models.
Textures are DDS fully compatible with DX10. Not tested on Steam
Instructions are very simple to follow.
Hope you enjoy this humble work, and thanks to all those wonderful people who make freeware for the community possible......
These VC textures are for the magnificient work of:
Boeing 727-200 native FSX model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with Thomas Ruth's great Boeing 727 VC added.
Credit to them for the magnificient modeling.
(See update above!)
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required file
Posted Jan 16, 2021 10:31 by Juan C. Brizuela AKA Johnny

14.70Mb (498 downloads)
HD VC TEXTURES- day/night for the FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 FSX Native Petroleum Air Services package posted on this site.
Project Opensky CRJ-900 2020 FSX native model and VC conversion by Speedbird77.
(SHOULD ALSO WORK in any of the other Speedbird77 converted CRJ-900 Posky packages).
Models by Nicholas Wilkinson/Hiroshi Igami Project Opensky. Flight dynamics Warren C. Daniel. FSX and Prepar3D v5 (and previous) compatible MdlX conversions by Speedbird77.
Textured and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans.
HD PS/DDS files fully compatible with DX10, Sp1, Sp2. Not tested on Steam.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 7, 2021 01:43 by Juan Brizuela AKA Johnny