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P3Dv4+ Cal Fire HTSU Support Vehicle
3.54Mb (122 downloads)
The HTSU or Heli-Tender Support Vehicle is deployed with one of Cal Fire's rotary wing assets to provide field support to Cal Fire's helicopters without the need for the aircraft to return to an airfield to refuel, or resupply. Cal Fire currently operates one HTSU alongside each of either it's soon to be retired UH-1 Super Hueys or the S-70I Firehawks. As of 2023, there are currently 16 active rotary assets flying with Cal Fire. This addon requires Lorby's FireFighterX Client to place any of the 16 HTSUs. Each HTSU is uniquely marked for it's aircraft/base assignment. A single generic static scenery version has also been included for scenery builders to use if they so wish. By Nicholas Mitchell.
Posted May 8, 2023 22:47 by Nicholas Mitchell
P3D stock Mooney Bravo Modifications
58.58Mb (226 downloads)
As no drawing of gauges could be done these modifications are not too extensive but still will help you fly the Mooney Bravo with more ease and joy. Main features here are added CockpitSounds, some gauges made expandable, enhanced Bendix King Auto Pilot, popup mouse click areas for the G1000 (as in Acclaim), better lights, better VC cameras, improved textures, four new liveries, and added documentation. Also the much overlooked automatic Anti-Skid gauge for preventing wheel blocks is added. Details of the modifications concerning both the classic VC and the G1000 VC are documented in the file 'Mooney Bravo mod.pdf' which is located in the 'Docs' folder. This pdf file does contain a credits list for the archive parts involved. My earlier Mooney postings are included in this package that was especially made for P3Dv4+ Also this package includes the Sound module, CockpitSounds gauge, and the new Effect files. Happy flights.
Posted Dec 2, 2022 16:40 by Flanker256
P3D Repainted wing steps for stock Mooney Bravo
8.19Mb (54 downloads)
Edited files for the stock liveries. Editing is done for both the Prepar3D files and the Ms FSX files (although I think there is hardly a difference). Edited part is the wing step texture part on the right wing. I did repaint it because I did not like the stock paintings wing step parts which did seem to me as kind of a tarmac part. See the images for yourself. I hope you'll find these repaints useful.
Posted Nov 29, 2022 20:26 by Flanker256
FSX Log book Editor v0.3
0.50Mb (231 downloads)
FSX Log book Editor is a graphical editor for FSX log book files. It can edit all entries in it and modify fields not editable within FSX (including flight durations and landing airports). Broken logbook files can be repaired you can also add or remove existing entries. The contents of your old FS9 logbook can be imported and you can also export the logbook to HTML or MS Excel-compatibles files. Requires Java Runtime Environment. By Lamont Clark.
Posted Jul 28, 2022 00:53 by Lamont Clark
Boeing 787-8 Tui Airways Package REVISED/Fixed
82.29Mb (777 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 787-8 TUI Airways package UPDATED. TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 787-8 model. The VC is the Erik Bender great adaption of the X-plane Mariano Gonzalez (MagKnight)'s 787 VC. Cockpit textured lighter grey. See Document to get the best out of the VC. Textures by Chris Evans. Original Download from Chris Evans will not work in FSX. Have corrected the "model" details, corrected the Title and sim in cfg file. Have corrected the "Callout" sounds. and adjusted the weights, fuel and thrust to comply with Boeing specs. Have added a 2D panel closely aligned to the VC and added a working "Autoland" gauge. Changed flight dynamics where necessary. Adjusted "readme" file to cover Model and Sim changes. Now flies well in FSX, but as I do not have p3d not sure if the same problems existed.
Posted Jan 4, 2022 05:41 by Anthony Eades
TruNorthSim Anchor Gauge
TruNorthSim Anchor Gauge
0.00Mb (32 downloads)
The purpose of this addon is to all the user to lock the aircraft's latitude and longitude acting as an 'anchor'. It is useful for keeping float planes from drifting when parked on a lake or river. You may find it useful for other applications as well.
Posted Oct 12, 2021 15:55 by TruNorthSim
SWATH Sea Control Ship for FSX/P3D
70.10Mb (950 downloads)
USS_CVL-130_Samar is a fast SWATH Sea Control ship for FSX. From a tiny JPG copy of a tiny print of an art work that I first saw in in an issue of ICA back in mid eighties. That was the sum total of reference materials for this build, so any error claims are irrelevant... Animated and functional elevator, hangar deck, skijump ramp, hangar doors. Animated AI escort PHM-6 combat hydrofoils - all six ships of the class - and a Seasprite AI helio. For use with AI carriers2 , or other traffic system. CVL is sized for F-35/AV-8/SHAR/XFV-12's, and typical naval helios, including V-22. Lots of fun, see read me for crucial operational details.
Posted Sep 17, 2021 09:45 by Private Hooley
FSX and FS2004 Vessel And AI-Package Biggest German Sea Rescue Boat
24.82Mb (644 downloads)
FSX/Accel Pilotable German sea rescue vessel with animated boats. Ai-models for FS2004,FSX,P3dV3-5. The "Hermann Marwede" is the biggest german rescue vessel and carries the daughter boat "Verena". The vessel is stationed at the North Sea island Helgoland. The pilotable version is tested in FSX and it will problably also sail in FS2004. It has a photorealistic 2D panel but no VC. The daughter boat Verena is animated and another motor boat with engine problems can be towed. Nineteen camera views let you explore the decks of this 46 meter ship. Ai-models in three sim-formats are included. The package is to honour the German organisation "Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger". This independent organisation was founded in May 1865 and does their job just by donations. Within that period many thousands of missions saved hundred thousend of lives and rescued thousend of boats and ships in the areas of North Sea and Baltic Sea. Make also a search for my pilotable "John T. Essberger", the SAR cruiser from the 70th. FSDS 3.5 model and panel made by Erwin Welker, Sound by Knud Kristofferson.
Posted May 12, 2021 04:07 by Erwin Welker
FSX/P3D TruNorthSim Ultimate Crew 2014 Voice Pack 1 EN-US
6.90Mb (178 downloads)
This is the first pilot voice pack I created for Ultimate Crew 2014. The voice is male and replaces the default EN-US voice. Readme with installation instructions included. Please visit my Facebook @TruNorthSim to leave a comment or request support.
Posted Apr 9, 2021 09:17 by TruNorthSim
FSX/Accel//P3d Sumner Class Destroyer
FSX/Accel//P3d Sumner Class Destroyer
6.61Mb (429 downloads)
FSX/Accel//P3d Package Allen-M.-Sumner Class Destroyers USS Borie, USS Sumner and ARA Bouchard (Argentine). This class had a number of fifty eight vessels which were commisioned from 1943 until 1975. The three ai-ships showes a modernized configuration regarding the 60th and comes f.i. with heli deck, Exocet launchers or mine sweeping equipment. This pilotable versions has a 2D panel but also a simple virtual navigation bridge. The files for pilotable vessels with the camera views and 2D panel bridge is made by Erwin Welker. The original ai-Models are made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his classic ai-fleet traffic package "FSX/P3D Global Classic AI Ship Traffic V1".
Posted Feb 13, 2021 03:42 by Erwin Welker
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