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Prepar3d > Panels > Page 4
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FSX/P3D Boeing 737 Current Series Realistic Panel and Cockpit Textures
18.33Mb (3799 downloads)
FSX/P3D More realistic cockpit textures for the Boeing 737- and other aircraft using the Boeing 737-800 default (incl. enhanced) VC textures. I fly regularly and when boarding and exiting the aircraft usually the cockpit door is open and it's a treat to see the real 737 cockpit just feet from my eyes. It has struck me that the default textures are to bright grey compare to what I have seen. I googled for images and sure enough most of the later cockpits, including Boeing Max, seem to have dark grey colour. I have edited the default textures to give a more realistic feel. Also includes 737 panel with retouched instruments. Included real cockpit images for comparison. Chris Evans
Posted Jun 6, 2019 05:16 by chris evans
P3D/FSX Automixture Switch v2
0.05Mb (274 downloads)
Simplified problematic lights with static images. Also I may have had mixed up images for transparent and non transparent switches. Please read the readme for instructions pertaining to proper mixture lever settings for use. Again, original keyboard version also included.
Posted Jan 31, 2019 12:29 by Brett Clearwaters
Automated glideslope and glidepath for Karol's Synthetic ILS
Automated glideslope and glidepath for Karol's Synthetic ILS
6.10Mb (1584 downloads)
Adds automation to the fantastic Synthetic ILS developed by Karol Chlebowski for both glidepath and glideslope. Besides the automated ILS there is automated approach capability starting from about 15 miles from touchdown through landing. An automated takeoff function is also available. This was tested and worked on both P3D and FSX. Not tested on FS 2004.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 26, 2019 02:47 by Bill McClellan
 	Pushback Panel v3.0 for FS9/FSX/P3D3/P3D4
1.73Mb (3216 downloads)
More than 10,000 virtual pushbacks were done by previous versions of this panel. It's time to upgrade to v3.0! Planning an international flight to Eastern Europe or Russia? Version 3.0 has an additional Pushback Truck Switch Panel that makes it possible to choose between English and Russian groundcrew to use both in one flight. You can still use a standalone panel either English or Russian like in versions v1.0 and v2.0. Includes Brake Sound FX. Supports FS9, FSX, and all versions of P3D including v4.0 and later. Based on Groundhandling gauges by Rob Barendregt and Doug Dawson's XML Sound Gauge. The panel is intended for aircraft Pushback procedures. NOTE: Before installing the version v3.0 it's recommended to remove all previous versions of the Pushback Panel. The panel review:
Posted Jan 15, 2019 08:28 by uploader
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