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FS2004 > Page 1213
                  Bell 47J Panel with VC
2.19Mb (2162 downloads)
FS2004 Bell 47J Panel with VC, by Fritz Gugg. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  P-3 US panel
11.47Mb (2761 downloads)
FS2004 P-3 US panel . This panel will give you the feeling of flying a real P-3C aircraft, and should be used as an alternative to the default panel that comes with the KBT P-3C and P-3C upgrade files (here) . Produced by Team FS KBT and Team LCP & FB. 11.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  - Photoreal Airbus A-330 Panel
4.08Mb (10122 downloads)
FS2004 - Photoreal Airbus A-330 Panel - with full internal views and 2 animated wingviews for Flightcraft A-330 usable for any other A-330 without wingviews. This is nothing else than the transfer of Eric Marciano's excellent A-330 freeware-panel into photoreal bitmaps combined with all new interior A-330-views and the 2 wingviews for the a.m. aircraft. Horst Paetzold. 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
FS2004                  Airbus A-380 Panel
3.19Mb (4469 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A-380 Panel. By AFS Design. 3.2MB
AFS Design - Airbus A380 v3 for FSX
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  - Photoreal Lockheed L-1011 Tristar Panel
6.19Mb (4226 downloads)
FS2004 - Photoreal Lockheed L-1011 Tristar Panel with full internal views incl. 2 wingviews for the Tristars of Charles Dayhuff and Ray Lopez with optical adapted VC-Panel for the Ray Lopez aircraft. Made by Horst Paetzold. Requires Concorde Gauge - here. 6.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                    HUD. This is a HUD (Heads Up Display)
1.75Mb (2440 downloads)
FS2004 HUD. This is a HUD (Heads Up Display) gauge modelled after the F/A-18 Hornet's. It looks very similar to the real thing, and hopefully operates much the same. It features working and properly scaled elements such as a pitch ladder, velocity vector, and AoA bracket, among other essentials (basic flight and nav info), and includes several switches to turn on/off or modify various HUD elements. A good HUD should be a primary flight instrument, and this was designed with that in mind. I've also included a "meatball" gauge, which displays the Navy's IFLOLS lighting system used for carrier landings. The panel, beyond the HUD, is rudimentary and was designed for those who value function and utility over eye candy. (A panel "artist" I am not, heheh!). Refers for installation into Dino Cattaneo’s wonderful F-14 Tomcat here. Scott Printz. 1.8MB Note: The panel.cfg's EYEPOINT setting should be up 0.8, and not 1.8
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  IFP Intelligent Fighter Panel
1.05Mb (2551 downloads)
FS2004 IFP Intelligent Fighter Panel [UPDATE 1.01- 707 GAUGE PROBLEM FIXED] This fictional feature-packed, yet easy to read and spacious, panel is designed with all the instruments in the 'right' place to make flight as easy and natural as possible to the new or experienced fighter pilot. It is equipped to handle VFR, IFR, bad weather and low visibility. Backup instruments for all vital gauges are also included to keep you safe in the event of instrument failure. All non-default gauges are included in this package. By Tom M. This update includes the 707 gauge which was missing from the original package. My name: Tom Mortimer. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Airbus A380 Panel
3.44Mb (17898 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A380 Panel - suitable for all A-380 models - Model version 10 3.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
FS2004                   Tupolev TU 154-B2 Panel.
1.15Mb (4145 downloads)
FS2004 Tupolev TU 154-B2 Panel. An update to the awesome Tupolev TU 154-B2 V 9.4 from Project Tupolev - here. Michael Zukowski. 1.2MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
FS2004                  PBY Catalina Panel.
12.11Mb (3586 downloads)
FS2004 PBY Catalina Panel. This panel was made for Mike Stone's PBY5 aircraft & may be used in any Catalina. By Ken Mitchell. 12.4MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive