FS2004 > Page 1248
0.52Mb (708 downloads)
/ FS2002 PC-21 Fictional RAF 72Sqn Textures only.
This repaint requires PC-21 by Tim Piglet Conrad (here).
Repaint by Andy Nott of AGN Textures. 534K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
2.14Mb (456 downloads)
Vickers Viscount 700 Aden Airways Textures only.
Features both Aden Airways Viscount aircraft, VR-AAV and VR-AAW.
This is a repaint of the Vickers Viscount 700 (required here)
by Rick Piper. Repaint by Andy Nott. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.15Mb (509 downloads)
Aer Arann ATR 72-500 Textures only.
Requires ATR 72-500 Aircraft by John Murchison (here).
Livery created by T. O'Shea. 154K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.09Mb (778 downloads)
HU-16T Albatross Update.
This is an update for FS 9 of the HU-16T Albatross by Anthony
Konstantinidis (here).
I have updated the flight dynamics, changed the water effect,
and added a throttle gauge to the panel. Bob Chicilo. 89K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.58Mb (1000 downloads)
Piper Warrior II G-PSRT Waddington Flyers Group Textures only.
Aircraft is the freeware Piper from Rien Cornelissen, available
here. Textures
are by UKMIL. 589K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.04Mb (966 downloads)
Consolidated PBY5A Update 3.
This is the third update for Mike Stone's Consolidated PBY5A.
I have added another float point, and this time found the cause
for it sticking on water and fixed it. It was the minimum pitch
angle of the props. This update has everything any of the others
had, so you only need this one. You do need the original aircraft
(here). Bob
Chicilo. 39K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.08Mb (804 downloads)
HU-16B Update.
This is an update for FS 9 of the HU-16B Albatross by Anthony
Konstantinidi (here).
I have updated the flight dynamics, added some float points,
changed the spray effect, changed the GPS position and size,
moved the toggle icon for the yoke, made the yoke invisible
at start, and changed the airspeed indicator. Bob Chicilo. 85K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
47.76Mb (2557 downloads)
2004/2002 ATR 42-300 Denmark Package.
Thank you for downloading the ATR 42-300 Denmark Package! This
package features a complete model by Sánchez-Castañer,
with everything what's needed to fly this aircraft in flightsimulator.
Aircraft features four liveries by Claus Vendelboe Holmberg
( OY-CIO Team Lufthansa, OY-CIM Cimber Air in old paint &
Danish Air Transport in two different paints ), made from body
textures by Edward Cox. ATR photoreal panel and flight deck
by Claus Vendelboe Holmberg, with working yokes in main panel
and flightdeck, panel VC and autopilot, pilots in cockpit, working
radar showing AI traffic, Night Light on main panel, all controlled
by switches. The Cockpit also contains new cycle views, as well
as brand new cabin views with passengers and flight-crew, and
wing-views from inside the cabin. Other features accurate light
placement, full animations, accurately shaped wings, flaps,
and fuselage, and opening passenger door, cargo door. The package
also contains realistic ATR Turboprop sound from France Aviation
Virtuelle. Model and flight dynamics F.Sánchez-Castañer.
Panel & texture, modifications and pack by Claus Vendelboe
Holmberg. 49MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
52.44Mb (4794 downloads)
2004/2002 ATR 42-500 Denmark Package.
Thank you for downloading the ATR 42-500 Denmark Package! This
package features a complete model by Sánchez-Castañer,
with everything what's needed to fly this aircraft in flightsimulator.
Aircraft features four liveries by Claus Vendelboe Holmberg
( OY-CIO Team Lufthansa, OY-CIM Cimber Air in old and new paint
& Danish Air Transport ), made from body textures by Edward
Cox. ATR photoreal panel and flight deck by Claus Vendelboe
Holmberg, with working yokes in main panel and flightdeck, panel
VC and autopilot, pilots in cockpit, working radar showing AI
traffic, Night Light on main panel, all controlled by switches.
The Cockpit also contains new cycle views, as well as brand
new cabin views with passengers and flight-crew, and wing-views
from inside the cabin. Other features accurate light placement,
full animations, accurately shaped wings, flaps, and fuselage,
and opening passenger door, cargo door. The package also contains
realistic ATR Turboprop sound from France Aviation Virtuelle.
Model and flight dynamics F.Sánchez-Castañer.
Panel & texture, modifications and pack by Claus Vendelboe
Holmberg. 53.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
1.09Mb (820 downloads)
Britten Norman BN-2 Islander Shetland Government G-SICB Textures
Requires aircraft by Marcel Kuhnt here.
UKmil. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive