FS2004 > Page 1251
9.53Mb (1766 downloads)
Grumman Albatross 2.0 US Coast Guard Textures pack. For
the HU-16 Package above. USCG Tail Number 1261 UF-1G 1951 bare
metal livery. USCG Tail Number 7255 UF-2G 1961 High Visibility
livery. USCG Tail Number 7236 HU-16 USCG modern high visibility
livery. US Navy Tail Number 137908. Utility livery. No high
visibilty rescue markings. By Greg Pepper and Michael Verlin.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.04Mb (815 downloads)
Cessna 195 Update.
This is an update for FS 9 of the Cessna 195 by Mike Stone (here).
I have updated the flight dynamics, changed the touchdown effect,
added a toggle for the GPS, and eliminated the need for the
background picture for the GPS. Bob Chicilo. 42K
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.45Mb (950 downloads)
SA-16B Albatross Island Air National Guard Textures only.
These textures are for a SA-16B Albatross of the 143rd Air Commando
Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard. These textures are
for the reworked HU-16 Albatross by M. Verlin and G. Pepper.
These textures by D. Stewart. 459K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
1.04Mb (1010 downloads)
HU-16B Albatross USAF Textures only.
These textures are for a HU-16B Albatross of the 354th Tactical
Fighter Squadron, USAF. These textures are for the reworked
HU-16 Albatross by M. Verlin and G. Pepper (above). These textures
by D. Stewart. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
1.52Mb (2024 downloads)
CL-415 (French Sécurité Civile) Photorealistic
Textures only.
This is a repaint of the CL-415 by Massimo Taccolli (required
here). Repaint
is of the Real World Canadair CL-415 n° 33 owned by the
French Sécurité Civile, based in Marignane, France.it
Features Half Photorealistical Textures. By Jonathan Hilaire.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
3.16Mb (3162 downloads)
Tecnam P92 Echo Aviosuperficie Valdera.
P92 Echo by Tecnam Costruzioni Aeronautiche is one of the best
sellers of this famous company. Equipped with an 80 hp Rotax
engine, is frequently used by Ultra Lights schools. Alberto
Rametta. 3.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
19.13Mb (5871 downloads)
Grumman HU-16 Albatross 2.0 Package.
U.S. Airforce, Navy, Coast Guard and Private Liveries. This
is an all new simulation model created from scratch using
AutoCAD and gMAX. This model is considerably improved from
the FS2002 version originally released. All textures are original
and were created in PhotoShop. The engine gauges were custom
made for the panel. The radio stack gauges were made by Gerd
R. Nehr. The GPS was made by Ike Slack. Default gauges were
used for the primary flight instruments.By Greg Pepper and
Michael Verlin. 19.6MB
1) Two gauge files omitted from the release: the avionics
switch and the cowl flap lever. 2) The sound files. This sound
package is a mixed bag. It contains the Wright Cyclone 1820
engine sounds from Mike Hambly's WBIRD.ZIP, Mike's waterloop
sounds for a seaplane, along with miscellaneous stock sounds
to make it complete. 3) Paint Kit. 32.2MB
2. 1) Revised aircraft configuration file A) Scrape points
B) Underwing landing lights. 2) Revised panel configuration
file and switch window. 3) Missing gauges 4) Additional liveries
(screen shots enclosed) A) Navy Rescue 142361. B) Eagle Air
N777EA. Michjael Verlin. 6.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
9.94Mb (3622 downloads)
ATR72 Aer Arann new "Celtic style" livery.
Aircraft by John Murchison. Panel by Hanno Frings. New texture
by T.O'Shea. 10.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.31Mb (830 downloads)
CN-235 Binter Canarias Textures only.
Requires original model by Ranchojen (here)
.Antonio Diaz. 318K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
5.36Mb (1700 downloads)
Bombardier Dash 8 -Q400 Air Canada.
Dreamwings DeHavilland DHC 8 Q 400. Tommy Hansson: Model and
textures John Cillis: Flight Dynamics. 5.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive