FS2004 > Page 260

10.94Mb (360 downloads)
This is a fictional repaint of the Super King Air 300 Base Package for FS2004/FSX in the fictional TRB Aviation colors. You need the base AFG B300 for FS9, then the upgrade for FSX.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 5, 2012 22:27 by Harry Gage

6.91Mb (670 downloads)
AeroMexico is the flag carrier airline of Mexico It operates scheduled domestic and international services to North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia. Its main base is Mexico City International Airport. AeroMexico photoreal textures in 32 bit format for the payware Level-D 767-300 model. Repaint be Manuel Jose, Contact Ground. Happy flights.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 01:17 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos

57.12Mb (2942 downloads)
FS 2004 Vickers Viscount 700 Panel Version 6.1. Completely
revised and updated, the package contains two instrument panels
representing the earlier and Americanised layouts. The panels
now feature new high resolution gauges and panel bitmaps,and
additional IFR panel view, The panels and aircraft systems are fully
authentic, with performance of Dart 6 510 engines replicated. This
latest version is a complete aircraft package inclusive of Rick
Piper's FSDS model, with new cockpit sounds, new engine sounds,
revised flight dynamics and texture sets for BEA, BUA, BKS, British
Midland, Cambrian, Eagle Airways, Guernsey Airlines, Intra, Starways,
Capital Airlines and Trans Canada Airlines. FSX version is available
separately. Full documentation including operating manual checklists
and onboard reference material included. Model by kind courtesy of Rick
Piper, textures by Rick Piper & Garry Russell, panels, gauges and
sounds by Fraser McKay.
Posted Oct 4, 2012 12:04 by mohd

9.03Mb (1316 downloads)
Project Opensky - B737-700 Airtran. FS2004model winglet by Skyspirit/Project Opensky.
Textures by Corey Ford.
Uploaded for FS9 users by Chris Evans.
Posted Sep 30, 2012 06:42 by chris evans

0.39Mb (1546 downloads)
Configuration update for Eurocopter EC-135 by ICARO and Heiko Richter. For FS9.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 29, 2012 13:50 by Michal Lubiscak

38.86Mb (3671 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Macchi C.205 Package. The Macchi C.205 (also known as MC.205,"MC" standing for "Macchi Castoldi") Veltro (Italian:Greyhound) was an Italian World War II fighter aircraft built by the Aeronautica Macchi. The C.205 was a development of the earlier C.202 Folgore.With a top speed of some 400 mph and equipped with a pair of 20 mm cannon as well as 12.7 mm Breda machine guns, the Macchi C.205 Veltro was highly respected by Allied and Luftwaffe pilots alike. Regarded as the best Italian aircraft of World War II, in action it proved to be extremely effective,destroying a large number of Allied bombers and capable of successfully clashing on equal terms with such renowned fighters as the North American P-51D Mustang,but,although the C.205 was able to match the best Allied opponents in speed and maneuverability, it was introduced late in the conflict. Moreover, due to the poor Italian industrial capability of the time, only a small production run was delivered before the end of the war. Italy's highest scoring ace, Adriano Visconti, achieved 11 of his 26 credited victories in the few weeks he was able to fly the Veltro, with the top scoring 205 Sergente Maggiore pilot Luigi Gorrini shooting down 14 enemy aircraft plus six damaged with the C.205.VC only. GMax Models and Skins by Manuele Villa & Italianwings, Flight dynamics by Manuele Villa & Kikko Zanaboni. Also works (Tested) subject to some limitations with FSX. By Manuele Villa/MVG3D, September 2012.
Posted Sep 28, 2012 04:50 by Manuele Villa

24.14Mb (2098 downloads)
1936 Ryan ST-A, ST-A Special and PT-16 for FS9, v.1.0.
Models & textures by SWingman.
Stock FS9 gauges, effects and sounds.
Special thanks to Kirill Konovalov and Tim Dement.
SWingman, Tver, Russia,
Posted Sep 26, 2012 06:08 by uploader

7.67Mb (423 downloads)
Lloyd Aereo Bolivianio textures for the payware JetCity MD-83
Posted Sep 24, 2012 16:36 by LUIS CASTRO

1.25Mb (623 downloads)
This is a 2D only panel with two forward views plus left and right windows, it has been produced after a great deal of reseach and is an accurate re-production of the original AS MK5 Firefly cockpit.The views can be interchanged easily by clicking onto the appopriate areas of the screen.
The panel has a few unique features, the windscreen will ice-up if the de-icing control is off in freezing conditions, the automatic boost is
relative to altitude, and the u/c and hydraulics really do fail if you exceed 190 knots wheels down.
You wont find things like auto-pilot,climb and dive indictors or mixture controls because they weren't there, and there's no radio it's in the rear cockpit.The aicraft has however an ADF indicator and I've placed the setting wheels in the right-side panel.
Posted Sep 24, 2012 06:53 by Jim Palmer

92.97Mb (3926 downloads)
FS2004 Conviasa Embraer 190 package, registration YV2849. Original model by Premier Aircraft Design. Paintkit and improvement By Yemel Yarbouh, repaint By Jairo Velazquez
Posted Sep 23, 2012 21:18 by Jairo Velazquez