FS2004 > Page 261

32.45Mb (6267 downloads)
This package depicts a 757-200 of Ryan International Airlines around 2006. The airline, once known for airfreight services and passenger charters to holiday destinations like Mexico, the Hawaiian Islands and the Caribbean, switched to a business model built around providing transportation services to the U.S. Department of Defense. As of 2012, the airline was in bankruptcy.
This is a complete package. Model by Project Opensky, panel by Ken Mitchell, VC by Wilhelm Hudetz, sound by Emil Serafino, textures by Eugene Douglas.
Posted Sep 21, 2012 20:04 by Eugene Douglas

0.19Mb (589 downloads)
A repaint of Mike Stone's Cessna 337 in a white over dark violet scheme. These are the textures only, you will need sc337.zip to use. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Mike's paintkit.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 21, 2012 13:00 by Don Brynelsen

8.03Mb (1304 downloads)
American Eagle textures for the payware Flight 1 ATR 72-500. Repaint be Manuel Jose Contact Ground.
Posted Sep 20, 2012 22:20 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos

9.15Mb (3723 downloads)
The Alpha 160A is an all metal, aerobatic trainer with a 160 hp Lycoming O-320-D2A engine. The aircraft was originally designed and built by Avions Robin in France but in 2004 production moved to Alpha Aviation in New Zealand. Full package for FS2004 with custom panel and VC and fully animated parts. Garmin GNS430 avionics. Full avionics documentation included, together with aircraft check and ref lists. Three real life liveries included from Great Britain and New Zealand painted by Stephanie Lawton. The package also includes upgraded panel and VC by Ed Wells. Great fun for aerobatics or general flying. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Sep 19, 2012 18:49 by Bob May (PAD)

14.49Mb (1496 downloads)
FS2004-C.R.D.A.Cant Z1007bis/Ter- "Alcione"
Tribute to the most famous Italian WW2 bomber
that, with the Savoia Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero,
formed the backbone of the Italian Bomber
fleet. Three models:Regia Aeronautica, Aviazione
Nazionale Repubblicana with the insignia of
the Luftwaffe and Italian Cobelligerent Air
Force that served in south Italy in 1943
Model, texture, vc cockpit, F.Giuli. Panel by
Carlos Echevarria. Gauges by other authors
Posted Sep 18, 2012 11:59 by FRANCESCO GIULI

16.07Mb (928 downloads)
Project Opensky - Boeing 747-4F6 (BDSF) Southern Air. Model by Project Opensky. Textures by Matthieu Vos.
Posted Sep 17, 2012 06:34 by Chris E

7.08Mb (1003 downloads)
Tame is the flag carrier of Ecuador with its headquarters located in Quito, Pichincha. Fictional ATR72-500 (Tame operate ATR42-500)textures in 32 bit format for the payware Flight 1 ATR 72-500. Textures by Manuel Jose Contact Ground.
Posted Sep 16, 2012 23:27 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos

69.46Mb (7529 downloads)
Fs2004 Beechcraft Starship 2000, with fully functional virtual cockpit and backlit gauges. Will also work in FSX with some limitations.
Posted Sep 16, 2012 15:56 by Matt Stanova

18.52Mb (1421 downloads)
SkySpirit 2011 - Boeing 747-8F Arrow Cargo. Model by Project Opensky. Repaint by Mathieu Vos.
Posted Sep 16, 2012 05:10 by Chris Evans

18.66Mb (2804 downloads)
Boeing 777-200LRF General Electric 90-110B1L Korean Air Cargo. Model by Skyspirit. Repaint by Mathieu Vos
Posted Sep 16, 2012 05:07 by Chris Evans