FS2004 > Page 266

1.05Mb (1959 downloads)
FS2004/FSX photorealistic panel for Grumman E2 Hawkeye or C2 Greyhound.
The VC-configuration for Rick Sasalas E2 or C2 aircrafts remained untouched.
Panel by Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 8, 2012 18:41 by Erwin Welker

0.01Mb (402 downloads)
FS2004 Scenery (FS2004 Only)
Africa - Tanzania - V-shaped trench correction
This is a self-contained scenery and it does not alter any of FS2004's native files.
At location lat -6.74 lon +34.05, in Tanzania, Africa, there is a huge V-shaped trench that is obviously not natural and couldn't possibly be real and be man-made. Each leg of
the V is over a hundred kilometres long and one thousand metres deep.
This scenery "anomaly" appears in FSX as well, but in FSX it is made in a different way. In FSX the trench is formed by a narrow, long, V-shaped airport grass background. In
FS2004 I removed by adding several flats.
For free distribution only.
By Fern Marques
Posted Aug 8, 2012 12:35 by Fern Marques

13.35Mb (669 downloads)
Updated airfield YTWB(Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia) to look more like it does today. Includes objects, pre-compiled AI traffic and bonus YBOK(Oakey Army Aviation Centre)ready to go!
Posted Aug 8, 2012 04:50 by Spike

31.11Mb (6193 downloads)
The Atlas Cheetah is a fighter aircraft of the South African Air Force. It is a major upgrade of the Dassault Mirage III. Three different variants were created, the dual-seat Cheetah D, and the single-seat Cheetah E and Cheetah C. The Cheetahs have been retired and was replaced by Saab JAS-39 Gripens. This package contains an entirely new visual model and the airfile has been redone to improve the flight dynamics of the aircraft. It includes one model with the choice of multiple weapon configurations, custom sounds, and panel with aircraft specific gauges, and easy-to-read clickable virtual cockpit. It also features a working radar, camera simulated gauges, a new MFD, new nav instruments, drag chute and sound effects. It also includes a normal and wide screen panel. Thinus Pretorius
Posted Aug 7, 2012 11:18 by Thinus Pretorius

0.41Mb (1240 downloads)
The default aerobatics plane,
stand-alone aircraft.
Textured by Stuart Willows,
reworked FD by George Csillag
Posted Aug 6, 2012 19:34 by George Csillag

71.62Mb (7678 downloads)
Version 3.0 brings an entirely new cockpit (2D/3D, 2D panel available in Widescreen and 4/3) and cabin down to almost every single switch, entirely new flight dynamics, advanced systems and avionics, new sound and panel sound effects, and much more! The Piaggio P-180 is a high-speed high-efficiency turboprop aircraft. Capable of speeds up to 395 KTAS (or M0.68) up to its service ceiling of 41000ft. This performance is achieved by extreme aerodynamic optimization instead of sheer power. The end result is an aircraft that burns 40% less fuel than the average jet of comparable size, while flying at the same speed range, or 30% less than an equivalent size turboprop, as it flies much faster. The pusher propellers on the wings mounted much backwards thanks to the forward wing set make it a comfortable and quiet ride for the passengers, that also enjoy a very spacious cabin for an aircraft of this size. Features Clickable Dynamic Photortreal VC with Night Lighting, night lighted internals, Photoreal 2D Cockpit, Engine start Effect, advanced FDE, Customizable Payloads.
Posted Jul 30, 2012 21:41 by Mario Noriega

49.70Mb (1714 downloads)
Spike's Mooney Bravo Mooney Madness with Engine Fire! Mods for the default FS2004 Mooney Bravo. Lots of things added and changed for 2012. Complete aircraft and effects included. Weather radar by Aviation legerede l'Armee De Terre. Prop and wheel dust by Nick. Engine failure fire By Joe Latarski. Apologies to users who downloaded the previous version. Texture by Geoffrey.
Posted Jul 29, 2012 23:15 by Spike

0.28Mb (152 downloads)
The original FS2004 YHSM airfield (Horsham, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) had a bug in the taxi way. This has been fixed.
Posted Jul 29, 2012 21:53 by Spike

51.51Mb (3909 downloads)
It has come to my attention the previous version didn't work like it should. My sincere apologies to everyone. Thanks to Jon and 138 at HAV for BETA testing. Apologies to users who downloaded my previous version. This version comes completely fixed and revised to work. F4U-7 Corsair with Engine Fire Effects for FS2004. For the love of the F4U and aviation. Includes good VC. Original Model by Alpha Bleu Ciel.
Posted Jul 29, 2012 17:40 by Spike

21.55Mb (465 downloads)
Mount Hotham is the highest mountain aerodrome (4260 feet). Just to add some nice scenery on the way to and at Mt Hotham in Winter and Summer. Includes objects and land class maps.
Posted Jul 27, 2012 00:59 by Spike