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FS2004 > Page 267
FS2004/FSX Zlin 326 Flight Dynamics
0.14Mb (435 downloads)
FS2004 Zlin 326 Flight Dynamics mods to Pavel Karasek's Zlin 326 package for FS2004 and FSX. By George Csillag
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Posted Jul 26, 2012 01:53 by George Csillag
Spike's Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia MOD Spike's Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia MOD (Revised)
Spike's Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia MOD Spike's Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia MOD (Revised)
11.38Mb (430 downloads)
99.9% of pilots in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia know about YBSS. It's the classic aerodrome of Bacchus Marsh and has been around for years supporting many-a-sailplane and flying school. I’ve done my best to reproduce this airfield as it appears now. (Taken from my ERSA and online photos). Includes objects, Summer & Winter landclass maps. Includes pre-compiled AI traffic and bonus YMFD Mansfield Airfield ready to go!
Posted Jul 25, 2012 21:48 by Spike
Jet City DC-9-51 Dinar Lineas Aereas Textures
Jet City DC-9-51 Dinar Lineas Aereas Textures
6.12Mb (236 downloads)
DC-9-51 Dinar Lineas Aereas 1999 textures only for the payware Jet City model.
Posted Jul 25, 2012 16:44 by LUIS CASTRO
Grumman Albatross (short winged) UF-1/HU-16 Package
Grumman Albatross (short winged) UF-1/HU-16 Package
89.10Mb (3881 downloads)
FS2004 Grumman Albatross (short winged) UF-1/HU-16.The Albatross started out as a company venture in the late forties and became such a success that it has been used by more than two dozen armed forces throughout the world.Original by Greg Pepper,and Michael Verlin. Models by "Swingman",sounds by "Skysong Soundworks",and textures by Michael Verlin. Some texture mods by James Craig. 4 different models, 2d panel as well as VC, unique sounds, many textures, etc..
Posted Jul 24, 2012 06:09 by uploader
FSX/FS2004  Lockheed L-1049E Constellation IberiaTextures
FSX/FS2004  Lockheed L-1049E Constellation IberiaTextures
4.05Mb (1043 downloads)
This repaint was one of ten IBERIA's units of Super Constellation: EC-AIN. "Santa Maria" 1049 E-55 (Serial number S/N 4550). A repaint of Manfred Jahn's outstanding Lockheed L-1049 Super G Constellation.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 23, 2012 02:51 by Enrique Medal
Virtualcol PAWA Dominicana British Aerospace Jetstream 31 (HI841) Textures
Virtualcol PAWA Dominicana British Aerospace Jetstream 31 (HI841) Textures
1.07Mb (218 downloads)
British Aerospace Jetstream 31,(cn 674), registration HI841, wearing the last colors used by PAWA in its Jetstream 31. Fully reworked textures only for the Virtualcol BAe Jetstream 31 model (payware package). Look at for detailed info. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jul 23, 2012 01:58 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Virtualcol PAWA Dominicana British Aerospace Jetstream 31 (HI817) Textures
Virtualcol PAWA Dominicana British Aerospace Jetstream 31 (HI817) Textures
1.28Mb (170 downloads)
British Aerospace Jetstream 31,(cn 673), registration HI817, wearing the last colors used by PAWA in its Jetstream 31. Fully reworked textures only for the Virtualcol BAe Jetstream 31 model (payware package). Look at for detailed info. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jul 23, 2012 01:56 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Philippine Air Force AS332 Super Puma
Philippine Air Force AS332 Super Puma
4.64Mb (3322 downloads)
FS2004 Philippine Air Force Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma Philippine Air Force's 252nd Helicopter Squadron of the 250th Presidential Airlift Wing based in Villamor Air Base. The only Puma helicopter in the inventory of the PAF. A medium transport helo, France in origin with the capability to operate day or night in all weather, all climate. It has a large cabin, a crew of 2 and 16-20 troops or 6 stretchers. It has a speed of 163 mph and a range without reserves of 342 miles powered by a 4-bladed rotor.Helicopter has NO VC but stable flight dynamics and easy to hover. Capable to make a spot landing. Base model: FS2004 Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma Japan Coast Guard This model was built with Gmax. Visual Model by K.Furuya Original exterior sound are from Olle Kauppi Easy Autopilot gauge by Martin “Gizmocat” Benson, Dirk Fassbender and Antti Pankkonen Sound by Dirk Fassbender 2D cockpit panel by Brian Franklin Repainted by: Gerard G. Olvis
Posted Jul 21, 2012 23:11 by Gerard G. Olvis
Christiph 17 Hangar at Airfiled Durach, Germany
Christiph 17 Hangar at Airfiled Durach, Germany
0.59Mb (770 downloads)
The New Location of the German Rescue Helicopter "Christoph 17" is at the Airfield Durach (EDMK) Compatible also with VFR Airfields of CR-Software
Posted Jul 18, 2012 17:10 by benimix - Benedikt Fröhlich
0.01Mb (242 downloads)
This is an Afcad update for the Vagar Airport scenery from Aero Files. This update includes a runways extension as well as a ground frequency and general aviation parkings whitch have been transformed into small gates for bigger aircrafts and fot getting more AI traffic to the airport. This file is only for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. Readme file is included.
Posted Jul 18, 2012 09:02 by Yakkifly