FS2004 > Page 406
20.72Mb (7462 downloads)
AC-130/C-130 flare effect.
You can use this with any aircraft but it is designed for the AC-130/C-130. Will work in FSX.
Original effect by Tim South
By Claudio Pizzirani
Posted May 22, 2010 01:41 by Claudio Pizzirani

7.38Mb (344 downloads)
LJLsim Tornado GR1 Royal Air Force 27 Sqn photoreal textures only. Requires the payware Ljlsim Tornado. Textures by Ukmil
Posted May 21, 2010 08:37 by UKMIL

8.02Mb (273 downloads)
LJLsim Tornado GR1 Royal Air Force 2 Sqn photoreal textures only. Requires the payware Ljlsim Tornado. Textures by Ukmil
Posted May 21, 2010 08:30 by UKMIL

7.53Mb (390 downloads)
LJLsim Tornado GR1 Royal Air Force XV Sqn photoreal textures only. Requires the payware Ljlsim Tornado. Textures by Ukmil
Posted May 21, 2010 08:24 by UKMIL

14.47Mb (859 downloads)
The following skeletonized airplanes are being released freeware so that everyone can participate in our $50 Cash Prize repaint contest. Entries must be submitted by June 14th, 2010. Included are two Aircraft Models stripped of their engine detail and virtual cockpits, 2 Paint Schemes, and a Photoshop Repaint Kit. It does not include a complete sound set (High RPM Sound Only), gauges, or a complete virtual cockpit. Author: SkyUnlimited Productions
Posted May 20, 2010 11:53 by John MacKay

3.47Mb (3904 downloads)
FS2004 Comac C919 168-190 seat narrow-body airliner. Model by JR Lucariny
Posted May 20, 2010 10:24 by JRLucariny

15.89Mb (4180 downloads)
FS2004 Grumman HU-16 Albatross Virgin Islands.
Tis is a complete aircraft with two new liveries, British and US Virgin Islands. Original by Greg Pepper and Michael Verlin. Repaints by Ingo Schwan.
Posted May 20, 2010 03:50 by Ingo Schwan
1.88Mb (2183 downloads)
If you are like us and like the default skins, but annoyed by the lack of planes. Then you will
like this little add-on. The adds the Boeing 747-400 Pacifica ai traffic. The traffic file
has 363 flightplans. Credits: Traffic: Lolax-Team Skin: Joshua Robertson.
Posted May 20, 2010 03:21 by Lolax-Team

2.53Mb (2698 downloads)
Westland Welkin MK1 - twin-engine high-altitude interceptor. RAF Original model by JR Lucariny.
Posted May 19, 2010 14:56 by JRLucariny

0.87Mb (3433 downloads)
If you are like us and like the default skins, but annoyed by the lack of planes. Then you will
like this little add-on. The adds the Boeing 757-200 ai traffic in World Travel Airlines
texture. The traffic file has 412 flight-plans. Credits: Traffic: Lolax-Team, Plane: Mike Stone
Posted May 19, 2010 14:34 by Lolax-Team