FS2004 > Page 410

0.40Mb (2918 downloads)
Real Taxiways, Gateways and Tower for the old Hong Kong Kai Tak airport. Added gates and parking to the airport, added radios (a tower, departure, ground and ATIS).
Also navigational aids (a glideslope, ILS landing system, markers and PAPI 4 lights).
Plus improved the layout of the aprons and taxiways, and all the taxiways are named. Created using afcad 2.21 by Lee Swordy.
It will only work on fs2004! 404kb
Posted May 13, 2010 14:32 by A. Garner

42.01Mb (1499 downloads)
FS2004 VFR Balice EPKK ext II V2.
Very beautiful VFR scenery. Designed on
ground textures of the old town Krakow in
the vicinity of EPKK Balice (Poland).
This is an updated extention II of the base
scenery VFR Balice with day and night
textures. Almost one thousand
3D objects and photorealistic textures.
Scenery does not contain EPKK airport
itself and a mesh. EPKK airport can be
downloaded from www.pl-vacc.org
By Lothar Tomczyk, Jakub Mista,
Artur Apryjas
Posted May 13, 2010 10:12 by Lothar Tomczyk, Jakub Mista, A

8.32Mb (997 downloads)
FS2004 VFR Balice EPKK ext I V2.
This addon - scenery is an extention of
the eixisting scenery VFR Balice for
FS2004.Adds monuments and historical
objects in hight resolution to the
surrounding of the
EPKK (Balice - John Paul II Airport) in
Cracow (Poland). This is a updated scenery
with day and night textures.
By Lothar Tomczyk and Jakub Mista
Posted May 13, 2010 09:32 by Lothar Tomczyk&Jakub Mista

7.30Mb (1689 downloads)
You can use this effect with any helicopter/plane but this is designed specifically for the EC-155 Tiger. Works in FS2004 and FSX. By Claudio Pizzirani The link to the EC-155 Tiger'''''''
Required files:
required file
Posted May 13, 2010 04:58 by Claudio Pizzirani

3.12Mb (444 downloads)
Pioneer operated a fleet of nine Martin 202's purchased from Northwest in the early 1950s. Operating on government subsidy, Pioneer was forced to return to DC-3s. Strong competition forced Pioneer to merge with Continental in 1955.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 12, 2010 21:02 by Gary Harper

8.95Mb (3892 downloads)
This is an update for FS 9 of the P-47D by
Alphasim. I have updated the flight
dynamics, added some gauges to the panel, and
fixed the GPS so it all can be seen. This is
the whole aircraft.
Posted May 12, 2010 10:34 by Bob Chicilo

3.25Mb (436 downloads)
This is a repaint skin (textures only) for the payware Spitfire MK1 from A2A Simulations.
Thank you to A2A simulation for making the plane!
Thank you to John Terrell (Bomber 12th) for its excellent template files.
Thank you to Peritas (SOH) for sending me the paintkit files.
This texture represents a Spitfire Mk Ia X4474 QV-I flown by Sgt Jennings of No 19 Sqn, September 1940 at RAF Fowlmere.
Posted May 12, 2010 05:40 by csainc

15.43Mb (6513 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Heinkel He-111Z Zwilling.
This was the most unusual variant of the aircraft ever developed.
It was built to tow the massive Me 321 Gigant glider, which weighted in at 75,000lbs when full. HeinkelĀfs solution to this problem was to take two He 111H-6s, place them side by side and then connect them with a new central wing section.
A fifth engine was placed at the centre of the new central wing, producing a five engined aircraft with two full fuselages, with the seven man crew split between the two sides.
Two kind of paint examples(Green camouflage and Sand paint for desert) are included.
Single fuselage H6-Type model is also included in this package.
by Kazunori Ito.
Posted May 11, 2010 14:55 by Kazunori Ito

1.84Mb (1970 downloads)
A modernized panel for the Piper J-3 Cub. Uses default FS2004 gauges. New RPM Gauge, Airspeed Indicator, Altimeter, Engine Gauges, and Clock. Airspeed displays KIAS (replaces the old MPH gauge) and includes V-speed reference card. Original panel by Microsoft. Updated by R.E. Wyman.
Posted May 11, 2010 01:25 by R.E. Wyman

15.91Mb (1861 downloads)
The Expeditor in two liveries: Island Hopper Airways, a small Passenger/Cargo carrier based in the Bahamas, and Corsair Airways "Princess Alice". Also included is a set of blank textures for your own repaints. Original aircraft by F. Giuli, Sound and repaints by Don Brynelsen.
Posted May 10, 2010 11:53 by Don Brynelsen