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FS2004 > Page 413
C-54B Millardair Textures
4.58Mb (519 downloads)
FS2004/FSX C-54B Millardair C-54B C/N 10464/195 as C-GQIA, mid 1980's Millardair flew the venerable C-54 from 1972 until 1990. They were reliable, sturdy, and didn't complain about the cold! Original aircraft by Jens B. Kristensen. Requires JBK DC-4 V2.1 Repaint by Dan McManus
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Posted May 3, 2010 12:06 by Dan McManus
The Weeze Laarbruch Scenery Project  Part 1
21.61Mb (1752 downloads)
FS2004 The Weeze Laarbruch Scenery Project Part 1 EDLV File 1 of 2 Scenery of the Former RAFG Station Laarbruch as it appears now as Airport Weeze or Niederrhein ( EDLV ) and the surrounding Area ( photorealistic ). Includes custom made objects. By Klaus Hinkel, Peter Beeby and Manfred Schyma. Supported by Ted Andrews, Stephen Legg (ACG), Ian McCartney (ACG) and Ron Kellenaers.
Posted May 3, 2010 10:57 by Indigo
Scheibe SF 25 C - Esslinger Falke - Motorglider Package
Scheibe SF 25 C - Esslinger Falke - Motorglider Package
7.86Mb (3586 downloads)
FS2004 Scheibe SF 25 C - Esslinger Falke - Motorglider "D-KOII" Version 1b, May 2010 Sports a high resolution fully operable virtual cockpit, possibly the first ever choke simulation in FS as well as some seemingly familiar instruments with rather unusual modes of operation, plus audible switches, buttons - and side windows. Full checklist in English and German, almost identical to the real plane's. Flight characteristcs and aircraft operation closely tuned to the real bird. Usable as procedure simulator within the limits of Flight Simulator. By Wolfgang Piper, Mathias Elsaesser and Doug Dawson
Posted May 3, 2010 10:54 by Indigo Blue
PZL M-18A Dromader DDR Interflug
PZL M-18A Dromader DDR Interflug
13.67Mb (5180 downloads)
FS2004 PZL M-18A Dromader DDR-TMS Interflug Tis is a complete aircraft. This agriculture machine first flown in 1976, the M-18 series has been approved and exported to several countries. Designed by Jan Moravec. Repaint by Ingo Schwan.
Posted May 1, 2010 10:12 by Ingo Schwan
Short S29 Stirling Mk I
13.33Mb (5322 downloads)
FS2004 Short S29 Stirling Mk I The second 4 engine bomber in RAF service. Aircraft of 7 Sqdn. based at Oakington. Recast with new Virtual Cockpit Ver.5, By Edward Cook
Posted May 1, 2010 07:53 by Edward Cook
FS2004 AVTEK 400
1.79Mb (3065 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 AVTEK 400. The Avtek Type400 was a prototype turboprop-powered business aircraft developed in the United States in the early 1980s. It was of ususual and distinctive configuration - a low-wing monoplane with two pusher engines mounted above the wings, and a large canard mounted atop the forward fuselage. The aircraft's sleek, futuristic design earned it a guest appearance on the Airwolf TV series and movie "AVIATOR". The structure made extensive use of advanced composite materials throughout. by Kazunori Ito.
Posted May 1, 2010 07:44 by Kazunori Ito
DC9-30 Sky Simulation FIFA World Cup Trophy Textures
DC9-30 Sky Simulation FIFA World Cup Trophy Textures
10.86Mb (519 downloads)
Textures only for the dc9-30 ZS-GAJ of FIFA World Cup Trophy, model by Sky Simulations(, texture by Gustavo La Cruz
Posted Apr 28, 2010 16:25 by Gustavo La Cruz
DC9-30 Sky Simulations Avensa YV-82C Textures
DC9-30 Sky Simulations Avensa YV-82C Textures
10.44Mb (448 downloads)
Textures only for the Sky Simulations dc9-30 YV-82C Avensa. Texture by Gustavo La Cruz
Posted Apr 28, 2010 16:18 by Gustavo La Cruz
DC9-30 Sky Simulations Zuliana de Aviacion YV-459C Textures
DC9-30 Sky Simulations Zuliana de Aviacion YV-459C Textures
10.39Mb (333 downloads)
Textures for the Sky Simulations dc9-30 YV-459C of Zuliana de AviaciĆ³n. Textures by Gustavo La Cruz
Posted Apr 28, 2010 16:18 by Gustavo La Cruz
DC9-30 Sky Simulations Aserca Airlines YV2259
DC9-30 Sky Simulations Aserca Airlines YV2259
10.59Mb (671 downloads)
Textures only for the Sky Simulations DC9-30 YV2259 "San Miguel Arcangel" of Aserca Airlines, Textures by Gustavo La Cruz
Posted Apr 28, 2010 16:05 by Gustavo La Cruz