FS2004 > Page 440
3.20Mb (2833 downloads)
Rockwell Turbocommander 690B YV2056 Textures only.
Rockwell Turbocommander 690B, new registration YV2056, from
a venezuelan private owner. Original model by Veneaviones, (Juan
Miguel Ramírez, Arnoldo Perdomo & Claudio Rojas),
panel by Scott Thomas, sounds by Eric Cantu, FDE by Oscar Ortíz,
master textures by Juan Miguel Ramirez and Arnoldo Perdomo,
and effects by Roberto Leiro. Requires Veneaviones Turbocommander
here. Repaint
textures only. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza. 3.3MB
Posted Feb 8, 2010 09:05 by archive
0.55Mb (2025 downloads)
Extra 300s 'The Lost Forum' Textures only for
the default FS9 Extra. 565K
Posted Feb 8, 2010 09:05 by archive
2.67Mb (1032 downloads)
S.A. Bulldog T. MK1 XX513 Textures Only.
The Bulldog was a training aircraft developed by Scottish Aviation
from the Beagle Pup light aircraft, the prototype first flying
in 1969. Main user was the RAF, with others going to Nigeria,
Kenya, Jordan, Ghana, Sweden,(as the SK-61) and Malta. Several
are also on the Civil register. This plane has full FS animations,
shiney tex's and V-Cockpit with some custom gauges. Includes
RAF, Maltese, And Swedish paint schemes, the Swedish scheme
having its own SK-61 model. Requires aircraft by Tim Conrad
here. Repaint by Ben Hartmann
of UKMIL. 2.7MB
Posted Feb 8, 2010 09:05 by archive
2.37Mb (767 downloads)
S.A. Bulldog T. MK1 XX654 UAS Textures Only.
The Bulldog was a training aircraft developed by Scottish Aviation
from the Beagle Pup light aircraft, the prototype first flying
in 1969. Main user was the RAF, with others going to Nigeria,
Kenya, Jordan, Ghana, Sweden,(as the SK-61) and Malta. Several
are also on the Civil register. This plane has full FS animations,
shiney tex's and V-Cockpit with some custom gauges. Includes
RAF, Maltese, And Swedish paint schemes, the Swedish scheme
having its own SK-61 model. Requires aircraft by Tim Conrad
here. Repaint by Ben Hartmann
of UKMIL. 2.4MB
Posted Feb 8, 2010 09:05 by archive
2.36Mb (999 downloads)
S.A. Bulldog T. MK1 East Midlands UAS Textures Only.
The Bulldog was a training aircraft developed by Scottish Aviation
from the Beagle Pup light aircraft, the prototype first flying
in 1969. Main user was the RAF, with others going to Nigeria,
Kenya, Jordan, Ghana, Sweden,(as the SK-61) and Malta. Several
are also on the Civil register. This plane has full FS animations,
shiney tex's and V-Cockpit with some custom gauges. Includes
RAF, Maltese, And Swedish paint schemes, the Swedish scheme
having its own SK-61 model. Requires aircraft by Tim Conrad
here. Repaint by Ben Hartmann
of UKMIL. 2.2MB
Posted Feb 8, 2010 09:05 by archive
2.20Mb (1363 downloads)
S.A. Bulldog T. MK1 XX698 Textures Only.
The Bulldog was a training aircraft developed by Scottish Aviation
from the Beagle Pup light aircraft, the prototype first flying
in 1969. Main user was the RAF, with others going to Nigeria,
Kenya, Jordan, Ghana, Sweden,(as the SK-61) and Malta. Several
are also on the Civil register. This plane has full FS animations,
shiney tex's and V-Cockpit with some custom gauges. Includes
RAF, Maltese, And Swedish paint schemes, the Swedish scheme
having its own SK-61 model. Requires aircraft by Tim Conrad
here. Repaint by Ben Hartmann
of UKMIL. 2.2MB
Posted Feb 8, 2010 09:05 by archive

0.01Mb (792 downloads)
FS2004 PZL101A Gawron Fix
Use for GAVRON9M.ZIP file (above).
Implemented differential brakes,
reduced gear drag by George Csillag.
Posted Feb 8, 2010 05:13 by GCs

14.96Mb (2067 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Olympic Airways DC-6B Mainliner SX-DAD (c/n 45539/1010). The DC-6B was generally considered to possess the best operating economics of any piston airliner built. Passengers also appreciated their smooth, quiet ride. Olympic Airways operated 13 DC-6 aircraft from 1958-1967. This is the fourth DC-6B SX-DAD, named Isle of Rhodes. Original Aircraft by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, requires CalClassic DC-6B. Repaint by Dan McManus
here (external link)
Posted Feb 7, 2010 23:51 by Dan McManus

7.78Mb (735 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Eastern Airline Shuttle Lockheed 1049G, N6237G (cn4662). N6327G, in the "Hockey Stick" livery, was used on the Eastern Shuttle routes between Boston MA, LaGuardia NY, Newark NJ, and Washington DC from 1961-1968. Original Aircraft by Team 1049 (Manfred Jahn, Roland Berger, Volker Boehme, Luis Pallas, Bill Tyne, and Stefan Werner). Textures Only, Repaint by Dan McManus
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 7, 2010 23:28 by Dan McManus

0.40Mb (1521 downloads)
FS2004 PZL101A Gawron
a utility STOL aircraft, the Yak-12M's modifieds version,
builted by the Warsawa Okencsie Factory in Poland 1967.
The HA-SBF Crow is a Hungarian glider towed plane.
FS2K Designed by Tibor Kokai.
Includes an FS98- FS2K models instal description
for FS4K moving parts by A.F. Scrub.
Added a Cessna mods FD by George Csillag.
Posted Feb 7, 2010 15:48 by GCs