FS2004 > Page 441
2.30Mb (467 downloads)
Zvolen Castle is a part of town Zvolen in Slovak Republic. It is dominates for the town and a good landmark.
Made by Vrabec Jozef, Slovakia
Posted Feb 7, 2010 13:04 by Vrabec Jozef

43.11Mb (4762 downloads)
V2.3 Upgrade package for the Sea Fury FB11 by David Hanvey & Paul Barry. You need to have installed "sfrel1.zip" and "sfrel1u.zip" This Update includes all previous updates. List of what's new: Vastly improved ground handling by Hobby (James Pettigrew) Paint Kit created and donated by Steven Beeny Alpha freeware radio and nav added to later models. Repaint: VX620 RNVR 1832 RNAS Culham. Peter Forster Repaint: WM486 RNVR 1831 RNAS Stretton. Peter Forster Repaint: TF925 805 NAS St Merryn. Peter Forster Repaint: TG117 RCN Winter Experimental establishment, RCAF Station Namao. Steven Beeny Repaint: VHHFG RAN HMAS Sydney. Steven Beeny. Default Planes ‘touched up a little further’ by Northernknight Includes previous updates: 1/ Photographic quality Cockpit Panel by Lobo da Silva, gauges repositioned 2/ Lights Panel 3/ Repaint RN VX639 Culdrose 4/ Repaint RCN TF999, 803 Sqn HMCS Magnificent 5/ Repaint of HMS Ocean & Glory using Colossus Class Arromanches as a base 6/ Carrier Operation using RCBO-20 7/ Catapult Panel 8/ Wing-tip vortex improved 9/ Flap drag effect and toe brakes readjusted 10/ Default Planes improved graphically Cannon effects and RCBO-20 by Rob Barendregt Requires Sea Fury FB11 sfrel1.zip & sfrel1u.zip by David Hanvey, Paul Barry,Jerry Beckwith and Jan Rosenberg. Activate the addon scenery the normal way in FS9 (C) Warbird Warrior 2010
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 7, 2010 03:50 by Peter J Forster

6.12Mb (2195 downloads)
FS2004 Zlin 726 K
Last sample of the Zlin Trener Family's 17 types.
The Manufacturer is the Moravan-Zlin in Otrokovice,
in the former Czechoslovakia.
The Z726K builted from the aerobatics training Z726U,
with compression Avia M337AK engine, powered by 210 HP.
Plane designed by Capt.I.D'Attomo.
Mods by George Csillag.
Posted Feb 5, 2010 12:25 by GCs

2.63Mb (3902 downloads)
2004 MiG21BIS HuAF 6115
served the Hungarian Air Force once.
AI model designed by Mehlin Rainer.
Repainted by Tamas Szabo.
Sounds by Aaron R. Swindle.
Panel from an UM cockpit photo and
FD mods by George Csillag.
Posted Feb 5, 2010 12:20 by GCs

11.83Mb (1158 downloads)
-Models for the VAL AI Flight plans.
-Models by Henry Tomkiewicz and Marcel Kuhnt,Repaints by Roberto "Rotol" Ayala
-Theres also a video of the flyable models in simteevee(VAL or Vieques Air Link Virtual)
- If you download this folders models from simviation you dont need to use the AI MODELS UPDATE folder that I put on the Flight plans file.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 4, 2010 18:18 by Roberto Ayala/Rafael Ortiz
0.37Mb (382 downloads)
Flight Plans for the AI Models of VAL Virtual with their New Colors.Models can be found at www.robertoayala.com This pack contain a number of folders in order so the flight plans can work properly.More info on the Read me file,Enjoy!!
Posted Feb 4, 2010 08:39 by Roberto Ayala/Rafael Ortiz

0.19Mb (2448 downloads)
Updated config for Dassault Dornier Alpha Jet by lco26 & co.
- weights (empty, max take off)
- position of weights (pilot, instructor, ...)
- flight dynamics
- volume and position of tanks
- parameters of engines
- contact points (more exactly defined + added some more)
- "eye" position and few more details ...
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 4, 2010 06:54 by Michal Lubiscak

2.06Mb (2340 downloads)
Update of config and flight dynamics for excellent Dassault Super Etendart by Romain Lucas.
- COG position (very important value for behavior of any airplane ...)
- weights (emty, max take off)
- position of weights (pilot, pylons, bullets)
- flight dynamics
- volume and position of tanks
- parameters of engine (position, fuel flow, time of reaktion, thrust)
- contact points (more exactly defined + added some more)
- "eye" position and few more details ...
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 4, 2010 06:52 by Michal Lubiscak

0.35Mb (1566 downloads)
Config file for Westland Wessex by Brian Franklin. - weights (emty, max take off)
- position of weights (crew, passengers, ...)
- flight dynamics
- parameters of engine
- contact points (more exactly defined + added some more)
- "eye" position and few more details ...
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 4, 2010 06:49 by Michal Lubiscak

4.06Mb (2528 downloads)
FS2004 Buecker Jungmann Bu131A HA-LAA.
A German tandem seater open cockpit aerobatic training biplane.
The 'Buki - Csiz' served the Hungarian Sport Flight and Air Force
between 1939 and 1950. FS2K Designed by Gerry R. Rivera.
Mods by George Csillag.
Posted Feb 2, 2010 23:51 by GCs