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FS2004 > Page 454
SGA MD-81 YV1240 Laser Airlines
SGA MD-81 YV1240 Laser Airlines
10.04Mb (3631 downloads)
MD-81 Laser Airlines. This is a regional airline from Venezuela. Model by SGA, texture by Gustavo La Cruz.
Posted Jan 4, 2010 20:24 by Gustavo La Cruz
Intanhaem Flying Club, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
4.41Mb (2122 downloads)
Itanhaem Flying Club for FS2004 - may work in FSX - The Itanhaem Flying Club (SDIM) doesn't exist in FS9 or FSX, but it is real and operating. It is located on the coast of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Itanhaem is one of the beach towns where the folks of the city of Sao Paulo rush to on weekends and holidays. The flyiing club serves the local pilots-to-be, as well as aviation enthusiasts of the area. I included a small grass patch that used to be the Aeroclube de Praia Grande, a few kilometres to the east. This grass field used to be a nice flying club but it is now in ruins. Its claim to fame is that two important people landed there. One was the French pilot and writer of The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The other was a president of Brazil, Janio Quadros, who renounced the post and hid in a house in the area, and the Aeroclube de Praia Grande is where his plane landed. I learn more stuff playing with FS than I ever did from my History teachers. Made by Fern Marques with photos sent by the nice people at the airclub.
Posted Jan 4, 2010 17:00 by Fern Marques
 DC-9-51 Servivensa Textures
 DC-9-51 Servivensa Textures
2.71Mb (984 downloads)
DC-9-51 YV-820C Servivensa Airlines Textures only. Requires DC-9-50 model by SGA. Texture by Gustavo La Cruz.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 3, 2010 16:11 by Gustavo La Cruz
Airbus A318-111 Q-base Fictional Livery
Airbus A318-111 Q-base Fictional Livery
18.00Mb (2196 downloads)
Airbus A318-111 is represent a fictional texture of Q-base events with the colors of Da Tweekaz Hardstyle Music DJ`s. Model by Aerodesigns, panel by Dany Setyadi, texture by Gustavo La Cruz.
Posted Jan 3, 2010 15:31 by Gustavo La Cruz
Bell UH-1D Spain Air Force Textures
1.06Mb (1477 downloads)
Bell UH-1D Spain Air Force (Grey) textures only for the Model of Deane Baunton.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 3, 2010 15:28 by benimix
0.00Mb (529 downloads)
Aerodromo de Parismina AFCAD file. Costa Rica.
Posted Jan 2, 2010 13:55 by Alberto Thomas (Costa Rica)
Zivko Edge 540 for FS9
Zivko Edge 540 for FS9
11.64Mb (10867 downloads)
FS2004 Zivko Edge 540. The unlimited aerobatic aircraft well-known of the Red Bull Airrace World Series. This package contains the model incl. VC with smooth gauges and custom Flight-Dynamics. A paintkit is also included. FS9 only.
Posted Jan 1, 2010 07:27 by Tom's FS-Addons
Savoia Marchetti SM95C
Savoia Marchetti SM95C
7.51Mb (2970 downloads)
FS2004 "ONLY"-Savoia Marchetti SM95CALITALIA With Fiat G12 was one of the first airliner of ALITALIA, the new Italian company after the War. This type of aircraft entered in service in July 1947 on the route Roma-Oslo The last flight in September 1954,due to the enter in service american DC4, more modern, cabin pressurized and modern avionics. Model,aircarft,texture and panel by F. Giuli. Gauges different authors
Posted Dec 31, 2009 12:32 by FRANCESCO GIULI
Abacus Fighter Pilots F-15 LN Textures
2.51Mb (390 downloads)
F-15 LN Texture for the model of Fighter Pilots 2 of Abacus
Posted Dec 31, 2009 10:10 by benimix
FS9 - SIAI Marchetti SM 1019 (File version 1.0)
FS9 - SIAI Marchetti SM 1019 (File version 1.0)
3.99Mb (5505 downloads)
The SIAI Marchetti SM 1019 is a single-engine, high wing monoplane with tail-wheel type fixed landing gear.It was intended for Battlefield surveillance and forward air control. It's based upon the Cessna O-1 Bird Dog but posseses and extensively modified airframe to meet latest operational requirements, redesigned tail surfaces and a turboprop in place of the O-1's piston engine. STOL performance makes it easy to operate from any airfield. This FS aircraft model represents two different examples, the first one when in use with the Italian Army and the second when repainted by a civil user after the dismission from the Italian Army inventory. Full package includes: Aircraft,Textures and panel: Massimo Taccoli FD files : by Dennis Seeley Gauges : Dennis Seeley & Massimo Taccoli
Posted Dec 31, 2009 05:01 by Massimo Taccoli