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FS2004 > Page 458
Fournier RF4-D Motorglider Update
Fournier RF4-D Motorglider Update
4.18Mb (2216 downloads)
Kazunori Ito’s Fournier RF4-D Motorglider has been reengined with the original Rectimo (VW) piston engine. Ground and flight behaviors have been updated and tweaked to practically match those of the real airplane.
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Posted Dec 15, 2009 05:09 by Jean-Luc Peters, Wolfgang Pipe
Three military Lockheed L-749 / C-121A Constellations MATS Textures.
Three military Lockheed L-749 / C-121A Constellations MATS Textures.
11.57Mb (1939 downloads)
Three military Lockheed L-749 / C-121A Constellations MATS Textures. These repaints represent 48-612, an early all-silver snub-nosed C-121A with "MATS ATLANTIC" titles ca 1949, 48-614, a polished silver and white VC-121A ca. 1955, and 48-609, a "photoreal" texture alternative for an aircraft already present in the Lockheed L-749 base pack (required). By Manfred Jahn
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Posted Dec 14, 2009 05:06 by Paul Atreides
MAAM Sim Douglas C-47 Dakota Wimbi Dira Airways Textures
7.55Mb (639 downloads)
FS2004 Douglas C-47 Dakota Wimbi Dira Airways 9Q-CWI FS2004 Douglas C-47 Dakota Wimbi Dira Airways 9Q-CWI. This aircraft was written off 19 June 2005 at Kalima Airport, DRC. The DC-3 reportedly bounced several times on landing and groundlooped, causing separation of the main landing gear and one engine. Theire were no fatalities on board. Requires the payware aircraft by MAAM-SIM. Repaint by Ben Hartmann of HJG
Posted Dec 14, 2009 03:24 by admin
FS2004/FSX Stratojet Albatross Blackbeard Textures
0.80Mb (1206 downloads)
This is a repaint (textures only) of Eugene Heyart's Stratojet Albatross, file name available here: This is freeware only and can not be added to the original file without express permission from Eugene Heyart. Thanks to Eugene for his excellent work.
Posted Dec 12, 2009 15:34 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis
Nardi FN-333 Textures
1.72Mb (1264 downloads)
This is a repaint (textures only) of Mario Noriega's Nardi Fn-333 Riviera. The paint theme is the same, just different colors, i.e. a palette shitf. You must have the original aircraft, available here: Thanks to Mario for this excellent amphibian. Repaint by L.T. Davis.
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Posted Dec 12, 2009 14:55 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis
FS2002/2004 Blairwater Airlink Textures for default Dash 8
FS2002/2004 Blairwater Airlink Textures for default Dash 8
1.16Mb (1292 downloads)
Add some variety to your commuter gates with these new textures for use with the default Dash 8 Turboprop from the sim. Blairwater is a fictional carrier serving Canada's Prince Edward Island and is named for the town from the Canadien TV series "Emily of New Moon". Repaint by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Dec 11, 2009 12:10 by Don Brynelsen
FS2002/2004 Arrow III White/Orange Textures
0.92Mb (517 downloads)
Repaint of Warren Baier's Arrow 3 in a white and orange scheme. Textures only. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
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Posted Dec 11, 2009 12:06 by Don Brynelsen
FS2002/2004 Blank Arrow 3 Textures
1.06Mb (556 downloads)
A set of blank textures for your own repaints of Warren Baier's Cherokee Arrow III. You need Warren's orginal aircraft ( to use. Blank Textures created by Don Brynelsen bassed on Warren's originals.
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Posted Dec 11, 2009 11:57 by Don Brynelsen
F-16 Viper Config Update
0.57Mb (5535 downloads)
2nd version of my configuration update for F-16 Fighting Falcon by Kirk Olson ( - COG position - weights (emty, max take off) - position of weights (pilot, pylons, bullets) - flight dynamics - volume and position of tanks - parameters of engines (position, fuel flow, time of reaktion, thrust) - contact points (more exactly defined + added some more).
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Posted Dec 11, 2009 05:29 by Michal Lubiscak
Coral F-15 Eagle Config Update 2
0.11Mb (3724 downloads)
2nd version of my configuration update for F-15 Eagle by CORAL. - COG position (very important value for behavior of any airplane ...) - weights (emty, max take off) - position of weights (pilot, pylons, bullets) - flight dynamics - volume and position of tanks - parameters of engines (position, fuel flow, time of reaktion, thrust) - contact points (more exactly defined + added some more) - "eye" position and few more details ...
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Posted Dec 11, 2009 05:26 by Michal Lubiscak