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FS2004 > Page 459
Boeing 737-400 New York Air Textures
Boeing 737-400 New York Air Textures
1.82Mb (1245 downloads)
FS2004 New York Air 737-400 Textures only for the default 737-400. New York Air flew out of the "Big Apple" in the 1980's. Repaint by R.E. Wyman using the Rob Smith repaint kit. Textures only.
Posted Dec 11, 2009 03:54 by R.E. Wyman
FS2004/FSX Stearman Kaydet Dream Catcher 1 & 2 Textures
FS2004/FSX Stearman Kaydet Dream Catcher 1 & 2 Textures
3.53Mb (1151 downloads)
These are repaints (textures only) of David Eckert's excellent Stearman Kaydet, file name Two textures included, Dream Catcher and Dream Catcher II. Thanks to David Eckert, Mark Smith, and Dennis Seeley for their excellent work on the original model. Repaint by L.T. Davis.
Posted Dec 11, 2009 01:40 by L.T. Davis
FS2004/FSX Stearman Gibson and Ventures Textures
FS2004/FSX Stearman Gibson and Ventures Textures
3.29Mb (1271 downloads)
These are repaints (textures only) of David Eckert's excellent Stearman Kaydet, file name Two textures included, Gibson Guitar tribute and The Ventures tribute. Thanks to David Eckert, Mark Smith, and Dennis Seeley for their excellent work on the original model. Repaint by L.T. Davis.
Posted Dec 11, 2009 01:35 by L.T. Davis
Parker-Casron STOLport , Nevada v2.1.1
Parker-Casron STOLport , Nevada v2.1.1
60.26Mb (2336 downloads)
Parker-Carson STOLport is privately owned, public use airfield located east of Carson City, Nevada. Scenery features custom objects, custom terrain textures, HD airport textures (.5 ft/px), traffic, day, night and winter textures, and much more. This is version 2.1.1 of the scenery and is a stand alone install, all previous versions should be removed prior to installation. Created by Dustin Mosher
Posted Dec 10, 2009 17:52 by Dustin Mosher
N787ZA Flight Test Airplane Boeing 787-8 V2
5.57Mb (3287 downloads)
FS2004 N787ZA flight test airplane Boeing 787-8 V2. Versions 2 feature an improve aircraft's design plus new animations. This CamSim Version 2 is also includes three aircraft with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Dec 10, 2009 12:56 by Camil Valiquette
United Airlines Boeing 787-8 V2
5.67Mb (5104 downloads)
FS2004 United Airlines Boeing 787-8 V2. Versions 2 feature an improve aircraft's design plus new animations. This CamSim Version 2 is also includes three aircraft with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Dec 10, 2009 12:54 by Camil Valiquette
Sailboats all over Western Italy
Sailboats all over Western Italy
0.74Mb (1769 downloads)
Sailboats all over Western Italy This scenery will bring you many sailboats all over Western Italy. It will only work if you have installed the program RWY12. Best results in addition with the scenery Italian coastline version 2 ( By Ingo Schwan.
Posted Dec 10, 2009 06:49 by Ingo Schwan
FS2004 Italian coastline version 2.
FS2004 Italian coastline version 2.
1.30Mb (4450 downloads)
FS2004 Italian coastline version 2. New coastlines for the whole of Italy. Also modified some major lakes in northern Italy.
Posted Dec 10, 2009 06:46 by Uploader
4.51Mb (15041 downloads)
Agusta_HH-3F. This file also works on FSX, but the panel (default gauges) and sound configuration might require some changes. After the experience aquired in building (under licence) the ''Sikorsky H-3/S-61R sea king'', Agusta started the production of this more versatile '' Agusta HH-3F pelican'' for Italian Air Force as replacements of the Grumman HU-16 Albatross used for S.A.R. (Search and Rescue).The five bladed Agusta HH-3F helicopters perform S.A.R. missions on land and sea in time of peace and C/SAR (Combat SAR) during military assignement. Here is modeled the Long-range search and rescue helicopter ''Agusta HH-3F Pelican B'' based in Pratica di Mare AB.Capt. G.Quai
Posted Dec 10, 2009 06:44 by G.Quai
Bass Normandies and Channel Islands Scenery V1.
Bass Normandies and Channel Islands Scenery V1.
39.49Mb (3524 downloads)
Fs2004 Bass Normandies and Channel Islands Scenery V1. Script of the Normandy and Channel Islands in the French region him kis the 49ยบ North until the Cap la Hague. The Channel Islands are represented by Jersey, Guenersey,and Alderney with their respective populations. In total between the peninsular region and the islands localized 66 population and four airports. The populations with their typical normand houses that give this region its character. I added 12 representative churches and 10 beautiful castles. Author Toni Agramont
Posted Dec 9, 2009 04:23 by Toni Agramont