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FS2004 > Page 460
Las Vegas, Trump & Palazzo Towers
Las Vegas, Trump & Palazzo Towers
3.89Mb (3021 downloads)
Thank you for downloading our “Las Vegas Trump & Palazzo” scenery. This scenery is intended for an update of the default Las Vegas Strip, and include 2 new buildings: May work in FSX. Andrea Bertolucci
Posted Dec 9, 2009 03:31 by Andrea Bertolucci
Su-47 Berkut update
Su-47 Berkut update
5.21Mb (4304 downloads)
This is an update for FS 9 of the Alphasim Su-47 Berkut. I have updated the flight dynamics, added switches and toggle icons to the panel, removed the spoiler, and changed the afterburner effects. This aircraft has both a 2D and 3D cockpit. This is the whole aircraft. The flight dynamics and the panel will not work in FSX acceleration. This update is only for those who did not already download my previous update of this aircraft. This one has my own afterburner burner effects, instead of the burner effects in the previous update.
Posted Dec 7, 2009 08:18 by Bob Chicilo
Westover - Amador County (O70), Scenery, California
Westover - Amador County (O70), Scenery, California
0.04Mb (757 downloads)
FS2004 Westover-Amador County Airport and Scenery. O70 USA / California / Amador / Jackson Version 1.0 Created by Joseph H. Cardana
Posted Dec 6, 2009 16:56 by Joseph H. Cardana
11.39Mb (9679 downloads)
A FINAL TRIBUTE TO THE DAMBUSTERS Release 5: With the permission of the Chief Designer at Plane Design (Ed Walters) I present my OPERATION READY Dambuster Lancaster based on the Model and Textures from Plane Design's original payware AJG released for FS9 in 2005. Navigation and sim icon support have been added by using overlays and you can fly the aircraft with the original 2D and virtual cockpit OR you can choose to make it a fully operational Dambuster Lancaster with an added 2D bombaimers view with bitmap supplied by Plane Design. Additional dash level altimeter and a single Dann Bombsight fitted. The Operation Ready version allows you to fly a full mission from the virtual cockpit (recommended) without returning to the main 2D panel to make adjustments. It uses Keith Clifford's FS98 airfile modified to suit the Plane Design model and as previously, reflects Merlin 28 engines. This release supercedes and replaces the Release 4 Dambuster 65th Anniversary 2008 package (7241 hits). Only the applicable Plane Design gauges are provided. Gauges by Chuck Dome, Scott Macmillan, Jerry Beckwith, David Maltby, Bernard Drefahl and Jean-Pierre Langer are as uploaded with Release 4. Flights from Scampton EGXP use John Young's Scampton FS2004 scenery and end at Paderborn EDLP just north of the Eder Dam. Additional flights near the Grand Canyon, in Australia & New Zealand are provided. This operation ready aircraft is not suitable for use in FSX and has not been tested in Vista or W7. I thank Ed Walters for the privilege of using his FS2004 AJG and I look forward to flying his payware FSX Lancaster's when available. Packaged by Ross McLennan. FILE NAME: SIZE: 11.4 megs Name: Ross McLennan, Adelaide, South Australia
Posted Dec 6, 2009 08:33 by Ross McLennan
FSX/FS2004 EC-135 D-HECF EC-135 D-HECF Textures
2.40Mb (898 downloads)
EC-135 D-HECF Textures only. A Repaint of Heiko Richter's beautiful EC-135
Posted Dec 6, 2009 07:49 by benimix
Boeing 767-300 Private Air (Europe)
11.59Mb (4836 downloads)
Project Open Sky Boeing 767-300 Private Air (Europe) "Bandit". 2d Panel NO VC. For FS9. Changes to the sound and panel files MUST be made for this aircraft to work in FSX. So FS9/ NOT TESTED IN FSX. Thanks for downloading!
Posted Dec 5, 2009 19:12 by Daniel Gonzalez
L-049 Constellation California Hawaiian  Textures
L-049 Constellation California Hawaiian  Textures
2.31Mb (802 downloads)
FSX/FS9 California Hawaiian Airlines textures for FSDZign L-049 Constellation. Improved alpha (reflection) textures from original repaint.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 4, 2009 16:07 by Gary Harper
California Central Martin 202A Textures
California Central Martin 202A Textures
1.58Mb (508 downloads)
California Central Martin 202A plus Pacific Southwest Textures only for Dee Waldron's Martin 404..
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 4, 2009 15:58 by Gary Harper
Ethiopian Airlines Airbus A350-900 XWB V2
6.09Mb (1878 downloads)
FS2004 Ethiopian Airlines Airbus A350-900 XWB V2. Versions 2 is an all new version of the A350-900 seen at the Paris Air Show 2009, with a new nose, new cockpit windows, new wings and winglets. This CamSim Version 2 is also includes three aircraft with different updated new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Dec 3, 2009 11:38 by Camil Valiquette
Bell UH-1D FFC Frankfurt Textures
2.14Mb (1023 downloads)
Bell UH-1D 1. FFC Frankfurt , fictitious textures only for the Model of Deane Baunton
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 2, 2009 19:31 by benimix