FS2004 > Page 735

8.43Mb (20237 downloads)
FS2004 - BOEING B-777 photoreal Panel with TCAS and full interior views and wingviews.
This upload comes with 2 panel-Versions.
Version 1 is a panel with full interior views and 2 animated wingviews for the wingview-model of Project Openksy B777 V2
and can be used for any other B-777 without wingviews.
Version 2 is the alternative 2D-panel for the VC-model of Project Opensky B777 V2 and can be used for this
model only. By Horst Paetzold
Posted Oct 25, 2008 04:40 by Horst Paetzold

21.94Mb (16098 downloads)
FS2004 De Havilland DHC-5 Buffalo, Canadian Forces.
This powerful twin turbo-prop has amazing STOL performance
and is used as both a transport and a search and rescue aircraft.
The rear loading ramp opens to air drop position and ground
loading/unloading position. Full package for FS9, panel, VC and
custom sounds. Full model animations including animated flight
crew. Flying tips and html check/ref lists included.
By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May -
Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Oct 24, 2008 11:09 by bob.may@premaircraft.com

13.90Mb (5902 downloads)
L-40 is a sports and touring plane. Model is fully animatedand and have a click ablle area in virtual cokpit.
Texture is combination real foto with paint texture for more real look. Manufactured by ORLIČAN in Czechoslovakia 1957-1959,
first flight 29 March 1956, exported to 16 countries, single-engine low-wing cantilever monoplane of a metal construction,
retractable inverted tricycle gear ,the plane had four seats with twin controls in front. Jozef Vrabec and Jozef Košík
Posted Oct 24, 2008 05:20 by Jozef Košík

6.52Mb (19154 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 MiG-25 Foxbat. Alpha Simulations is releasing some of their classic
titles as freeware. Developed to counter the Lockheed A-12, the MiG-25 Foxbat is
capable of 1864 mph at optimum altitude. The first prototype first flew in 1964 and
series production commenced in 1969. The type is still in service in several of the
once Soviet-aligned states.
Posted Oct 24, 2008 05:07 by Alphasim

13.29Mb (11304 downloads)
FS2004 Tupolev Tu-16 Badger. Alphasim is releasing some of their classic titles as freeware. Three panel styles with gauges are included. Five models and three textures.
The aircraft that ultimately evolved into the Tu-16 'Badger' was based upon the Soviet
Tu-4, an unlicensed counterfeit of the American B-29 Superfortress. The fuselage and
essential systems from the Tu-4 'Bull' were mated to a swept wing and twin jet engines,
resulting in the Type 88 prototype. This aircraft first took to the air on April 27,
1952. It fell far short of expectations but was rushed into production anyway. Its
performance was eclipsed by the B-47 Stratojet, the USAF counterpart of the time, but
the Tu-16 ultimately proved to be a durable airframe and was produced through the
1990's, the final versions being license-built in China.
Posted Oct 24, 2008 05:02 by Alphasim

11.94Mb (8879 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 British Airways. Model and Aircraft by Project Open Sky
Posted Oct 24, 2008 04:59 by Ryan C

12.42Mb (3794 downloads)
Malaysia "Heliconia Livery" Boeing 777-200ER
Model by Project Opensky.
Repaint by Denis Minaev
Posted Oct 23, 2008 04:40 by Denis Minaev

16.13Mb (6716 downloads)
Boeing 777-200ER Air France F-GSPC. Model; create by Project Opensky. Repaint by Stephen Groom.
Posted Oct 23, 2008 04:22 by Chris E

11.66Mb (2499 downloads)
Transaero Boeing 777-200ER Package
Model by Project Opensky
Repaint by Denis Minaev:
Posted Oct 23, 2008 04:22 by Denis Minaev

39.42Mb (7884 downloads)
A318 Frontier Airlines Set. Project Airbus A318. Airbus A318 in 5 Frontier Airlines liveries.
Frontier paints by Derek Mayer and Steve McBee.
Posted Oct 22, 2008 04:44 by Uploader