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FS2004 > Page 736
Braniff International Boeing 747-SP27
4.14Mb (1884 downloads)
Braniff International 747-SP27 repaint for the Project Open Sky 747SP v4 series. The colors and logos depicted here are accurate to the best of my ability. I've been interested in historic 747's for several years now. These liveries are familiar to me as an outgrowth of my experiences with the Historic Jetliners Group. I've included models and the necessary text files to incorporate these repaints into your collection. Michael Verlin
Posted Oct 22, 2008 04:22 by Michael Verlin
Airbus A320-200 EasyJet
8.61Mb (10646 downloads)
Airbus A320-200 IAE EasyJet G-TTOH. Airbus A320-200 by Project Airbus. Repaint by Umberto Ghislanzoni
Posted Oct 22, 2008 04:21 by Umberto Ghislanzoni
Zivko Edge 540
Zivko Edge 540
0.14Mb (9150 downloads)
The most popular aircraft in the red bull air races, the Zivko Edge. I took Mikko Maliniemi's FS2000 Edge and updated flight dynamics and effects. This FS2000 model is very basic by today's standards. I would like to request that someone makes a completely new, high quality Zivko Edge with more features and textures to post on Original FS2000 model by Mikko Maliniemi.
Posted Oct 21, 2008 18:00 by Bill Samson
United Boeing 747-SP21Set
United Boeing 747-SP21Set
8.44Mb (4510 downloads)
Three United 747-SP21 repaints for the Project Open Sky 747SP v4 series. Three liveries are included. The original livery that dates from the 1980's, subsequently revised with larger titles in 1991, and the final "stealth" livery that dates from the mid 1990's. Only one airframe, N145UA was ever painted in this livery. United purchased these aircraft from Pan American. The colors and logos depicted here are accurate to the best of my ability. I've been interested in historic 747's for several years now. These liveries are familiar to me as an outgrowth of my experiences with the Historic Jetliners Group. I've included models and the necessary text files to incorporate these repaints into your collection. Michael Verlin
Posted Oct 21, 2008 04:26 by Michael Verlin
Pharmair Airbus A319 Textures
7.24Mb (805 downloads)
Pharmair Airbus A319 CJ Textures only for the Project Airbus A319 (required) Repaint by Denis Minaev
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 21, 2008 04:18 by Denis Minaev
Air Berlin Airbus A319 Textures
7.53Mb (5093 downloads)
Air Berlin Airbus A319. Textures only for the Project Airbus A320. (required) Repaint by Denis Minaev
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 21, 2008 04:15 by Denis Minaev
NWA textures For Alpha Sim Conni
NWA textures For Alpha Sim Conni
3.96Mb (1769 downloads)
FS9 Northwest Orient Airlines textures only for Alphasim Super C Constellation. NWA operated four Super G Constellations for about 2 years. These were sold to LAV Venezula and replaced with a fleet of seventeen DC-7Cs Textures by Gary Harper. These textures depict N5172V about 1955. Requires the Connie (above)
Posted Oct 18, 2008 19:11 by Gary Harper
Rockwell X31
Rockwell X31
1.75Mb (10190 downloads)
FS2004 Rockwell X31. The X-31 was designed to break the "stall barrier", allowing it to fly at angles of attack which would typically cause an aircraft to stall resulting in loss of control. The X-31 employs thrust vectoring paddles which are placed in the jet exhaust, allowing the aircraft to maintain control at very high angles. The X-31 also utilizes computer controlled canard wings to help keep the aircraft stable at high angles of attack. The model features the usual moving parts, such as all flight controls, spinning wheels, drag-chute and so on. The livery provided with this model and the panel background have been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found in the net. Included with this model is a simplified virtual cockpit, with working essential gauges and animated flight controls. By Giovanni Quai and Italo D'Attomo.
Posted Oct 18, 2008 07:49 by Italo
Luxury Biz Jet C20
6.38Mb (10214 downloads)
FS2004 Luxury Biz Jet C20, a 5800 nm 10 passengers concept business jet. including interior special animations and exterior Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Oct 18, 2008 07:46 by Camil Valiquette
American Airlines Boeing 787-9
5.83Mb (5075 downloads)
FS2004 American Airlines Boeing 787-9, including 4 aircrafts with different new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS).The shining aluminium look will be miss with a composite fuselage. Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Oct 18, 2008 07:39 by Camil Valiquette