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FS2004 > Page 760
Firefox 2 Update
0.08Mb (8845 downloads)
This is an update of the FS 9 Firefox 2 by Owen Smoot, painted by Kurt Beswick. I have added the other wheel, fixed the scrape points, changed the afterburner and smoke effects, added two gauges to the panel, changed and or resized a few gauges, changed the view angle, and updated the flight dynamics. This update may work in FS X, but most of the gauges in the panel won't. If I can, I will update the aircraft for FS X, soon. Bob Chicilo.
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Posted Aug 23, 2008 05:05 by Bob Chicilo.
CFS2/FS2004 RAF pilot textures for AlphaSim's Republic P47D (RAF Mk.II) Thunderbolt Bubble Top.
0.07Mb (367 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 RAF pilot textures for AlphaSim's Republic P47D (RAF Mk.II) Thunderbolt Bubble Top. This file puts the pilot in the proper RAF blue flight suit, including the brown leather helmet. This file is for use only with the ALPHASIM model P47D which can be found at: .. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 23, 2008 04:58 by Evan G. Butterbrodt
CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, AW-P (KJ302), 42nd Sqn, RAF, Meiktela,
1.20Mb (296 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, AW-P (KJ302), 42nd Sqn, RAF, Meiktela, Burma 1945 Textures only. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev)
Posted Aug 23, 2008 04:56 by Evan G. Butterbrodt
CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, KW-R (HD269), Pilot: W.R.S. Campbell, 61
1.19Mb (338 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, KW-R (HD269), Pilot: W.R.S. Campbell, 615th Sqn, RAF, Vizagapatam, India, 1945. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 23, 2008 04:55 by Evan G. Butterbrodt
CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt , 30 Sqn, RAF, Jumchar (India), 1945 Textures
1.63Mb (249 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, RS-U (HD288), 30 Sqn, RAF, Jumchar (India), 1945 Textures only. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 22, 2008 08:42 by Evan G. Butterbrodt
CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt NV-K (KJ278), 79 Sqn, RAF, Wangjing (Burma), 1944Tex
1.92Mb (415 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt (P47D-28-RE, ex-44-29458) Bubble Top, NV-K (KJ278), 79 Sqn, RAF, Wangjing (Burma), 1944. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Aug 22, 2008 08:40 by Evan G. Butterbrodt
Ship 102--Spirit of Delta
11.72Mb (2857 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 767 N102DA. Highly detailed paint of Delta's first 767. Now on display at the Delta Museum. Painted in the 2004 paint scheme. Default panel and sound. Model:Project Open Sky--Textures:S Leszega
Posted Aug 21, 2008 21:47 by Steve
0.16Mb (7091 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 HC-130H Lockheed Hercules US Coast Guard Textures for Mike Stone's C-130 Hercules (here) in the color scheme of a US Coast Guard HC-130H based at Barbers Point, Hawaii Requires Mike's original file Textures by Geoff Chambers.
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Posted Aug 21, 2008 17:39 by Mathew smith
FS9 Monsted Vincent Repaint
9.27Mb (735 downloads)
FS9 Monsted-Vincent RE-paint.Texture ONLY! Two new Paint Schemes for the Monsted-Vincent from Both from 1940 feeder airlines, Mohawk Airline and North Central Airlines. You will need the Payware version of this plane from Re-painted by permission. FOR FS9 Only!
Posted Aug 20, 2008 17:06 by Rick Eli
Scotish Aviation Twin Pioneer
0.44Mb (2637 downloads)
FS2004 Scottish Twin Pioneer Royal Malaysian Air Force.The military version could carry external stores such as bombs under stub wings. One aircraft became the first aircraft for the newly formed Royal Malaysian Air Force. The Royal Air Force ordered 39 aircraft, which were built between 1958 and 1959, for use in Aden and the Far East. It was used extensively by British forces in the Malayan Emergency and the later confrontation in Borneo.Very good STOL aircraft. Original by Mike Stone.
Posted Aug 20, 2008 06:22 by Rauna