FS2004 > Page 762

6.62Mb (2859 downloads)
RNLAF Chinook textures
This pack will create a new mdl and paint for the ukmil Chinook, in the style of the RNLAF [Dutch]. It will add the correct colours, along with a new model for the Dutch Air Force.
Aircraft is the freeware RAF CHINOOK BY UKMIL.
Textures are by UKMIL [www.ukmil.org.uk]
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 18, 2008 01:51 by UKMIL

1.82Mb (3341 downloads)
Rutaca Airlines Boeing 737-2S3/Adv new livery texture & registration YV1381. Textures only for the Tinmouse II Project Boeing 737-200.
By Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 17, 2008 03:10 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza

0.95Mb (2184 downloads)
Rutaca Airlines new livery texture & registration YV1381. Original model and default textures by Kittyhawk Productions. Master textures by Erick Cantu & Frank Idone. Master paintkit textures by Tom Collins.
Requires model files B732hl.zip and b732hlu.zip
By Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 17, 2008 03:01 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza

4.87Mb (3501 downloads)
VF-143 Pukin' Dogs. DOG 107. In 1988, the Pukin' Dogs left for the Med on their last cruise with F-14As. Thanks to all the VF(A)-143 aircrew, maintainers and families. F-14 Tomcat and paintkit by IRIS. Repaint by Perry Hayes.
Posted Aug 16, 2008 23:56 by Perry Hayes

3.49Mb (20007 downloads)
FS2004 American Airlines Boeing 767-300 ER with Blended Winglets and Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: iFDG / CamSim
Posted Aug 16, 2008 05:37 by CamSim

9.25Mb (7973 downloads)
Airbus A319-133LR Qatar Airways. Project Airbus A319. Visual model by Andy Warden and Derek Mayer. Base textures by Demetris Themistocleous and Alessandro Savarese. Flight model & Sounds by Peter Binamira. Fraser Turner
Posted Aug 16, 2008 05:35 by Fraser Turner

8.52Mb (5146 downloads)
Santa Barbara Airlines Boeing 757-236, registration YV2242 Original model and default textures by Project OpenSky, (Lee Rosario, Albert Bouwman, C. Vincent Cho, Hiroshi Igami). Master paintkit by Roberto Leiro. Requires model pack os75oswl.zip, (better with file and update
for posky752RRe4-1.mdl file). Look at http://www.projectopensky.com for detailed files info.
By Gustavo La Cruz and Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Aug 16, 2008 00:52 by Gustavo La Cruz and Juan Ernes

11.89Mb (7971 downloads)
Polish Airlines LOT.
LOT Boeing B757. The plane ID is Sierra Papa Lima X-ray X-ray (SP-LXX)
This plane is variant B, if the B787 isn't on time, the Polish Airlines will use the 757. This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky. Textures by Artur KrzemiƱski
Posted Aug 15, 2008 12:07 by Artur

1.09Mb (2627 downloads)
World leased all for former Lufthansa Super Star Constellations in 1962 to supplement their L-1049Hs for charter flights.
Model by Manfred Jahn. Engine textures by Frank and Bill Tyne. Balance of textures by Gary Harper. These textures depict N45512 about 1962. Corrected textures for proper N number.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 14, 2008 21:20 by Gary Harper

5.58Mb (19964 downloads)
FS2004 TAP Air Portugal Airbus A340-312 GE, registration CS-TOA. Model by Project Open Sky. Repaint by Fernao Mendes Pinto.
Posted Aug 14, 2008 04:12 by Fernao Mendes Pinto