FSX > Page 1051
4.17Mb (942 downloads)
FSX features for 2 Flower Class Corvettes. This are pilotable WW II U-Boat hunters, made as ai-ship by Lazarus Starkweather. My AddOn provides 2 pilotable ships with 2D panel as navigation bridge and VC-navigation bridge. 8 cameras let you explore the ship. An insertable 10cm gun can be swiveld and effects for depth charges are included. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Jul 15, 2013 04:55 by Erwin Welker

3.46Mb (1223 downloads)
FSX pilotable WWII German Torpedo Speed Boat S-15. This is a very detailed CFS2 warship from WWII from Usio no Ibuki in a high quality, converted to FSX by Lazarus Starkweather. My AddOn provides a pilotable ship with 2D panel as navigation bridge and VC-navigation bridge. 11 cameras allows to explore the ship. Sounds and special effects, like depth charges are included. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Jul 15, 2013 03:31 by Erwin Welker

3.25Mb (8150 downloads)
This adds the new terminal 3 to Lyon-Saint Exupery Airport, France in FSX.
Posted Jul 15, 2013 02:22 by LAFUMA OLivier

38.04Mb (1894 downloads)
Swedish Navy Visby Class Corvette AI Ship for FSX. This is not a pilotable model. For AICarriers2 or other traffic compilers.
Posted Jul 14, 2013 22:59 by Nobu Aki

4.19Mb (375 downloads)
Southeast Airlines linked cities across Tennessee from 1958 until 1961 flying DC-3s purchased from United and two Convair 240s.
Southeast Airlines textures for the FSX default DC-3 aircraft by Microsoft/Aces and modified by James Eden and Jon Murchison.
These textures require AWESUM4SUM.zip modification to the default FSX DC-3
Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 13, 2013 14:43 by Gary Harper
4.70Mb (1207 downloads)
FSX features for the pilotable WWII Royal Navy destroyer HMS Lance. This is a very detailed CFS2 model from Masazumi Kaneko from Usio no Ibuki, converted for FSX by Lazarus Starkweather. My AddOn provides a pilotable ship with navigation bridge, 12 aircraft- and 4 VC-cameras including one for a swivelable 20mm Oerlikon AA-gun. Sounds and special effects are included.
Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Jul 13, 2013 12:43 by Erwin Welker

37.19Mb (2796 downloads)
I updated the Roger Martin Henry Tomkiewicz FS 2004 Ameristar Cargo Gates AI Lear 24 by adding Lars Roennig's Learjet 25 panel, Benoit Plamondon & Mark Cranston's Jetstar sounds, and texture thumbnail. 2D panel only, no VC.
Posted Jul 13, 2013 10:56 by Michael E. Roberts

32.37Mb (2366 downloads)
I updated the Lars Roennig FS2004 Learjet 25D, by replacing incompatable gauges in the panel with FSX gauges and adding texture thumbnails. 2D panel only, no VC.
Posted Jul 13, 2013 04:07 by Michael E. Roberts

73.99Mb (1252 downloads)
FSX Scenery - El Avila Heliport (SVHA) - Venezuela
Private heliport El Avila is one of the FBO (Facilities-Based Operator) largest in South America,
adapted to the latest technology. Located 9 km from Caracas, capital of Venezuela.(new in FSX).
With photo-terrain scenery from satellite imagery of Google Earth.
This scenery is only for FSX ... is not compatible with previous versions.
This scenery includes terminal building with realistic
textures from images obtained from Internet.
However, it also has macros FSX library objects. David Mladonado
Posted Jul 12, 2013 17:48 by David Mladonado

10.18Mb (1214 downloads)
FSX pilotable armed military lighters. Four WW II boats in camo paint schemes, all made by Lazarus Starkweather. All have more or less quadruple AA-guns, some has gun turrets and one has a heli deck. My AddOn is a result of L. Starkweathers ai-pack FSX_Naval_Expansion_VIII_Kreigsmarine_Coastal_Forces.zip. My ship features provides 10 cameras, sounds and special effects. Panel and configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jul 12, 2013 11:48 by Erwin Welker