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FSX > Page 1056
Bomb Ripple Switch for Aircraft
Bomb Ripple Switch for Aircraft
3.46Mb (6272 downloads)
FSX PROGRAMMABLE RIPPLE BOMB RELEASE SWITCH - For Droppable Objects. ****" Enables multiple bombs to be dropped at a SINGLE click ".**** This version is for Fixed wing aircraft only, DO NOT use on Helicopters. Assign ROTOR_BRAKE to a Controller button to maximise useage. (1) Set Number of Bombs required, Qty "No" 01 to 99. (2) Set Time Interval required between each bomb ,"TI" 0.00 to 9.99 seconds. (3) then a SINGLE Click of release "Pickle" button sets off the Ripple drop that you have set .Eg; "No 12 - TI 0.01" = concentrated drop zone. While "No 24 - TI 0.50" = strung out drop pattern, it will take 12 seconds for all 24 bombs to drop from your aircraft.All from a Single click. MUST have the freeware "Weapons Package" by Chris Sykes installed. Has Safe - Armed lights , ideal for any military aircraft ,even more so for heavies B-52, B-1, Vulcan, B-17, Lancaster, set anylarge number of bombs to get a necklace like string of bombs cascading down.Works for both Bombs and Missiles.Distance interval chart included.Copy Allowed PDF with ID, image and dimensions for all weapons, provided to facilitate rapid copy/paste for weapon changes is included. Pave Tack all aspect/directions in cockpit viewer instrument that enables observation of bombs dropping and exploding from within the cockpit included. This package is "Public Domain" can be used or modified, or included in both free and payware projects without any limitations. By Karol Chlebowski.
Posted Jun 28, 2013 04:47 by Karol Chlebowski
FSX TDS Boeing 787-8 Base Pack (FSX Model files)
2.68Mb (5951 downloads)
FSX TDS Boeing 787-8 Base Pack. This is the set of FSX model files for TDS (Tenkuu Developers Studio) B787-8. To use just replace the .mdl files which is in model folder; also sound in sound folder included. There are two types of engine for the 787, GENX and Trent1000. For use with base pack TDS788TRENT_BOEING_N787BA.ZIP. By Tenkuu Developers Studio / Hiroshi Igami.
Posted Jun 28, 2013 03:51 by uploader
CamSim Boeing 787 Sky Blue VA
5.32Mb (793 downloads)
CamSim Boeing 787 with the Sky Blue VA textures. 2d panel but no VC.
Posted Jun 27, 2013 16:34 by Myles
FSX Stearman Kaydet Duster/Sprayer Upgraded Package 2
FSX Stearman Kaydet Duster/Sprayer Upgraded Package 2
42.44Mb (3547 downloads)
FSX Stearman Kaydet Duster/Sprayer Upgrade package 2. There are two models and two liveries in this package upgrade. The 1955 450 hp Duster,(SX-EAZ) and the 1965 Sprayer, SX-EBD (with a diferent engine and wing outline).They both belonged to the AMAG Unit (Antimalaria Group) conducting DDT dusting against the mosquitos and malaria since 1945 all over Greece with 32 Stearman P13/p17 type that were originaly US Air Force planes. I have a detailed list of all 32 of them with serial no's in the package along with other historic material and Stearman Logos. Both Models are extremely detailed with animated pilots and parts, opening engine compartments, virtual cockpits, clickable instruments, 2D panels, custom Stearman sound and now new VC and exterior camera views. Dusting/spraying effects (water and yellow DDT cloud) and engine damage modeling. Models by Robert Sanderson (Orig. for FS2004) that I adopted for FSX Acceleration and they now pass every test. For the normal version of the Kaydet(no spraying Eqp.) You can download my upgraded package 1(FSX Props pages / Liveries and repacking by Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.(Down.Size 42 MB)
Posted Jun 27, 2013 12:56 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
1.78Mb (1544 downloads)
That is second and final version of FLKK Kenneth Kaunda,Lusaka Int, Zambia scenery.Some small problems have been fixed and as a result scenery looks much better,with properly working Navaids and adjusted coordinates. Additionally tested in GSX environment.As before,do not forget to reactivate(deleting or renaming) the old FSX/FS9 FLLS(APX55370) airport,copy this file(unziped) in addon scenery and activate through simulator.
Posted Jun 27, 2013 12:53 by Sergey Stoyanov
24.55Mb (951 downloads)
Version 3.0 of my Durban Airport, Sth Africa Scenery. Taxi-way bugs fixed & more realism added. No more over exaggerated airport. +Attempted to make it more realistic. -Enjoy
Posted Jun 27, 2013 10:38 by Michael Adkin
Boeing 747-400  Italian Presidential Textures
7.62Mb (945 downloads)
Fictional Italian Presidential textures for the default FSX Boeing 747-400 Directx 10 compatible.
Posted Jun 27, 2013 06:28 by The Fidax
FSX Lockheed C5A Galaxy
FSX Lockheed C5A Galaxy
13.30Mb (9696 downloads)
The C5 Galaxy is the biggest military aircraft in the world. It has been launched in 1970 and is still in service in the US Air Force. Original model by Mike Stone. Adaptation to FSX, wide and standard screen 2D panel (no VC), GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file. Credits; Mike Stone for the original model. Enjoy!
Posted Jun 26, 2013 11:15 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX Boeing 737-800 Mango Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Mango Textures
9.33Mb (1824 downloads)
This paint request is for the first truly low cost South African carrier - Fly Mango Airlines. Mango a subsidiary of South African Airways and operates domestic budget services. This is a high definition texture only for the default FSX Boeing 737-800. If you want to view in high def follow the instructions included in the download.
Posted Jun 26, 2013 00:44 by Paul Davies
Wadi Rum and Aqaba Scenery, Jordan
Wadi Rum and Aqaba Scenery, Jordan
202.16Mb (1421 downloads)
Scenerty for Aqaba and Wadi Rum, Jordan. Wadi Rum also known as The Valley of the Moon is a valley cut into the sandstone and granite rock in southern Jordan 60 km to the east of Aqaba. It is the largest wadi in Jordan. A simple scenery based on satellite system for Wadi rum and Aqaba /Jordan - middle east
Posted Jun 25, 2013 23:08 by mustafa anssari