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FSX > Page 1061
FSX Naval Expansion VII Flower Class Corvettes
FSX Naval Expansion VII Flower Class Corvettes
4.72Mb (641 downloads)
The Flower class was the mainstay of the RCN and RN's North Atlantic Campaign. Slow, wet, and said to 'roll and pitch violently on wet grass', the Flower class bore the brunt of the Convoy battles during the dark days of U-Boat war, and held the line untill late 1943 when CVE Hunter Killer groups, VLA maritime aircraft and highly capable River class Frigates began to relieve the tiny ships. Slower than and out-gunned by a surfaced U-boat, The Flowers suffered heavy losses, but won the Battle of the Atlantic. In attached effects and no effects versions. For AICarriers2 or other traffic compilers. by Lazarus
Posted Jun 16, 2013 03:27 by Lazarus
Posky Flight 101 Package
Posky Flight 101 Package
68.63Mb (2839 downloads)
For the Kulula fan that isn't big on default aircraft, here is a Posky 737-800 with Kulula Flight 101 repaint for FSX. Includes Alejandro Rojas' enhanced VC, textures by Colin Lowe & Project Opensky CFM56-7B Soundset. Assembled for FSX by Dave/1olehippy.
Posted Jun 16, 2013 03:00 by Dave Rocholl
FSX Naval Expansion VI Usio's Royal Navy Vol I
FSX Naval Expansion VI Usio's Royal Navy Vol I
7.15Mb (466 downloads)
HMS 'L' class Destroyers Lance and Lively. Usio's fabulous CFS2 ships, converted to FSX standard with attached effects. No effects version included. For AICarriers2 or other traffic compilers. Conversion to FSX by Lazarus
Posted Jun 16, 2013 02:57 by Lazarus
FSX HMCS DDH-DDG 280 Tribal Class Destroyer
FSX HMCS DDH-DDG 280 Tribal Class Destroyer
6.81Mb (1144 downloads)
The Iroquois-class destroyers, also known as Tribal class,are a class of four helicopter-carrying, guided missile destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy. Designed in 1964-68,and launched from 1972, they were originally fitted out for anti-submarine warfare, but a major MLU in the 1990s(Tribal Update Modification Program) overhauled them for area-anti-aircraft defence. The ships were the first large combatants exclusively powered by gas turbines, and in contrast to similar Destroyer classes of the day, had significantly larger aviation spaces and command and control capabilites, often serving as the NATO STANFORLANT Flagships. The class had a profound influence on the design of the USN's Spruance class Destroyer and subsequent classes of Western Destroyers. This is my take on the -280 class ships, in all 3 major configurations. The ships are landable, and are offered in attached effects and no effects versions. See Readme file.
Posted Jun 15, 2013 16:08 by Lazarus
Airbus A319-111 Air Canada Package
Airbus A319-111 Air Canada Package
51.27Mb (11449 downloads)
Airbus A319-111 Air Canada C-GBIA for FSX. Includes enhanced default A321 VC with improved gauges plus popup FMC, GPWS callouts. Custom CFM sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J).Model by Project Airbus. Textures by unknown. Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans
Posted Jun 15, 2013 11:17 by Chris Evans
Airbus A380 widescreen Panel
Airbus A380 widescreen Panel
7.46Mb (8377 downloads)
This panel, based on original 4/3 - 2D panel by Philippe WALLAERT, is made for wide screen in high definition : 16/9 - 1920 x 1080 pixels. It should work in lower definition as well, if the ratio is kept in 16/9. The 3D cockpit has not been modified. is needed. By Jacques Vallcaneras and Philippe Wallaert.
Posted Jun 14, 2013 11:01 by Jacques Vallcaneras
Airbus A350-900 House Colors
Airbus A350-900 House Colors
5.27Mb (7973 downloads)
FSX House Colors Airbus A350-900 v4. This CamSim version 4 features more Animated Ground Servicing (AGS), featuring trucks hooking and unhooking trailers and static displays. First flight June 14, 2013. 2d panel (no VC) Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jun 14, 2013 09:10 by Camil Valiquette
FSXA Douglas DC-3B Hellenic C.A.A Photoreal Package
FSXA Douglas DC-3B Hellenic C.A.A Photoreal Package
29.36Mb (3618 downloads)
This is a complete FSX Acceleration photoreal livery package of the two DC3 B of the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority(H.C.A.A.)that served the agency until 1980's before being replaced by B.A.C.111s. They were left at the closed Hellinikon Airport of Athens and one of them (SX-ECD) was then bought by a private investor to become part of a night club. (I would prefer an aircraft museum but this is better than been scrap metal). There are many photos of it in the package. This is the default DC3 with some minor changes and includes all of its features (Virtual cockpit,2D panel & Sound). Repaint and repacking by Hellenic Aircraft /Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.
Posted Jun 13, 2013 13:24 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
Aeroprakt A-22 SP-SKIM Polish Textures
Aeroprakt A-22 SP-SKIM Polish Textures
4.61Mb (2303 downloads)
Polish SP-SKIM textures only for Rick's Piper's Aeroprakt A-22 package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 13, 2013 07:54 by Michal Rodzajewski
Lockheed L1049D Seaboard & Western Textures
2.53Mb (737 downloads)
FS9/FSX L-1049D Seaboard and Western Airlines textures. Model by Manfred Jahn. Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 13, 2013 07:11 by Gary Harper