FSX > Page 1133

1.05Mb (785 downloads)
Donegal Airport, Ireland. Improvement over the default FSX Donegal.
Posted Dec 18, 2012 11:57 by uploader

14.86Mb (2445 downloads)
I updated the fs2002/fs2004 VEB BAADE 152 I originally found at ddr-flugzeuge.de projekte. I tweaked the original textures and re-created the VEB house colors as well.
I added HJG's P&W JT3C & JT4A TURBOJET sounds and the FS98--Photo Realistic Panel For Baade 152 By Frank Manke re gauged with the German KeDI gauges. Includes three textures: VEB house colors, Interflug and Lufthansa. 2D panel only No VC panel.
Posted Dec 18, 2012 00:22 by Michael E. Roberts

1.97Mb (902 downloads)
FSX glass cockpit panel for Alphasim Westland Future Lynx helicopters (LynxFSXd.zip required). The 2D-panel is totaly matching the modified Alphasim VC. Included are reworked Camera definitions. Panel and texture rework and configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 17, 2012 17:34 by Erwin Welker

4.56Mb (672 downloads)
FSX Airbus A310-300 Mountain Pacific Airlines
N785MP textures for the wonderful Thomas Ruth A310-300, which you must have
previously installed in FSX. Includes cfg entries for either GE
and/or PW engines. Screenshots enclosed. Easy installation.
By Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 17, 2012 11:42 by Tom Tiedman

0.27Mb (765 downloads)
FSX added views for Avia-57 from Milton Shupe, Nigel Richards, John Smith, and James Banks with help from SOH members (Requires Requires Avia57Pkg.zip). The camera definitions provides 4 aircraft views and 5 cabin views. They show the best spots for the detailed interior for the passenger- and especially for the amazing cargo-version. Configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 17, 2012 06:05 by Erwin Welker

4.78Mb (884 downloads)
FSX Alphasim Westland Lynx GLYnX-variant in the "Fat cat" textures. The paint scheme of a German Lynx (Requires LYNXAH7AH9FSX.zip). The combination of the helicopter model and that paint scheme is not realistic, because the real Lynx-variant is a WK88a with wheels, but the beautiful paint scheme is realistically. I could not find an appropriate FS-flight model in a high quality. There are Alpasim variants, very close to the German Navy WK88a, but that textures does not allow separate paintings for the left and right side. Reworked camera definitions are included. Repaint by Erwin Welker.
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required file
Posted Dec 17, 2012 06:01 by Erwin Welker

1.97Mb (802 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 panel for Westland Lynx helicopters. The 2D-panel is totaly matching the Alphasim VCs with classic gauges. The VC-configuration works only for that version. My panel can also be used in FS2004 for other Lynx or similar helicopters without VC, because it provides look around views in 5 directions. Included are reworked Camera definitions. Panel rework and configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 17, 2012 05:56 by Erwin Welker

31.02Mb (12505 downloads)
Air Koryo (North Korea) Tupolev TU-154 with clickable virtual cockpit (VC). Air Koryo is the national airline of North Korea, and is one of the few airlines still operating the classic Soviet TU-154. This allows you to experience a realistic aircraft/airline combination that is still in use today. Entire aircraft included. Excellent model by Project Tupolev. Air Koryo repaint by kilocharlie1
Posted Dec 16, 2012 23:30 by kilocharlie1

24.84Mb (4727 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Fairchild/Dornier Metro III SA 227 AC Veravia Cargo. The SX-BMM is one of the four Metroliners of the Hellenic Air Cargo Company Ver-Avia located at Eleytherios Venizelos, Athens International Airport, Greece. This beautiful model is the creation of designer Mike Stone. The FS2004 model adopted for FSX. All Animated parts,2D panel (no VC). Textures are in Bmp format so they work also in FS2004. Repaint by Hellenic Aircraft /Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas 2012
Posted Dec 16, 2012 18:09 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

5.23Mb (913 downloads)
This is an Boeing 737-800 of Kulula.com (white-cs). Registration: ZS-ZWR, Repaint by: Mathieu Vos (APSS), Model by: Project Opensky (No VC)
Posted Dec 16, 2012 18:07 by Mathieu Vos (APSS)