FSX > Page 1145

2.94Mb (7217 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the FSX A321, to make night flying more enjoyable.
The default dome lighting was far too bright so this has been brought down to a realistic level. In addition to this most of the display lighting has been replaced with a blue/white LED style including a small glow effect. The overall mod means you can now enjoy night flying and the instrument lighting. Check out the before and after pictures in the
File info
Posted Nov 20, 2012 05:52 by Paul Davies

1.74Mb (1003 downloads)
Scenery Fricktal Schupfart LSZI for FSX
The Scenery is located in the hills of the eastern Jura in Switzerland near Basel.
The airport is placed with images of googlemap and skyguide chart.
Posted Nov 20, 2012 04:59 by uploader

3.88Mb (2263 downloads)
Scenery Raron LSMN/LSTA for FSX
The Scenery is located in the valley of Valais in Switzerland.
The airport is placed with images of googlemap, skyguide and ourairport.
Full Runway made usable, sorry for the fictional scenery, but wanted to make it usable with jets.
Posted Nov 20, 2012 04:57 by uploader

0.49Mb (959 downloads)
Scenery Raron LSTS for FSX.
The Scenery is located in the Obersimmental in the Bernese Alps Switzerland.
The runway is only opened for the Hunters and Oldtimers once a year.
Posted Nov 20, 2012 04:53 by uploader

1.32Mb (3281 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the FSX Lear 45, to make night flying more enjoyable.
The default dome lighting was far too bright so this has been brought down to a realistic level. In addition to this most of the display lighting has been replaced with a blue/white LED style including a small glow effect. The overall mod means you can now enjoy night flying and the instrument lighting. Check out the before and after pictures in the
File info
Posted Nov 19, 2012 17:57 by Paul Davies

3.36Mb (5283 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the FSX Bombardier CRJ-700, to make night flying more enjoyable.
The default dome lighting was far too bright so this has been brought down to a realistic level. In addition to this most of the display lighting has been replaced with a blue/white LED style including a small glow effect. The overall mod means you can now enjoy night flying and the instrument lighting. Check out the before and after pictures in the
File info
Posted Nov 19, 2012 17:55 by Paul Davies

3.49Mb (10569 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the FSX 737-800, to make night flying more enjoyable.
The default dome lighting was far too bright so this has been brought down to a realistic level. In addition to this most of the display lighting has been replaced with a blue/white LED style including a small glow effect. The overall mod means you can now enjoy night flying and the instrument lighting. Check out the before and after pictures in the File info.
Posted Nov 19, 2012 15:40 by Paul Davies

0.28Mb (5411 downloads)
the year is 1985 and your job is to fly with your family for a vacation to Key West, Florida, U.S.A.!
Posted Nov 19, 2012 11:18 by Mr. Pierre Shlimon

32.27Mb (7204 downloads)
Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner (aka Dreamliner) Livery - N6066Z with Virtual Cockpit for FSX
Boeing 777-200/LR Worldliner N6066Z Painted on SkySpirit2012 Boeing 777-200/LR aircraft. The textures are saved in 32bit format for quality graphics. Its features are Opening doors & Cargo doors, detailed textures, accurate paint, dynamic shine & effects, dynamic flexing wings that respond to turbulence, fully independent suspension, trim animation, gear steering, accurate flight dynamics, spoiler animation, reflective cockpit windows, crash effects, animated tilting bogies, full night lighting, ground service vehicles when cargo
door open, (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), detailed virtual cockpit and more. Model, VC model and textures by Project Opensky. Minor mods for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 19, 2012 10:40 by Chris Evans

64.80Mb (13809 downloads)
Functional VC model included; Package includes one beautifully crafted exterior livery, a great flight model, authentic custom radial sounds, and custom panels with aircraft specific gauges, and easy-to-read clickable virtual cockpits. FSX native upgrade by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations This aircraft release is one of 7 aircraft in a series that will be released. FSX Only. DirectX 10 compatible.
Posted Nov 18, 2012 02:04 by Milton Shupe, George Arana, Brandon Filer, Sim-Outhouse