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FSX > Page 1383
Boeing 737-400 From FS9 to FSX Package
Boeing 737-400 From FS9 to FSX Package
25.24Mb (10479 downloads)
Default 737-400 from FS2004 converted to FSX with working VC, Soundpack, 2D Panel, Flight Dynamics, and more. Comes with original Orbit Airlines, American Pacific Airlines, Landmark Airlines, Pacifica Airlines, and 4 Bonus Liveries (I'm not telling you its a secret!) Download now and fly yourself a 737OG today!
Posted Jul 19, 2011 14:58 by Rob "Ace_Pilot_Rob" McAlister
A380-800 Malev Textures
10.04Mb (2343 downloads)
Airbus A380-800 Malev fictional textures for the Project Airbus A380 package.
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Posted Jul 19, 2011 14:27 by T.Feri
FSX Panel with Original U-Boat Sounds for German WW2 U-Boat
FSX Panel with Original U-Boat Sounds for German WW2 U-Boat
9.98Mb (2794 downloads)
FSX panel with sensational features for the German WW2 U-Boat from Bruce Fitzgerald (1uboat.zip). The first pimp up for a submarine; almost an U-boat simulation itself. Special features: Through the operational Periscope the diving and the submerging can be watched. From the attack periscope a torpedo, with a delayed explosion effect, can be launched. Both periscopes can be rotated for 360 deg, has zoom functions and can be raised and lowered. The gunner can rotate the gun and alter the elevation up- and downwards. Panel graphics: Forward view from the tower, deck views to the front and to the rear, gunner view, the central and the torpedo tubes inside of the boat. Sound buttons from R.L. Clark allows to turn on 10 more original submarine sounds: Rough sea, hatch, merging, diving, submerging, sonar-pings, torpedo launch, attacked by depth charges and cannon shot, (Film soundtrack optional). Due to the copyrights, the sounds are not included but they can all easyly downloaded at uboataces.com. Effects for cannon shots, torpedo attacks and the attack by depth charges - watch it under water :-) - and a handbook with pictures are included. Graphics and all the configuration for the extra features by Erwin Welker.
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Posted Jul 19, 2011 06:17 by Erwin Welker
FSX Panel Upgrade with Passengers for Paddle Steamer SS Hjejlen
FSX Panel Upgrade with Passengers for Paddle Steamer SS Hjejlen
0.69Mb (1032 downloads)
FSX Panel with pretty passengers for the beautiful paddle steamer SS Hjejlen from Claus Vendelboe Holmberg (requires Steamship_SS_Hjejlen_FSX_v1.zip). 11 camera views allow you to explore the ship: Stand at the bow or at the stern, walk along decks and admire the elegant ladies, who can be inserted by key-commands or stand in or near the bridge. Configuration and bitmaps by Erwin Welker
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Posted Jul 19, 2011 06:11 by Erwin Welker
WD Bus Hellenic Tours Textures
WD Bus Hellenic Tours Textures
1.44Mb (3295 downloads)
Two repaints of Hellenic Tours and Kerkyra Express of the beutifull WD V03 BUS model by Mitsuya Hamaguchi (hama). Full VC Cabin night lighting and animated parts perfect for airport terminals especially if you are flying in the Aegean and Ionian islands. You can Download the original Model here at Simviation. The model was tested in FSX and the Files are in DDS 5 format. Repaint by: YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
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Posted Jul 19, 2011 00:16 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
USAF Edwards AFB F-16D Viper Textures
USAF Edwards AFB F-16D Viper Textures
8.77Mb (3471 downloads)
Edwards Air Force Base USAF textures for the F-16 VIPER by KIRK OLSSON modified for FSX by panel Danny Garnier. Textures by SJ Avila.
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Posted Jul 18, 2011 21:48 by Steven J. Avila
US Navy  Grumman F11F Tiger Textures
US Navy  Grumman F11F Tiger Textures
6.10Mb (839 downloads)
US Navy textures for the Grumman F-11F Tiger by Capt. I. D'Attomo and Capt. G.Quai. with the FSX update by Bob Chicilo. Texture by SJ Avila.
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Posted Jul 18, 2011 21:40 by Steven J. Avila
Boeing 737-800 Turkish Airlines Textures
8.55Mb (2169 downloads)
Turkish Airlines textures for the default Boeing 737-800.
Posted Jul 18, 2011 17:50 by Isaac Anderson
Eagle Island airport (PEIR), Alaska V 1.0
0.01Mb (402 downloads)
PEIR is a fictional airport near Nome Alaska. This is only the first version, but it has the functions of any international airport, including: -A fully functional ATC with specific Approach, Departure, Ground, and ATIS frequencies. -Both runways have ILS. -The longest runway 19R/01L (15000ft) has a GPS approach. -Two fuel parking spaces -Two working fuel trucks for all the GA parking spaces and all the gates east of runway 19R/01L -PAPI glide slope indicators for all runways. -Working jetways for all gates east of runway 19r/01L
Posted Jul 18, 2011 16:17 by George Smith
FSX Panel- and Camera Options for Ro-Ro ferry ships
FSX Panel- and Camera Options for Ro-Ro ferry ships
1.96Mb (1975 downloads)
FSX Panel- and camera options with a car loaded ferry deck. It is for the Ro-Ro ferry ships from Andrew Randall. A total of 11 cameras (4 new ones) allows you to explore the ship: Stand at different places at the bridge, at the sundeck, see the loading deck for vehicles with animated Ro-ro sternhatch or 2 external views. Configuration and bitmaps by Erwin Welker
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Posted Jul 18, 2011 04:23 by Erwin Welker