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FSX > Page 1458
Hidden Splendor Airfield Utah
0.13Mb (505 downloads)
This is an actual back country dirt strip near Goblin Valley Utah. The airport ID is HSA. It was created from scratch by Andy Haws using Airport Design Editor 9x. The approach from the south through the canyon is a nice challenge.
Posted Mar 3, 2011 17:57 by Andy Haws
KOGD - Ogden-Hinckley Airport
0.17Mb (1026 downloads)
KOGD - Ogden-Hinckley Airport in Ogden Utah has had some changes to runways, taxiways and some new facilities. I have updated the default airport to reflect these. Major changes include reduced runway length of runway 7-25, extended taxiway A to parallel runway 3-21, addition of Kemp Jet Center and modification to Instrument Approaches. Also added some parking and helipads. All editing was done by Andy Haws with the use of Airport Design Editor 9x.
Posted Mar 3, 2011 16:13 by Andy Haws
JustflightBeech Duchess N25B textures
JustflightBeech Duchess N25B textures
2.18Mb (182 downloads)
Real textures N25B for the payware JustFlight Beechcraft BE76 Duchess
Posted Mar 3, 2011 15:58 by Jean-Luc Peters
FSX B 206b ITV News (UK) Textures
4.09Mb (432 downloads)
FSX B 206b ITV News(UK)Textures. ITV is a UK news channel. Textures for the default FSX B206 by Shikatty Skinning
Posted Mar 3, 2011 13:50 by
FS9/FSX Alpha Future Lynx Updated
FS9/FSX Alpha Future Lynx Updated
15.82Mb (7741 downloads)
This is an update for FS9/FSX of the Alphasim Westland Future Lynx. I have updated the flight dynamics, added the fourth wheel, added a scrape point, and did my best to make it easier to fly without taking away the challenge of it being a helicopter. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Mar 3, 2011 10:47 by Bob Chicilo
A319-100 Scandinavian Airlines
A319-100 Scandinavian Airlines
19.29Mb (5624 downloads)
A319-100 Scandinavian Airlines. Uses the default A321 virtual cockpit. Model by Project Airbus with paint by Jeffrey S. Bryner.
Posted Mar 3, 2011 07:57 by simon
Boeing  747-400f Cargo Package
Boeing  747-400f Cargo Package
62.44Mb (6505 downloads)
Boeing 747-400F Cargo package. Includes Air France Cargo Air, China Cargo and Cathay Pacific Cargo. Uses default 747 VC.
Posted Mar 3, 2011 07:43 by daniel
BAC 1-11-200
BAC 1-11-200
45.49Mb (3076 downloads)
FSX-SP2 compatible BAC 1-11-200. Dee Waldron's freeware FS2002/FS2004 BAC 1-11-200 for AI made compatible and flyable in FSX-SP2 with Steven Persson's freeware PWJT8D sound and Pasquale Rinaldi's freeware MD-90 panel (no VC). Repainted in the real world International Air Transport Association's fictional livery, the Miami Regional Office's fictional BAC 1-11 flies the Carribean and Central America working to keep various airlines and government's aviation endeavors all playing on the same page. Landing gear contact points adjusted and engine smoke added. Easy installation. Painted, adjusted, smoked, and compiled by Tom Tiedman.
Posted Mar 3, 2011 06:48 by Tom Tiedman
Avro Vulcan 2D panel
Avro Vulcan 2D panel
1.97Mb (1867 downloads)
2D panel (not VC) for the Avro Vulcan bomber. This aircraft was designed in the fifties during the cold war for the Royal Air Force (first flight in 1953) and was a long range atomic bomber. You can use this model (originaly FS2004/FS2002) : (you just have to replace the panel. All original gauges for FSX compatibility. I have added an autopilot more convenient than the original one. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 3, 2011 04:44 by Philippe Wallaert
Boeing  757-200 Package with virtual cockpit
Boeing  757-200 Package with virtual cockpit
66.38Mb (16483 downloads)
Boeing 757-200 package with virtual cockpit. Model by Project Opensky. Liveries include Iceland Air, Air 2000 and United Airlines
Posted Mar 3, 2011 04:08 by dainel