FSX > Page 1470

0.11Mb (1300 downloads)
FSX-SP2 compatible engine smoke effect for the
CalClassic Convair 580, which you must have
previously installed in FSX. I obtained good
engine smoke results in FSX-SP2 using the
Convair 580 "cccv580fsxsp2.zip" file, which
is Bjoern Kesten's FSX-SP2 update of the
CalClassic Convair 580. Easy installation.
By Tom Tiedman
Posted Feb 13, 2011 10:30 by Tom Tiedman

40.72Mb (13772 downloads)
CalClassic's Convair 580 for FSX SP2/Acceleration. This FSX Native conversion and enhancement of CalClassic's Convair 580 model.
The basic mesh is back from FS2002 days and got improvements over time, but it never really arrived in the FSX world.
I've always liked the Cv-580 for its paddle props, performance and the "1970s regional airline from the USA" feel, so I've asked Tom Gibson of CalClassic for the latest GMax source files of the model.
After a long process that was way more than a conversion, you're still stuck with the same basic model, but with many, mostly smaller enhancements and fixes.
It's not perfect at all, but I did what I deemed being feasible and I think the model is just fine now.
The VC rain and the wipers are actually more of an experiment that I left in because it simply looks cool and, for one of the few times in FSX, gives the wipers an actual purpose instead of just wiping for the looks.
Posted Feb 13, 2011 10:20 by Bjoern Kesten

5.17Mb (477 downloads)
Updated textures. Pomair Ostend textures for the FS2002, FS9, and FSX DC-6B aircraft by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson available at Calclassic.com. Textures by Gary Harper.
here (external link)
Posted Feb 12, 2011 19:52 by Gary Harper

5.52Mb (6759 downloads)
This is my second update of the FS9 Wright
Flyer. I have redone the flight dynamics and
added a trim gauge to the panel. This does
work in FSX as well as FS9. The aircraft now
acts more like a normal aircraft so it can be
flown by more people without too many
problems. If you want hard, keep the
original, or even my first update of it. This
is the whole aircraft.
Posted Feb 12, 2011 13:35 by Bob Chicilo

9.64Mb (2980 downloads)
US Airways Express repaint for Brett Henderson's excellent FSX-only Saab 340. Textures only - requires original package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 12, 2011 13:35 by Christian Silvers

9.70Mb (2002 downloads)
United Express repaint for Brett Henderson's excellent FSX-only Saab 340. Textures only - requires original package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 12, 2011 13:32 by Christian Silvers

9.76Mb (2323 downloads)
United-Continental merger livery repaint for Brett Henderson's excellent FSX-only Saab 340. Textures only - requires original package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 12, 2011 13:29 by Christian Silvers

10.01Mb (2742 downloads)
REX - Regional Express repaint for Brett Henderson's excellent FSX-only Saab 340. Textures only - requires original package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 12, 2011 13:26 by Christian Silvers

9.41Mb (2653 downloads)
Flybe repaint for Brett Henderson's excellent FSX-only Saab 340. Textures only - requires original package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 12, 2011 13:21 by Christian Silvers

9.38Mb (2867 downloads)
Delta Connection repaint for Brett Henderson's excellent FSX-only Saab 340. Textures only - requires original package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 12, 2011 13:16 by Christian Silvers