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FSX > Page 1476
Ask21 D-1481 HD-Textures
Ask21 D-1481 HD-Textures
3.33Mb (1766 downloads)
HD-Textures (4096) only for the ASK21 by Wolfgang Piper in the colours of the D-1481, owned by the German-American-Sailing-Club in Traben-Trarbach, Germany. Made by Marius Kramer. (My first HD-Textures so enjoy!). Textures for FSX only.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 1, 2011 13:02 by archive
Republic F-105D Thunderchief Package Redux
Republic F-105D Thunderchief Package Redux
7.25Mb (5592 downloads)
FSX Republic F-105D Thunderchief Package Redux. Ex Alphasim payware released as freeware for FS2004. Adapted for FSX by Danny Garnier. The Mach 2 'Thud' first flew in 1955 and was intended as a tactical nuclear bomber. It excelled however in the all-weather strike role during the Vietnam conflict, where the type was used intensively to protect the bombers from the SAM threat. The F-105D was the standard single-seat model used by the USAF in many varied strike roles through out its service. The 354TFS\/355TFW were based at Takhli RTAB (Thailand) from early on in the Vietnam War. Original model by Alphasim. Modified by Danny Garnier.
Posted Feb 1, 2011 08:40 by GARNIER D
Flight 1 BN-2 Islander Alaska Air Commuter Textures
Flight 1 BN-2 Islander Alaska Air Commuter Textures
10.33Mb (995 downloads)
Flight1 BN-2A fictional Alaska Air Commuter textures. There are two sets of textures in this file. One set is mip-mapped textures and one is not. You must have the payware Flight1 BN-2 Islander to use these textures. Hope you enjoy!
Posted Feb 1, 2011 03:47 by Mike Graybeal (TRflyman01)
FS2004/FSX IL-18 D Malev and others
14.82Mb (4653 downloads)
IL-18D for FS2004/FSX Includes five paints, Malev, Cubana de Aviacion old colors, Cubana de Aviacion classic colors, Aerocaribbean and a white template for repainters. This model is a full work and it flight model is very accurate to the real one. Has 2d panel but no VC. Spanish/English manuals. By Edgar Guinart, Malex textures by T.Feri
Posted Jan 31, 2011 16:25 by T.Feri
Alphasim UH-60_clean Repaints
32.63Mb (2841 downloads)
Two repaints for the Alphasim UH-60 clean model. These depict a standard olive drab and desert tan blackhawk. No "kfor", No tanks,........just good 'ol "US Army", some color, and a little bit of wear
Posted Jan 30, 2011 22:43 by Steven Dean
Ditch Mod for the Kingair 350
3.69Mb (1697 downloads)
Find the Sullenburger in you! Now you can water land the default King Air 350.
Posted Jan 30, 2011 21:07 by FSROCKS
Nowy Targ (EPNT) Aerodrome Scenery Package
Nowy Targ (EPNT) Aerodrome Scenery Package
62.55Mb (2450 downloads)
Detailed scenery of the aerodrome in Nowy Targ, located N of beautiful Tatra Mountains close to the border between Poland and Slovakia. Contains phototexture with seasonal variations, custom landmarks including TV tower on Gubalowka mountain, Giewont cross and more. Authors: Marek M. Misiewicz, Bartlomiej Chyc, Lukasz Kubacki, Dawid Andraszewski.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 19:00 by Lukasz Kubacki
Skybus Airbus A319-112
Skybus Airbus A319-112
87.55Mb (3897 downloads)
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you another famous creation; the Skybus A319. Skybus went bankrupt a few years ago, but I know there are many people who miss and love this plane, so I decided to recreate it and possibly better it. This aircraft uses the default A321 vc, excellent flight dynamics, awesome soundset, wingviews, and much more. Presented by ace_pilot_rob. Original model by Project Airbus.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 18:58 by Rob "Ace_Pilot_Rob" McAlister and Kriss "AvationMadman" Armstrong
Mitsubishi Betty Bomber
Mitsubishi Betty Bomber
4.82Mb (3198 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Mitsubishi G4M1 “Betty” bomber Codenamed 'Betty' by the Allies, the Mitsubishi G4M long-range medium bomber remained in service with the Japanese navy from the first to the last day of the war. It was a surprisingly agile aircraft with a long range. Used to deliver a varied payload, ranging from single torpedo to multiple bombs. It’s missions were many and varied. In truth it was often sent where 4 engined bombers should have flown. Three versions are included. Original mdl by Stuart Green. Upgraded to FS2004/FSX by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 13:21 by A.F.Scrub
FSX Vickers Viking Package
FSX Vickers Viking Package
21.98Mb (3625 downloads)
FSX Vickers Viking. Version 1.0. A completely new model of the Vickers Viking, a British airliner of the immediate postwar years.The Viking served with BEA and many other airlines until the middle of the 1960's. Three variants (Viking 1A, 1 and 1B) with textures for BEA (three variants), SAS, DDL, Airwork, BWIA and Indian National Airways are included. This is for FSX; FS2004 users should download instead. By Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 05:30 by Jens B. Kristensen