FSX > Page 1476

3.33Mb (1766 downloads)
HD-Textures (4096) only for the ASK21 by Wolfgang Piper in the colours of the D-1481, owned by the German-American-Sailing-Club in Traben-Trarbach, Germany. Made by Marius Kramer. (My first HD-Textures so enjoy!). Textures for FSX only.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 1, 2011 13:02 by archive

7.25Mb (5592 downloads)
FSX Republic F-105D Thunderchief Package Redux. Ex Alphasim payware released as freeware for FS2004. Adapted for FSX by Danny Garnier. The Mach 2 'Thud' first flew in 1955 and was intended as a tactical nuclear bomber. It excelled however in the all-weather strike role during the Vietnam conflict, where the type was used intensively to protect the bombers from the SAM threat. The F-105D was the standard single-seat model used by the USAF in many varied strike roles through out its service. The 354TFS\/355TFW were based at Takhli RTAB (Thailand) from early on in the Vietnam War. Original model by Alphasim. Modified by Danny Garnier.
Posted Feb 1, 2011 08:40 by GARNIER D

10.33Mb (995 downloads)
Flight1 BN-2A fictional Alaska Air Commuter textures.
There are two sets of textures in this file. One set is mip-mapped textures and one is not. You must have the payware Flight1 BN-2 Islander to use these textures.
Hope you enjoy!
Posted Feb 1, 2011 03:47 by Mike Graybeal (TRflyman01)

14.82Mb (4653 downloads)
IL-18D for FS2004/FSX Includes five paints, Malev, Cubana de Aviacion old colors, Cubana de Aviacion classic colors, Aerocaribbean and a white template for repainters. This model is a full work and it flight model is very accurate to the real one. Has 2d panel but no VC. Spanish/English manuals. By Edgar Guinart, Malex textures by T.Feri
Posted Jan 31, 2011 16:25 by T.Feri

32.63Mb (2841 downloads)
Two repaints for the Alphasim UH-60 clean model. These depict a standard olive drab and desert tan blackhawk. No "kfor", No tanks,........just good 'ol "US Army", some color, and a little bit of wear
Posted Jan 30, 2011 22:43 by Steven Dean

3.69Mb (1697 downloads)
Find the Sullenburger in you! Now you can water land the default King Air 350.
Posted Jan 30, 2011 21:07 by FSROCKS

62.55Mb (2450 downloads)
Detailed scenery of the aerodrome in Nowy Targ, located N of beautiful Tatra Mountains close to the border between Poland and Slovakia. Contains phototexture with seasonal variations, custom landmarks including TV tower on Gubalowka mountain, Giewont cross and more. Authors: Marek M. Misiewicz, Bartlomiej Chyc, Lukasz Kubacki, Dawid Andraszewski.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 19:00 by Lukasz Kubacki

87.55Mb (3897 downloads)
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you another famous creation; the Skybus A319. Skybus went bankrupt a few years ago, but I know there are many people who miss and love this plane, so I decided to recreate it and possibly better it. This aircraft uses the default A321 vc, excellent flight dynamics, awesome soundset, wingviews, and much more. Presented by ace_pilot_rob. Original model by Project Airbus.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 18:58 by Rob "Ace_Pilot_Rob" McAlister and Kriss "AvationMadman" Armstrong

4.82Mb (3198 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Mitsubishi G4M1 “Betty” bomber
Codenamed 'Betty' by the Allies, the Mitsubishi G4M long-range medium bomber remained in service with the Japanese navy from the first to the last day of the war. It was a surprisingly agile aircraft with a long range. Used to deliver a varied payload, ranging from single torpedo to multiple bombs. It’s missions were many and varied. In truth it was often sent where 4 engined bombers should have flown. Three versions are included. Original mdl by Stuart Green. Upgraded to FS2004/FSX by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 13:21 by A.F.Scrub

21.98Mb (3625 downloads)
FSX Vickers Viking. Version 1.0. A completely new model of the Vickers Viking, a British airliner of the immediate postwar years.The Viking served with BEA and many other airlines until the middle of the 1960's. Three variants (Viking 1A, 1 and 1B) with textures for BEA (three variants),
SAS, DDL, Airwork, BWIA and Indian National Airways are included. This is for FSX; FS2004 users should download Viking_10.zip instead. By Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Jan 29, 2011 05:30 by Jens B. Kristensen