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FSX > Page 1506
Airbus 320 Pack
10.95Mb (4652 downloads)
Airbus 320 Pack including VC and several liveries. Model by FS Painter. Uploaded by Andres Castaneda
Posted Nov 25, 2010 19:14 by Andres Castaneda
Boeing 737-800 Wachanko Airlines Textures
7.47Mb (485 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 Wachanko Airlines Textures for the default FSX Boeing 737-800.
Posted Nov 25, 2010 18:25 by Andres CastaƱeda
Experimental Flight UHU559
Experimental Flight UHU559
1.27Mb (2234 downloads)
Late in 1943 the lastest version of the Junkers 290 made an experimental Flight to test new engines and landing gear. Captain Upsherfulf comanded it for his experience in the Russian Front with dive bombers was made into a movie. The flight made all its stops with no problems but somehow it was never seen again...Fly the route he took and try to find out what happened to the plane and the crew...really strange.
Posted Nov 25, 2010 16:18 by Gera Godoy C
Curtiss R3C  Floatplane Racer
Curtiss R3C  Floatplane Racer
7.72Mb (1893 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Curtiss R3C biplane racer Curtiss-built biplanes that equipped fighter units of the Air corps and Navy during the 1920's and 30's were inspired by the air racing during the early 1930's. In 1925 the U.S. Army and Navy ordered from the Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company aircraft of basically the same design but with individual variations. The R3C variants ran away with first place in both trophy races in that same year. One of them also established a straightaway speed record for seaplanes of 245.7 mph. Source included. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Nov 25, 2010 14:31 by A.F.Scrub
MiG-25 Foxbat Adapted for FSX
MiG-25 Foxbat Adapted for FSX
12.76Mb (10308 downloads)
MiG-25 Foxbat. This is an old Alpha Simulations ex payware model originally for FS2004/2002. Developed to counter the Lockheed A-12, the MiG-25 Foxbat is capable of 1864 mph at optimum altitude. The first prototype first flew in 1964 and series production commenced in 1969. The type is still in service in several of the once Soviet-aligned states. Modified for FSX with XML gauges included in the 2d panel and VC by Danny Garnier.
Posted Nov 25, 2010 12:27 by GARNIER D
KAGC Allegheny County Airport. West Mifflin, PA
0.14Mb (449 downloads)
FSX KAGC Allegheny County Airport. West Mifflin, PA. This scenery is for FSX SP2 only. Complete new scenery with all new buildings from FSX SP2. All runway data and ILS correct from AIRNAV resource. Added Extras for a full working airport. Made using ADE. No extra files needed. Created by: Rob Touchtone
Posted Nov 25, 2010 06:14 by Rob Touchtone
F-35A Wartime Textures
F-35A Wartime Textures
2.95Mb (1321 downloads)
These textures change Dino Cattaneo's F-35A from peacetime to wartime weapons colors. Also added is a texture.cfg so you have more options in employing this partial repaint. Work by Josef of
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 25, 2010 04:02 by Josef of
Update for Vol. 2 Doherty's Difficult & Dangerous Approaches
Update for Vol. 2 Doherty's Difficult & Dangerous Approaches
1.15Mb (1329 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of Volume 2 of Doherty's Difficult & Dangerous Approaches. Contains a series of dangerous approaches. The pictures in the Bhojpur Pics folder are there to show you why the airport had a star for difficulty in FS9. In FSX, Bhojpur is probably close to how it looks in the real world. Any aircraft needing it, I changed to ones that are default in FSX. I also changed a few other things to my preferences. Like the outside view to locked spot. All flights start on pause, as that is how I changed things and left the aircraft starting position almost exactly where the original flights began.
Posted Nov 24, 2010 10:02 by Bob Chicilo
FSX/FS2004 Martin PBM-5A and 3D Mariner Package
FSX/FS2004 Martin PBM-5A and 3D Mariner Package
23.94Mb (7476 downloads)
Martin PBM-5A and 3D Mariner Package. Works in both FS2004 and FSX. The Martin Model 162 Mariner was a larger, more capable flying boat than the far more popular consolidated PBY Catalina. The first PBM-1 flew in 1939, and underwent many design changes -- including the adoption of a dihedral in the tail design -- to overcome flight performance and stability issues. PBM-3s were delivered from 1942-44 in a variety of configurations, including anti-submarine, transport, and patrol versions. The final variant, the PBM-5, used the 2,100 HP Pratt & Whitney R-2800 engine, and was given amphibious capabilities. In all, 1,366 of all types were built, with production ceasing in 1949. The last PBM was retired in 1956, but the type continued in Coast Guard duty and with other nations for many years afterward. FSX thumbs added and panel tweaked by Soaring Falcon. Ex Payware from Alphasim.
Posted Nov 24, 2010 09:09 by Soaring Falcon
French Navy Default Douglas DC3 textures
French Navy Default Douglas DC3 textures
0.43Mb (706 downloads)
French Navy textures only for the FSX default DC3.
Posted Nov 24, 2010 05:42 by Henry Rastouil