FSX > Page 1511

1.46Mb (2938 downloads)
Global Freightways textures only for Tom Ruth's AN124 package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 14, 2010 12:53 by FSROCKS

0.00Mb (2008 downloads)
Additionnal views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for
the beautiful Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker by Premier Aircraft Design.
7 cameras pointing at the aircraft and 3 additional cameras inside. See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures. Also included is a text file that contains the new camera definitions. Enjoy !
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 14, 2010 10:06 by Marc Renaud

0.00Mb (3460 downloads)
Additionnal views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for
the beautiful C130J-30 Super Hercules by Premier Aircraft Design.
4 cameras pointing at the aircraft and 3 additional cameras inside. See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures. Also included is a text file that contains the new camera definitions. Enjoy !
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 14, 2010 10:03 by Marc Renaud

0.11Mb (997 downloads)
FSX KAUS Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. Austin, TX.
This scenery is for FSX SP2 only.
This updates all gates and parking. All jetways are visible and work.
Correct gates for current airlines and Cargo ramps.
Added Extras for a full working airport.
Made using ADE. No extra files needed.
Created by: Rob Touchtone
Posted Nov 14, 2010 04:50 by Rob Touchtone

5.39Mb (243 downloads)
Texture update for Chippy Ho!
You must first delete old textures folder first
then install using ACM
Posted Nov 13, 2010 20:20 by Zebulun"Zebie"Wright

0.00Mb (987 downloads)
Additionnal views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for
the beautiful Mitsubishi MU-2 Marquise by Premier Aircraft Design.
4 cameras pointing at the aircraft and 3 additional cameras inside. See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures. Also included is a text file that contains the new camera definitions. Enjoy !
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 13, 2010 18:33 by Marc Renaud

0.59Mb (1184 downloads)
This is a scenery of Antartic air base. This is a update of default FSX scenery modified by Airport Facilitor X with a satellite's images to create a real sizes of runways, taxiways and parking.
Posted Nov 13, 2010 18:01 by Andrew

0.00Mb (522 downloads)
Additionnal views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for
the beautiful Britten-Norman Trislander by Premier Aircraft Design.
4 cameras pointing at the aircraft and 2 additional cameras inside. See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures. Also included is a text file that contains the new camera definitions. Enjoy !
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 13, 2010 17:38 by Marc Renaud

11.01Mb (1647 downloads)
This airport MSSS was developed using ADEX v1.47, and tested using FSXA Acceleration. I took the default FSX MSSS and enhanced almost everything visible within the airport boundary fence. I also added some airport and land vehicles and lots of extras to populate the ground. Since Ilopango is a Military Airport, I added armored vehicles, static fighter jets, static military helicopters and even military personnel (watch them closely because they are also watching around, i.e. they are moving). Also added are static DC3s and a grave-yard B737 along but safely away from Rwy 09/27. I put a parking lot outside main terminal facing main apron including parked cars and I included some buildings, e.g. a fast-food restaurant, small hotel. Make sure you look around the airport while taxing to enjoy all the eye candy on the ground. MSSS-Ilopango Intl Upgrade by Jamagn.
Posted Nov 13, 2010 16:33 by Jamagn

65.71Mb (35580 downloads)
F-35 JSF Joint Strike Fighter Package. Developed by Iris Simulations as payware back in 2005 for FS2004. Released as freeware and no longer supported. The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a family of fifth-generation, single-seat, single-engine stealth multirole fighters. When it enters service it will be the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world, performing ground attack, reconnaissance, and air defense missions. The F-35 has three main models; one is a conventional takeoff and landing variant, the second is a short take off and vertical-landing variant, and the third is a carrier-based variant. Works in FSX too without problems. Very high quality ex payware. Fully functioning VC, highly detailed model with verticle takeoff capability. FSX thumbnails. Multiple models and liveries.
Posted Nov 13, 2010 10:11 by Chris Evans