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FSX > Page 1552
FSX Cessna 404 Titan Air Ambulance
FSX Cessna 404 Titan Air Ambulance
13.23Mb (7739 downloads)
FSX Cessna 404 Titan. This is "Hope Flite I.C.U.", a state of the art, mobile airborne pediatric medi-lift life flight trauma center/surgical suite/intensive care unit specializing in serving the emergency medical needs of pregnant mothers, infants, and toddlers. From airborne births to airborne organ transplants, and every emergency medical need in between, "Tot Hopper-1" gets up and at it to get the job done! Modified and approved for continuous full throttle flight (sure your engines will smoke a bit, but little Timmy needs that new heart NOW! So put the pedal to the metal, Jack)! Cross the threshold at full throttle, deploy full flaps and cut the gas! Touchdown mid-runway and SLAM THOSE BRAKES! Screech to the end of the runway where the ambulance will meet you. Skids, sideswipes and gutterballs approved! But buddy, you better not bounce it, OR ELSE! And listen up, mister... whatever you do, DO NOT BE LATE! This is the Henry Tomkiewicz freeware FS2004 Cessna 404 Titan, made flyable in FSX by adding the default Baron panel and sound, an FSX-SP2 suitable propeller, adjusting the landing gear contact points for FSX, adding an engine smoke effect suitable for FSX (press your "I" key), and painting as an airborne ambulance. Also includes Henry's blank white model, flyable as well. Located in your airplane menu under "Cessna". By Tom Tiedman
Posted Aug 29, 2010 04:18 by Tom Tiedman
Tampa Bay Rays Boeing 737-800wl
17.97Mb (1427 downloads)
Boeing 737-800WL painted in fictional "Tampa Bay Rays" colors. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Aug 28, 2010 16:09 by Gabriel Guzman
Lockheed L188 Electra 2D panel
Lockheed L188 Electra 2D panel
2.04Mb (3174 downloads)
2D panel (no VC) for the Lockheed L188 Electra aircraft. All original gauges in xml for a better compatibility with FSX. Based on real pictures and adapted (autopilot) to get it more flyable. See instructons in the readme.txt file.
Posted Aug 28, 2010 12:34 by Philippe Wallaert
Lockheed VP-3A Catbird Package
Lockheed VP-3A Catbird Package
45.16Mb (17391 downloads)
FSX Lockheed VP-3A Catbird Package. This is the full aircraft, complete with VC and additional textures. Original model by FS KBT. Updated to FSX by Shane Reilly and Bob Familton. Additional textures by Jens-Ole Kjolberg and Nobu Aki. This model includes the fix.
Posted Aug 28, 2010 07:15 by uploader
Congo School of Aviation..NavExams
Congo School of Aviation..NavExams
1.30Mb (2536 downloads)
The Congo School of Aviation is offering for this week only four exams for pilots who want to qualify for the 'Jungle Bush Pilot' certificate. Bring your own plane and get a discount at the school's Motel. You must have a pilot's licence from somewhere which can be checked. The exams will prove to you and the School Masters that you can muster the rigors of flying around jungles and out of the way places with some type of safety to your cargo and passengers if you take any sometime in the future. Milika Urtu, chief pilot in residence will check you out. Be ready to start early and do bring a certified Bank's check to pay in advance. Welcome to the Congo dudes.....
Posted Aug 27, 2010 16:30 by Gera Godoy Canova
AI Essex carrier USS Leyte CV-32
2.78Mb (2943 downloads)
View enlarged thumbnail Freeware AI Essex carrier USS Leyte CV-32 for FSX Acceleration - by Michael Davies Writeup and Upload completed by James D. Smith Essex class carrier USS Leyte CV-32 Korea 1950 Beta version for freeware use only.
Posted Aug 27, 2010 14:42 by dominikx
AI Essex carrier USS Yorktown
3.36Mb (3764 downloads)
Freeware AI Essex carrier USS Yorktown 1944-45 for FSX Acceleration - by Michael Davies Uploaded and Writeup completed by James D. Smith - USS Yorktown CV-10 September 44 - Jan 45
Posted Aug 27, 2010 14:19 by dominikx
Dublin 2010 Update
0.99Mb (1960 downloads)
FSX Dublin 2010 Update Ireland. Update to previous scenery release of Dublin airport. Updates: overspill parking, extended cargo area, gate 36 enlargened to accommodate Aer Lingus A333 and real life line up for Runway 16. By Padraic O hEithir.
Posted Aug 27, 2010 02:50 by Padraic O hEithir
Katie's Lagoon Bush Scenery
0.69Mb (764 downloads)
Katie's Lagoon (Flathead Lake Marina and Campground) Float Plane Landing Strip (MTKL) This scenery was designed with a clean install of FSX with no addons such as Ultimate Terrain, so if you have such addons objects may appear where they were not intended to be. Katie's Lagoon is a fictitous place located east of "S27", Kalispell City Airport on the north shore of Flathead Lake. It features cabins, marinas, float plane dock and helipad and many other candies to spruce up your FSX world. The water runway has start points and is visible on your GPS as MTKL. There is an NDB "ADF" on a frequency of 224.0 and has a range of 55 nautical miles.
Posted Aug 26, 2010 10:30 by uploader
FSX Boeing 737-800 Default Airlines Livery Makeover Set 5
FSX Boeing 737-800 Default Airlines Livery Makeover Set 5
16.53Mb (2616 downloads)
The fifth and final set of new repaints for the FSX default airlines. This set is Soar Airlines "Summer Special" livery and World Travel "See You Soon" livery. Both feature new scratch-built airline logos as well. Repainted by Adrian Monk.
Posted Aug 26, 2010 10:00 by Adrian Monk